Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4772: Vulnerable

The ancestor of Bu Zhou, the Golden Protoss retired, the Ziyun family announced the closure of the mountain, and the Six Dao League took advantage of the opportunity to rise to fight the ancestor of Bu Zhou, almost making the ancestor of Bu Zhou enter the territory of two thirds.

The limelight of the Six Dao League, on the entire Bu Zhou Ancestral Star, is definitely not comparable to that power.

However, the leader of the Six Paths is not stupid. He did not move the Golden Protoss and Ziyun Clan. These two powers have passed on endless years, and they are the eternal great clans who have been the supreme Dao.

Moreover, the reason why the Golden Protoss and the Ziyun family retired one by one, and the other closed the mountain, that was because they had gained great fortune in the Primal Chaos Palace.

After the golden goddess came back from the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, she retreated.

The Ziyun brothers and sisters also returned to the Ziyun family, and the Ziyun family then announced that the mountain would not be closed.

Although the two superpowers on the ancestor star do not care about the affairs of the world, they still have a lot of industries to take care of in the world because of their big business.

The leader of the Six Dao League was very clear about the strength of the Six Dao League, and he did not dare to easily move these two families.

However, he didn't dare to move these two big families, but he didn't pay attention to other cultivation forces.

The Six Dao League then began to attack the extraterritorial world, wanting to conquer all the extraterritorial small worlds on the ancestor star.

Before the Liudao League attacked Guangcheng Small World, an extraterritorial small world had already been breached by the Liudao League, and all those who resisted were killed.

The small outside world was also directly taken over by the Six Dao League.

And now, it's Guangcheng's turn.

Fortunately, the entrance of Guangcheng Small World is a bit special, only monks below the holy rank are allowed to enter and exit, and monks above the holy rank are embarrassed.

Even the quasi supreme, dare not to force into a small world.

Because once the passage collapses, even the Quasi-Supreme will be injured. The most terrifying thing is that they will be drawn into the endless chaos, and there will be no way back.

The Six Dao League can only send people below the holy rank to attack the small world of Guangcheng.

At this time, in the valley, Wan Gan, the elder of the Six Dao League, was very depressed. It was already the third day. They attacked a small world for three days and three nights, and still hadn't broken it.

I saw in the depths of the valley, a division gate had already been broken. Behind the division gate was a long passage, behind the passage was Guangcheng Small World.

In front of the Shimen Passage, there were actually corpses. In the Shimen Passage, there were also many corpses. Among these corpses, there were disciples of the Liudao League and Guangcheng Immortal Sect.

The people of the Six Dao League couldn't get in, but the people in Guangcheng's small world couldn't rush out, and the two big forces actually confronted each other.

Just then, the Gu Fei family came.

Gu Ling directly rushed into the valley.

"Little guy, you are looking for death!"

Wan Gan took one step, and slammed towards Gu Ling with a punch, only to see Nine Dragons rushing out of his fist and directly slaughtered Xiang Gu Ling.

Gu Ling sneered, and the next moment, she also punched out.

However, this punch of Gu Ling did not have any power, just like a punch of ordinary people.

The corners of Wan Gan's mouth rose, revealing a trace of disdain.



The two fists collided in an instant, and the next moment, Wan Gan's expression froze.

He only felt a pain in his right hand, and then he couldn't feel his right hand.

Wan Gan hurriedly lowered his head to look, and was frightened. He saw that his entire arm had disappeared, completely clean, without a drop of blood or a piece of ground meat.


Wan Gan stared at Gu Ling viciously. If his eyes could kill people, Gu Ling would not know how many times Wan Gan had killed him.

The valley was silent, and all the doormen of the Six Dao League looked at Gu Ling and Wan Gan dumbly.

"Who is living and reckless now?"

Gu Ling smiled.

"My lord, spare my life!"

Wan Gan directly counseled. He endured the pain of his broken arm and fell to his knees all at once, begging Gu Ling not to kill him.

"What about your backbone, you are also a saint anyway!"

Gu Ling was really speechless.

His life is almost gone, and he is still spineless.

Although Wan Qian was ashamed, he was more worried about his own fate and spine. If he could survive, he would definitely be the most spineless person in the world.

At this time, the hundreds of Six Dao League sects in the valley were in an uproar, and their elder Wan Gan was reduced to the point of asking for mercy?

"Who are you and why are you attacking here."

Gu Ling asked, she had just arrived at Fu Zhou Zuxing and didn't know what had happened.

However, since these people are attacking the small world where the Guangcheng Xian faction is located, these people must be enemies of the Guangcheng Xian faction. Since they are enemies, Gu Ling will not be merciful.

"We are from the Six Dao League..."

Wan did not dare to say anything, and obediently told his origins.

"Six Dao League?"

Gu Ling couldn't help frowning when she heard the words. This name is no stranger to her.

"Let your Six Dao Leaders roll over and see me."

Gu Ling said to Nawan Gan.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Wan Qian quickly took out a propaganda talisman from his body, then put a strand of his own spirit into the propaganda talisman, and then passed the propaganda talisman back to the Liudao League general altar.

"What the **** Wan Gan is doing, he actually asked me to go over, can it be that the small Guangchengxian faction can't beat it?" A voice came from the Six Dao League general altar.

The leader of the Six Dao League did not leave, but sent another elder. This elder was named Yuan Chen, and he had reached the peak of the Holy Venerable.

Only half a step, this Yuanchen can successfully enter the quasi-supreme realm.

"If you two can't take the Guangchengxian faction together, then you don't have to come back. I don't raise waste."

The leader of the Six Paths said coldly.

"Yes, lord leader!"

Yuan Chen led his orders and rushed directly towards the area where the Guangcheng Xian faction was located.

When Yuan Chen came to the neighborhood and entered the valley, his whole person was not well. He saw the most incredible scene, that Wan Gan, who was so arrogant in daily life, was now lying at the feet of someone with a right arm. Gone.

"What's happening here?"

Yuan Chen turned around and wanted to leave.

However, when he turned around, he found that two had blocked his way.

These two people are Gu Fei and Yan'er.

"Get out of here!"

Yuan Chen roared, and directly slapped Gu Fei and Yan'er with a palm, and the powerful palm power instantly enveloped them.

Gu Fei smiled, then snapped his fingers, and all Yuan Chen's attacks were missed. He flew up and smashed directly into the valley.

In front of Gu Fei, the so-called elder of the Six Dao League was actually vulnerable. This made everyone unbelievable, especially those disciples of the Six Dao League who were shocked to the extreme.

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