Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4778: This is a miracle

Gu Ling defeated the Supreme Black Flame and the Six Dao Leaders, and the news spread, and the whole ancestor star of Zhou was boiling.

"How is it possible, what is the origin of this supreme?"

The immortal network on the star of Zhou Zu is extremely lively.

The Temple of Heavenly Mystery has gradually established a huge network in the realm of human and heaven, called Xianwang. On the network, countless monks can exchange messages and exchange their cultivation experience.

The monk on Bu Zhou Zuxing hadn't seen Gu Ling.

However, when someone put the image of Gu Ling chasing and killing the leader of the six realms on the fairy net, a monk on the ancestor of Tenglong jumped out.

"Isn't this Gu Ling? Why did you get to Bu Zhou Zuxing?"

A saint-class Xianwang user on Tenglong Zuxing exclaimed.

"What, that woman is Gu Ling? No wonder!"

As soon as the news of the saint-level users came out, the fairy net suddenly became lively, and the scuba diving fairy friends all appeared.

I have to say that the people in the Temple of Heavenly Mystery are really very minded, and they have built a huge fairy net network covering the human world and the heavens.

Being able to apply Immortal Dao to the construction of a communication network is really a big brainstorm, and only these guys in the Temple of Heavenly Mystery can think of this idea of ​​earning cultivation resources.

After these years of discovery, the fairy net has gradually improved, and the Tianji Temple has even installed countless sky eyes in important cities in the human world and the heavens.

This day's eye can play a very good monitoring role, but there are a lot less things to kill and treasure in the heavens and the world.

The Heavenly Mystery Temple has earned a lot of training resources by relying on the fairy net.

"Gu Ling appeared on Zuxing Bu Zhou, then my idol boss Gu Fei, maybe also Zuxing Bu Zhou!"

Someone said on Xiannet.

"It's possible!"

Someone said.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's meet the idol!"

Someone cried.

Communication on Xiannet is anonymous, everyone can speak freely, and no one can track down anything.

Whether in the human world or in the heavens, Gu Fei had super popularity, and soon, the major teleportation arrays on the Zhou Zuxing star continued to light up.

The monks on the ancestor star of other lives flock to the ancestor star of Bu Zhou.

At this time, Gu Fei and Yan'er were still in the small world of Guangcheng, enjoying themselves with the guests and hosts of the Guangcheng Xian Sect.

Lu Shangqing, the leader of the Guangchengxian faction, got Gu Fei's promise to help the Guangchengxian faction return to the ancestor of Tenglong and help the Guangchengxian faction open the mountain gate.

The Guangchengxian faction is naturally extremely happy.

Who wants to stay in this small world for a lifetime? Although there is no worries about food and clothing here, it is impossible to become a real strong person.

Because this small world does not have a complete way of heaven at all, even if it is a monk who is against the sky, like Li Mengyao's two apprentices, even if they have amazing talents, in this small world, they can only cultivate to the holy rank.

It is impossible to go further.

However, the outside world is different. The outside world is a great world without any lack. You can cultivate to the extreme realm and even have the opportunity to attack the eternal realm.

The Guangchengxian faction does not want to be absent when the great age comes.

Gu Fei and Yan'er left the Guangchengxian faction the next day, and then appeared directly in the ancestral land of the Golden Protoss.

When they arrived, the ancestor of the gold clan, the old gold monster and Gu Ling were tasting the Hongmeng tea that the old gold monster had treasured for countless years under a big tree.

This is the tea that is picked from the root of a Hongmeng Ling. It is very helpful for monks to improve their cultivation.

There are not many Hongmeng teas in the collection of Old Monster Gold, and he is usually reluctant to make tea.

"There is a hint of aura, a good thing!"

After taking a sip of tea, Gu Ling only felt that the pores all over his body were relaxed and comfortable. The whole body was warm, as if soaked in warm water.

"Father, mother, why are you here?"

Gulin didn't feel surprised when he looked at his parents who suddenly appeared.

"You are Gu Fei? Can you enjoy your face and drink tea?"

Old Monster Gold looked at Gu Fei and smiled.

"Then bother."

Gu Fei sat down with Yan'er.

The golden boss took out two teacups and filled them up.

"The best Hongmeng tea?"

Gu Fei was a little surprised. He didn't expect this golden boss to still retain this extremely ancient thing.

At this time, on the top of the Golden Sacred Mountain where the Golden Goddess was, the whole mountain was shrouded by lightning after another, and the aura of destruction made everyone's heart palpitating.

The golden goddess spurred her own extreme calamity.

The endless robbery thunder rushed out from the robbery cloud in the sky, and blasted towards the figure sitting on the top of the golden holy mountain below.

No matter how heavy the Lei Tribulation is, they can't hurt the Golden Goddess.

At this time, the golden goddess was completely integrated with the golden sacred mountain, and she was using the power of the golden sacred mountain to contend with the extreme calamity.

And just as the golden goddess crossed the catastrophe, an earth-shattering aura broke out in the depths of the ancestral land of the Ziyun family, and it was not one but two.

Soon, the ancestral land of the Ziyun family was shrouded by Jieyun.

Two extreme heavenly calamities appeared on Bu Zhou Zuxing unexpectedly, which made the whole Bu Zhou Zuxing cultivation world boiled. After the news was never posted on Zhou Zuxing, the entire human world boiled.

On a life ancestor star, two extreme tribulations broke out at the same time. This is absolutely unprecedented. The entire human world, throughout the ages, has never happened before.

However, today, on Bu Zhou Ancestor Star, there have been two extreme catastrophes, which is nothing short of a miracle.

In the past, this was absolutely unimaginable.


Even Gu Fei was a little surprised, but he soon understood that the current human world is different from the previous human world. In the current human world, heaven is extremely powerful, and it has some eternal characteristics of heaven.

Therefore, the human world can withstand the extreme catastrophe, that is to say, the human world has no limit to the number of extreme catastrophes, and anyone who is confident that they can successfully overcome the catastrophe can induce their own extreme catastrophe.

In the current human world, I am afraid that only the eternal catastrophe can shake the heavens of the human world.

After Gu Fei sensed the changes in the heavens in the human world, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and used the eternal magic eye to patch the sky. The effect seemed too strong.

The strength of the heavens in the human world has exceeded his expectations.

"how is this possible……"

At this time, the Six Dao League leaders and Heiyan Supreme who had fled back to the base camp of the Six Dao League were dumbfounded, but there were three people on the Star Ancestor Zhou who crossed the calamity at the same time, and crossed the extreme sky.

If these three people succeeded in crossing the catastrophe, the entire pattern of cultivation forces on the Ancestral Star of Fuzhou would have to be completely rewritten.

Moreover, when the leader of the six realms knew that the woman in white clothes who was chasing him was actually Gu Ling, Gu Fei's only daughter, the whole person was shocked.

"It's terrible, she turned out to be Gu Ling..."

The leader of the Six Daoists was so scared that it was Gu Fei's daughter. Thinking about it, she felt her scalp numb. He wanted to pack things and was ready to run away.

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