Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4771: Gulin kills

Since Gu Fei's cultivation was restored to the eternal realm, there was no place he couldn't go as long as he wanted to go to these heavens and myriad realms.

Moreover, he also mastered the heavens and the world wheel. In theory, he could use the heavens and the world wheel to move freely among the heavens and the world.

The little flying fairyland, naturally, can't trouble him.

Flying fairy land is not simple, the integrity of the law of heaven and earth is higher than outside, and Heitian is the best choice to hit the extreme realm in the flying fairy land.

Moreover, it is relatively easier to hit the extreme realm in the human world that has just been repaired by myself than in other places.

Because when Gu Fei was in the Way of Patching Heaven, he was tantamount to refining the Heavenly Way in the human world, and the Heavenly Way imprints left by those powerhouses in the Heavenly Way who crossed the Extreme Way and Heavenly Tribulation were almost refined by him.

After seeing Heitian without any problems, Gu Fei left Feixiandi.

He came directly to the place where the ancestral veins of Ziwei's ancestors were located, the top of the sacred mountain of Ziwei, he sat on the top of the sacred mountain, and then took out the wheels of the heavens.

On the wheels of the heavens and ten thousand worlds, a series of subtle cracks are still obvious, this ancestor world's supreme Taoist tool is still lacking!

This supreme Taoist artifact is an eternal Taoist artifact. Before Gu Fei became the eternal supreme, he had no ability to repair this treasure.

But now it's different.

He directly urged the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms Wheel, directly set the ground as a furnace tripod, attracted the Nine Heavens True Fire, and directly repaired the Heaven and Thousand Realms Wheel on the top of the sacred mountain of Ziwei.

Soon, the cracks on the wheels of the heavens and myriad worlds that were thrown into the furnace cauldron gradually disappeared.

"what is that……"

Gu Fei refining the weapon on the top of the sacred mountain of Ziwei, drawing the true fire of the nine heavens, and there was a vision of heaven and earth directly, and the sacred fire of nine colors descended from the sky and fell on the top of the mountain.

The monk cultivating near the sacred mountain of Ziwei was immediately alarmed.

"There is someone on the top of the mountain..."

A quasi-extreme powerhouse exclaimed.

The top of the sacred mountain of Ziwei is not something you can go to. The top of the sacred mountain has been protected by various forbidden laws by the powerful in the past.

If these prohibitions are touched, you will lose half your life if you don’t die.

"Bull guy, who is that guy?"

Someone exclaimed.

"It's him?"

An elder of the Ji family happened to retreat nearby. When he saw the figure on the top of the sacred mountain, he was almost scared to pee, and he turned and left.

Soon, the news that Gu Fei was on the sacred mountain of Ziwei spread.

One after another mysterious and powerful figures appeared near the sacred mountain of Ziwei.


After more than three hours, the top of the sacred mountain of Ziwei suddenly exploded with a shocking aura. Under this aura, the Supreme Dao Supreme would be panicked.


The heaven and earth oven has disappeared, and the heavens and the world wheel are suspended in the void. This is the indispensable heaven and the world wheel, exuding a frightening atmosphere.

This is a breath of eternity grade, a wisp of it can suppress the heavens.

Gu Fei directly beckoned and took away the wheels of the heavens in the sky, and the big figures near the sacred mountain of Ziwei breathed a sigh of relief.

When they came back to their senses, they found that Gu Fei had long since disappeared.

"Why have you been there for so long?"

Back at the inn, Yan'er asked.

"I went to the sacred mountain of Ziwei and repaired the wheels of all heavens."

Gu Fei said.

"Repaired the wheels of the heavens?"

Yan'er couldn't help being overjoyed when she heard the words, she actually wanted to see other worlds a long time ago.

"Father, are we leaving now?"

Gu Ling said.

"Well! Let's go to Zhou Zuxing first."

Gu Fei waved his sleeves as he spoke, and a group of eternal light immediately enveloped their family. The next moment, their family instantly disappeared into the void.

The distance between Ziwei Zuxing and Buzhou Zuxing is hundreds of millions of miles, but Gu Fei was just a thought, and he took Yan'er and Gu Ling to the starry sky outside Buzhou Zuxing.

Just when Gu Fei left Ziwei Zuxing, Ji Changkong began to act.

After knowing Gu Fei's attitude, he went straight back to the ancestor worship ground, summoned the entire Ji clan high-level, in the ancestral hall, under a large crowd, asked Ji Huang to pass on the position of Patriarch to himself.

The five veterans of the Ji clan who originally supported the Emperor Ji, this time their attitude has undergone a big change of 180 degrees, and they even supported Ji Changkong.

Ji Changkong received the support of the five veterans, and others naturally did not dare to object.

Moreover, Emperor Ji had to bow his head, because Gu Fei was on the Ziwei Zuxing star, Gu Fei was here, and the entire Ji clan, in Gu Fei's eyes, was not even a hair.

If Gu Fei wanted to destroy the Ji Clan, he didn't need to do anything. Naturally, someone would destroy the Ji Clan for him.

Although Emperor Ji was unwilling to do so, he had to abdicate.

Ji Changkong directly sent Emperor Ji to guard the tombs of his ancestors, and he would never return.

The feeling of stomping on Ji Huang fiercely is really cool.

But in a little more than a day, the whole Ziweiji family has changed.

And at this moment, in the depths of the starry sky of the human world, on a star without any life, a middle-aged fat man with a shirtless body was crossing the robbery, and the endless robbery thunder flooded the entire star.

The terrifying aura of destruction swept across all directions, and the whole heaven was trembling.

"Father, you must succeed!"

On another star in the distance, a fat man was standing on a big rock, looking at the middle-aged man who was crossing the catastrophe. That man was not another person, but Gu Zhong.

The person watching Gu Zhongdujie from the side was his precious son Gu Xiaofeng.

The movement of the Extreme Heaven's Tribulation is really too great, the masters in the whole world can sense the breath of the Heaven's Tribulation, and many powerful creatures are watching the show.

And just when Gu Zhong crossed the Tribulation, on Ziwei Zuxing, Hei Tian also triggered the Extreme Tribulation.

At this time, Gu Fei had already taken Yan'er and the others to the southern region of Zu Xing.

At this time, the Six Dao League was attacking Guangcheng Small World.

The entrance of Guangcheng Small World is in a valley, which looks like a valley of chaotic rocks.

At this time, the entire valley was full of figures, and only one elder from the Six Dao League came, and the others were all younger cultivators of the Six Dao League.

They are tempering their disciples.

When Gu Fei sensed all this, he was very upset and the consequences were serious.

Gu Ling landed directly outside the valley entrance.

"Who is here!"

Two people from the Six Dao League jumped out and stopped Gu Ling.

Gu Ling was just a thought, and the two fell to the ground without a sound.

She walked directly into the valley, and wherever she passed, the disciples of the Liudao League all fell to the ground one by one, dying silently and silently.

Invisible sword spirit, killing is invisible!

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