Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4797: Taixuan disciple

The current ancestor of Tamron can be described as a hundred flowers blooming, in addition to the old forces, there are also many new forces rising.

Tenglong Ancestral Star Eastern Region, as the Eastern Overlord of the Eastern Family successfully broke through to the extreme realm, the Eastern Family became stronger again.

But the ancient Zhao family is not so lucky. Their **** son failed when they hit the realm of the extreme realm. In today's world, especially the ancestor of the dragon, without the power of the extreme supreme, it can not be called first-class. Top power.

Therefore, Huanggu Zhao's family became yellow, and it was unlucky.

Sure enough, a force called the Tianmeng rose strongly.

The Tianmeng took only one day to capture one-third of the chassis of the Huanggu Zhao family, causing a sensation in the entire East Territory of the Tenglong Ancestral Star.

However, the Tianmeng did not dare to attack the Eastern family, did not dare to move Gu Fei's Vientiane City, and did not dare to attack the Three Avenues.

Vientiane City, that is Gu Fei's forces in the Eastern Region, who dares to move?

Not long ago, Gu Fei had just cleaned out a group of hostile forces. Dare to provoke Gu Fei? What is the difference between that and looking for death?

And the Three Avenue Gates, let alone, all of them are inextricably related to Gu Fei, such as Li Lingfeng, the master of the Taixuan Gate, this guy is especially Gu Fei's senior.

Brother Gu Fei, a madman of a generation, this is the origin, it's blasted into the sky.

Then there are Guangchengxian Sect and Shangqingzong, these two avenues, Gu Fei spent countless efforts to find them personally, and then invited back to Tenglong Zuxing Eastern Region.

Therefore, the Tianmeng could only start with the Huanggu Zhao Family.

Moreover, Gu Fei has the power of repairing the sky on the human world. This is a great merit, and all beings worship. Who dares to be disrespectful to Gu Fei?

In the Eastern Region at this time, the balance between the major forces will be broken by the Heavenly Alliance.

All major forces are recruiting troops, and the Taixuan Sect is the same. In the past few years, the Taixuan Sect has actually recruited many disciples, and many of them are talented.

This Wang Ao is one of the most outstanding disciples of Taixuan Sect in the contemporary era.

He worshipped Taixuan Sect, but only a few years ago, he has already cultivated to the peak of the Immortal King. Such a speed of cultivation is truly amazing.



In a valley in the Eastern Region, Wang Ao fought against Guiyuanhua, even if it was against the existence of Guiyuanhua who had just broken into the realm of the immortal emperor, he still fought endlessly.

At this time, Guiyuanhua finally had to use a killer.

I saw his figure disappeared into the void in an instant, and a colorful vortex appeared in the sky.


A force of swallowing the sky came out from the vortex and swallowed towards Wang Ao.

The rocks on the ground and the broken wood all flew up and were swallowed by the vortex in the sky.

Wang Ao’s face was extremely dignified. He tried his best to resist the suction, and his whole body burst out like a flame. The air of the thick earth surging out from under his feet, bound him tightly to the ground. on.

He seemed to merge with the ground under his feet, and the great suction force of the five elements reincarnation made it difficult for a time to **** him into the five elements grinding disc that was eroding downward.

"This guy is desperate!"

Wang Ao felt that a great danger was coming. This return to Yuanhua had no reservations, and the five elements were unified into a five-element vortex that wiped out everything, wanting to obliterate himself.

"If you can't kill him in this way, I will be a cultivator in the realm of Immortal Emperor."

In the body of the five elements extinction of the vortex of return to Yuanhua, the clothes on his upper body had already shattered, and the blue veins appeared on his body. He tried his best, and the seven orifices were oozing out because of the supercharged activation of the magical power of the five elements. Blood stains, even if he can successfully kill Wang Ao, his vitality will be greatly injured.

The figure of Gui Yuanhua appeared in the whirlpool.

He is a member of the Celestial League, and he has no feud with this Wang Ao.

All the masters who watched this battle secretly are all surprised at the mystery of the five element magic powers of Gui Yuanhua. The power of the five elements rotates and obliterates the world. If this magic power is cultivated to the extreme, what will it be like?

Going home, returning home, is indeed a cultivation family with a rich heritage.

Some caring people can't help being wary of returning home.

The vortex formed by the power of the five elements swallowed a terrifying aura of destruction to Wang Ao.

Without thinking about it, Wang Ao guided the magical spirit that had been melted into his body onto his hands. "Om!" A sword rang, rising into the sky, like a crane roaring into the sky, and a dragon groaning in the sky, an incomparable sword. The anger rushed into the bullfight, and the heaven and the earth were also pale.

"This guy……"

Seeing the return of the Yuanhua in the extinction vortex of the Five Elements cycle, he was shocked. He desperately drove the vortex and vanished.

However, such a mighty magical power that is powerful enough to shake the heavens and the earth is not easy at all.

However, the speed at which the five-element vortex turns downward does increase a lot. At this time, the slowly rotating five-element vortex was less than a hundred feet away from Wang Ao.

The mighty destructive force caused the world to shake, and the earth began to appear a series of hideous cracks.

"You can unite the five elements, so can I!"

Wang Ao desperately, he had to desperately, the five-element combination of combat skills required the cultivation of the immortal emperor class to display, but he couldn't manage that much.

The profound arts in his body were circling sharply, and among the flesh and blood, the surging vitality surging like a river, the five elements of vitality in his body were all stimulated by him, and they gathered towards the magical force in his hands.

He is overdrawing his body's power, and the consequences of doing so are terrible, and I am afraid that the body will suffer irreversible damage.

The vast five-element vitality merged with the purple spirit of the magic weapon, and the hundred-zhang sword light rushed from Wang Ao's hand. The extremely sharp sword aura almost pierced the void.


Wang Ao struck out with a sword.

The next moment, a bright sword light rushed into the sky, and the swallowed five elements vortex was cut into two halves, and Gui Yuanhua was also split into two at the same time.


Li Lingfeng, who was watching the game from a distance, was surprised to see this scene.

Wang Ao is amazing. The peak of the Immortal King killed the Immortal Emperor and succeeded in the leapfrog challenge. However, the Tianmeng's naturalization was unfortunate.

In the Eastern Region, Guizu is also a powerful race. Guiyuanhua is dead. Guizu will not give up, but they dare not openly seek revenge from Wang Ao of Taixuan Sect.

"Yes, you close disciple is very good."

The black-clothed boy standing next to Li Lingfeng said with a wave of his right hand, a divine sword appeared in the void, and then flew towards Wang Ao.

"Give you the Excalibur, I hope you will continue to work hard."

The voice of the boy in black sounded in Wang Ao's mind.

"Thanks Uncle Master!"

Wang Ao was overjoyed and hurriedly took the divine sword, then bowed to the ground.

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