Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4773: Old people still

Not Zhou Zuxing, outside the entrance of Guangcheng Small World from the outside world, all the disciples of the Six Dao League were dumbfounded at this time.

The two elders who were aloof on weekdays turned out to be like dead dogs, lying on the ground shivering, panic to the extreme.

"My lord, don't kill us."

The elders of the Six Dao League, Wan Gan and Yuan Chen, were begging the three seemingly young people to spare their lives, and they couldn't be counseled anymore.

The disciples of the Six Dao League sects in the valley blushed and embarrassed seeing their elders so embarrassed!

"What's going on, why do you want to attack Guangcheng Small World."

Gu Fei looked at the two guys lying under his feet and said calmly.

"This... Master Hui, this is the decision of the leader."

Wan Gan directly shifted the responsibility to the leader of the Six Daoists, and there was no technical difficulty in this pot.

"Yes, wherever the lord asks us to attack, we have to take orders."

Yuan Chen made up the knife on the side.

"I don't want to kill people today. Take your people and get out. Go back and tell your lord, don't make the idea of ​​Guangchengxian faction."

Gu Fei waved his hand impatiently and said.

"Thank your lord for not killing."

"Thank your lord for not killing."

The two people, Wan Qian and Yuan Chen, were surprised and happy at once, and they finally didn't have to die.

They hurriedly took their men and retreated dingy, they were afraid that Gu Fei would change his mind.

Soon, only Gu Fei's family remained in the entire valley, and no one else was seen.

At this moment, a figure walked out of the Shimen passage deep in the valley.

"Gu Fei, really you?"

The person rushed over with excitement when she saw Gu Fei. When she saw Yan'er and Gu Ling beside Gu Fei, she stopped opposite Gu Fei.

"Li Mengyao?"

Gu Fei was also surprised and delighted when he saw that woman. Guangchengxian sent Li Mengyao, who was famous in the Eastern Territory of the Tenglong ancestor of the human world.

He saw Li Mengyao again, the female style remained the same, but the whole person was more mature, giving people a sense of vicissitudes.

Obviously, Li Mengyao has experienced a lot of things.

Gu Fei also saw Li Mengyao's cultivation level, the realm of the saint.

"She is the father you are looking for?"

Gu Ling looked up and down Li Mengyao, this is a swordsman, compared to the mother, this Li Mengyao is a bit more heroic.

"Father? Is this your daughter?"

Li Mengyao was also looking at Gu Ling. She was surprised to find that she could not see the depth of Gu Ling. It seemed that the woman in front of her was just an ordinary person.

However, she knew how Gu Fei's daughter could be an ordinary person. There was only one explanation, that is, Gu Fei's daughter's cultivation base was far above her.

She never thought that Gu Ling would be a supreme Supreme Being.

"Well, her name is Gu Ling." Gu Fei then glanced at Yan'er beside him and said, "This is my wife Yan'er."


Li Mengyao was in a daze. I didn't think that Gu Fei was married long ago, and his daughter was so old, and his cultivation level was still above him. It seemed that he had missed a lot of things in this life!

After the Guangchengxian faction moved to Buzhou Zuxing, they hid in the small world of Guangcheng to recuperate, and they ignored everything outside.

When they are born again, the outside world has long been a duo.

"Shall we go in and sit down?"

Gu Fei was relieved when he found the Guangcheng Xian Sect. The Three Dadao Gate and Taixuan Gate had been rebuilt. Now the Guangcheng Xian Sect has been found again, and there is still one Shang Qing Sect.

I don't know what happened to Lin Xueer, a ghost spirit back then.

Gu Fei still remembers the scene when Lin Xueer broke through the gate of Taixuan Mountain.

Now, Taixuan Mountain has long been wiped out. Although Li Lingfeng rebuilt the Taixuanmen, today's Taixuanmen is no longer the Taixuanmen of the past.

"Ah! Please come with me!"

Li Mengyao suddenly came back to her senses, her face flushed, and then turned to lead the way.

When they came to Shimen Passage, Li Mengyao stopped.

"This entrance is a bit unusual, only those below the holy rank can enter."

Li Mengyao said embarrassedly.

"It's okay!"

Gu Fei could see the reality of this passage at a glance. This was just a forbidden method at the Extreme Dao level, and this forbidden method was already somewhat incomplete.

This kind of forbidden method can't stop the true Supreme Dao, and naturally it can't stop Gu Fei, the eternal Supreme.

As soon as Gu Fei said, he walked directly towards Shimen Passage.

Li Mengyao wanted to stop, but Gu Fei had already walked in, and then Li Mengyao was confused, okay? Doesn't it mean that only the creatures below the holy rank can enter?

Gu Ling and Yan'er also walked in.


Li Mengyao was completely dumbfounded.

After she got cold, she hurried to catch up.

The arrival of Gu Fei shocked the Guangchengxian faction, and Lu Shangqing, the leader of the Guangchengxian faction, greeted Guangyuan City thousands of miles away.

That night, Lu Shangqing held a banquet at the City Lord's Mansion of Guangyuan City to entertain the Gu Fei family.

At this time, Gu Fei discovered that the current Guangcheng Immortal School had long since become a duo, and the Xuanyuan Old Monster and others were no longer there.

But I can still see a few familiar faces.

This made Gu Fei a little lost.

However, Lu Shangqing, You Mu and the others were extremely excited. Gu Fei's thigh was thick. As long as he hugged it tightly, why couldn't he bother to revitalize the Guangcheng Immortal School?

They seemed to have seen the scene of the rapid rise of the Guangcheng Xian School.

In the small world of Guangcheng Xianpai, Guangyuan City was full of lights and festivities like a big festival, but the general altar of the Six Dao League was full of gloom.

"You two refuse to have the face to come back?"

The leader of the six realms was angry, and these two guys couldn't even handle the small Guangchengxian faction, which really disappointed him.

"Leader, we have tried our best, and we almost caught our lives. But the opponent is too strong, we can't help it!"

Elder Wan Gan was trembling again, lying under the throne of the main hall.

"Yes, lord leader, I seriously doubt that those three people are the supreme Supreme!"

The elder Yuan Chen said with a mournful face, he, like Wan Gan, immediately stunned when he returned to the Six Dao League General Altar.

"You treat me as stupid, the Three Great Dao Supreme? When did the Three Great Dao Supreme appear on Zhou Zuxing?"

The leader of the six realms really wanted to slap these two wastes to death.

"My lord, we dare to lie to you!"

Wan Qian said with a trembling voice.

"Unreasonable, I will personally go to meet the so-called three extremes in your mouth for a while, if I find that you dare to lie to me, you know the consequences."

The voice of the leader of the Six Daoists was still lingering in the hall, but his figure had disappeared.

The six dao leaders have a very big background. He is a supreme Supreme Dao, who cannot become the Supreme Dao. How dare he fight against the ancestor star of Fuzhou, and lay down two-thirds of the ancestor star of Fuzhou in his life?

In almost an instant, the figure of the leader of the six realms appeared outside the entrance of Guangcheng Small World.

Without thinking about it, he rushed into the small world of Guangcheng.

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