Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4779: Flourishing age is coming

Gu Ling unexpectedly appeared on Bu Zhou Zuxing, some people speculated that Gu Fei must also be on Bu Zhou Zuxing.

That was the famous Gu Fei, Ping the Jedi, Slashing the Supreme, and Extinguishing the Devil's Cave, all these shocking events were all from his handwriting.

Moreover, not long ago, Gu Fei even repaired the incomplete Heavenly Way of the Human Realm, and took away the Heaven's Punishment Array, so that the Human Realm and the Heavenly Realm were no longer the forbidden land of the Supreme Dao.

Whether it is the human world or the heaven, Gu Fei's limelight is absolutely unmatched.

When the Six Dao Leaders knew that the person who was chasing him was Gu Fei's daughter, he was frightened, and the first reaction was to pack up the package and run away.

However, Gu Fei did not pay attention to the leader of the Six Dao at all.

The Gu Fei family is a guest among the Golden Protoss.

At this time, the golden goddess had survived the thunder tribulation, but then the power of the five elements in the robbery cloud gathered, and the endless five-color fire light fell from the sky, covering the golden goddess.

This is the Fire Calamity, and it is the Five Elements Fire Calamity, a wisp of the Five Elements Divine Fire, the holy deity that can burn is enough to be destroyed.


The golden goddess was roaring, this kind of sacred fire, from the outside to the inside, burned her skin and cracked, and even the bones were braving the five-colored flames, and the soul seemed to be burning.

It is definitely not an easy task to become a true Supreme Supreme.

The golden goddess mobilized the power of the golden holy mountain to add to her body, struggling to support.

Under the tempering of the Five Elements Divine Fire, the physique of the Golden Goddess was gradually undergoing transformation, and an extremely Dao aura erupted from her body.

Just as the golden goddess crossed the catastrophe, among the ancestors of the Ziyun family, Ziyun brother and sister were also crossed the catastrophe.

Ziyun brothers and sisters, a strange combination, one yin and one yang, one male and one female, the cultivation methods can play a very complementary role.

Once the Ziyun brothers and sisters joined forces, they were almost invincible under the quasi-superior.

They actually crossed the robbery together, which makes everyone unbelievable.

You know, the two crossed the catastrophe together, and it was a matter of extreme heaven catastrophe, which was rare in ancient and modern times.

Obviously, the two people crossed the catastrophe together, the power of the day of the catastrophe is definitely much greater than the power of one person to cross the catastrophe, and the degree of danger is much greater.

The cloud of robbery shrouded millions of miles of territory, the endless electric light turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, and the terrifying aura of destruction was majestic.

In the ancestral land of the entire Ziyun family, all the children of the Ziyun family are trembling. Under the extreme heavenly calamity, no one can calm down.


Gu Fei sensed the fluctuations of the Heavenly Tribulation from the Ziyun Family, and couldn't help being a little surprised. Those two brothers and sisters were really weird, and even the Tribulation would be together.

All the monks who came to Zhou Zuxing were dumbfounded. They were all here to see Gu Fei, but who thought they had encountered this eternally rare event.

On a life ancestor star, there are three people who are crossing the catastrophe at the same time, and it is still the ultimate heaven catastrophe.

"how can that be……"

Countless creatures were panicked to the extreme on the entire Bu Zhou Ancestral Star.

At this time, the Tianjixian Internet had already exploded, and even the guys who had been diving for dozens of hundreds of years had appeared at this time.

In the entire human world, everyone is staring at Fu Zhou Zuxing.

In the human world, there are many people who have obtained Dadao Jinlian. They all took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to retreat and attack the extreme realm.


"Haha...My old turtle finally succeeded."

Above the nine heavens of Gu Fei's Chaos Xianfu world, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded, and that voice spread throughout the entire Chaos Xianfu world.

At the same time, an extreme aura erupted from above the nine heavens.

"That rascal……"

In the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, many people still did not leave.

The news of Laogui's achievement of Jidao Supreme was spread quickly, and the whole demon race in the heavens was boiling. After endless years, the Yaozu finally appeared another Jidao Supreme.

But Laogui's enemies are in a different mood.

Laogui had a lot of enemies, the Sky Demon clan was still there, and the Protero Gu knew where to hide.

There are also those Extreme Dao-level existences from the Taishi Realm and Ancestral Realm, which are the strong enemies of the human realm and the heaven realm.

Moreover, the enemy of the eternal world is even more terrifying.

In that eternal world, there is an eternal existence.

Soon after Laogui achieved the ultimate path, on the Ziwei ancestor star, in the land of flying immortals, the power of the endless calamity was continuously swallowed.

"The return of the Taoist body of all ages!"

With a roar, the entire human world burst out one after another. In a cemetery, a large tomb exploded, and a skeleton rushed out towards the Ziwei Zuxing.

On Kunlun Ancestral Star, in a Jedi, a dark shadow also rushed out.

In the entire human world, there are figures rushing out everywhere, even in the starry sky, there are figures emerging.

"what happened?"

Many have noticed this scene, and the Tianjixian net is boiling again.

Countless figures rushed towards the Ziwei ancestor star at the same time, each of them showed a strong or weak aura, and some of them were even dead.

These figures have a common feature, that is, they are all Heitian Dao bodies.

In the endless years, Heitian has continued to reincarnate, leaving Taoist bodies, and countless figures have simply gathered into a large army, which shocked the people on Ziwei Zu star.

Someone attacked Ziwei Zuxing?

Ziwei Zuxing, the people of the Ji family immediately took action, and the **** army of the Ji family was gathering.

However, before the Ji family's divine army attacked, the countless figures that rushed towards Ziwei Zuxing directly exploded in the void, transformed into divine lights and rushed directly into the Flying Fairy Land.

Heitian is summoning the Taoist body of all ages.

With the power of eternal reincarnation added, Hei Tian directly swallowed the power of the extreme heavenly calamity, and it was extremely strong.

He swallowed all the essence of the heavens and the earth in the entire Flying Immortal Land. At this time, the black sky was unimaginably powerful.

This is a great man who even dared to swallow Heavenly Tribulation.


With a loud noise, the entire Flying Fairy Land exploded, and a figure broke through the heavy soil and rushed out.

"Today I become the ultimate."

Hei Tian's voice spread throughout Ziwei Zuxing.


Everyone on Ziwei Zuxing was shocked to the extreme.

After Ji Changkong received the news, he was even more surprised and happy. Heitian successfully crossed the Tribulation, and his position became more stable.

On the other hand, those supporters of the Emperor Ji were crying, unable to turn over.

On the same day, in the ancestral land of the Ji clan, a feast was held to celebrate Hei Tian's successful breakthrough to the realm of the extreme realm.

With the advent of the prosperous world, some people continue to break through the limit and achieve supremacy. The golden goddess succeeded, and the Ziyun brothers and sisters succeeded, but some people failed.

An extraordinary descendant of the ancient Zhao family was directly bombarded by Heaven's Falling Tribulation into scum when he hit the extreme realm.

With the continuous emergence of the supremacy of the realm of the human world and the world of heaven, the fighting in various places has also continued, and there are signs of losing control.

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