Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4778: Attack on Yuanmo Mountain

The human world, since the ancient flying to fill the sky, the heavenly path is complete, the entire human world is thriving, and the five great ancestors of life, the strong have emerged in large numbers.

People of the older generation don't walk around much, this is the stage for the younger generation.

Tenglong Zuxing, Dongyu, Taixuanmen, Gu Fei and his brother Li Lingfeng were tasting tea under a big tree in the back mountain. The tea is the best enlightenment tea brought by Gu Fei.

This enlightenment tea, in the entire human world, is only owned by Gu Fei, because he has obtained a Hongmeng spiritual root, which is made from the leaves of this Hongmeng spiritual root.

"Junior Brother, your tea is terrific. One cup makes me feel that my cultivation is about to break through."

Li Lingfeng smiled and said, he was already the quasi-sovereign, and one step further would be the supreme.

"Well, then drink a few more glasses, maybe you can really break through the shackles of cultivation, eventually jump and become the supreme."

Gu Fei smiled.

Although this tea is good, it has no effect on him.

Waiting at the side was Li Lingfeng's closed disciple Wang Ao.

Seeing Gu Fei, Wang Ao was extremely excited. This is the strongest existence in this world, the supreme existence that all beings look up to.

In Wang Ao's heart, Gu Fei is a legend and a legend.

Countless people want to be like Gu Fei. Gu Fei is also Wang Ao’s idol, and Wang Ao is a die-hard fan of Gu Fei.

Wang Ao was absolutely lucky to meet the legendary person.

In the entire Taixuan Sect, how many people envied him, even his big brother had never been in such close contact with Gu Fei!

"Junior brother, it's really useless to be a brother!"

Li Lingfeng sighed, even Qinglong has become the supreme Supreme, and he has not taken that step yet, which makes him very discouraged.

"Brother, if you can't force it, just let it go."

Gu Fei said indifferently, enlightenment means enlightenment, if not enlightenment, he can not help Li Lingfeng, even the eternal supreme, it is impossible to create a supreme supreme.

"Well, let it be."

Li Lingfeng nodded, perhaps because he really cared too much to break through the shackles of cultivation.

"By the way, Junior Brother, how are your affairs going?"

Li Lingfeng took a sip of tea and said.


Gu Fei's avatar had already entered the realm of Yuanmo, and counting the time, he should soon bring people back.

"Senior brother, I really want to thank you for helping me to protect the mountain!"

Li Lingfeng said.

"Senior brother, you're out of sight, I am also a Taixuan Sect disciple!"

Gu Fei smiled.

The true Taixuan Sect disciple, in Tenglong Zuxing, maybe there are only two of them, and Junior Sister Zhao Zirou still has no news.

After the people from the Yuan Devil Realm return, let's take a trip to the Heaven Realm!

Zhao Zirou was looking for it. Gu Fei's feelings for Zhao Zirou were a bit complicated. Does he like Zhao Zirou? He is not sure about it himself.

However, he knew that he could not forget Zhao Zirou.

The heaven is the same as the earth, the water is very deep.

He has to arrange everything in order to go to the eternal world. He has a hunch that once he has gone to the eternal world, it is not so simple to want to come back.

Just when Gu Fei and Li Lingfeng were tasting tea in the mountains behind Taixuanmen, a vigorous slaying action in the Yuanmo Realm began.

The human race and other races formed a coalition to eliminate demons and began to eliminate demons.

This time, Gu Fei's incarnation really didn't want to make a move.

How can you become a strong person without experiencing wind and rain and seeing blood?

Chilong and Aoyue also participated in the war.

They are just the existence of holy ranks, just take advantage of this opportunity to temper.

Although Gu Fei's incarnation killed the Huntian Demon Ancestor, Demon Sparrow Ancestor, and the clan master of the Demon Ape clan with a snap of his fingers, these three major demon powers still existed.

Especially Huntian Demon Ancestor, their ancestral land is in Yuanmo Mountain.

This battle has greatly damaged the vitality of the Huntian Demon Race, but in their ancestral land, there are still many strong Demon Racers.

Capture the thief first, capture the king first, the Huntian Demon Race is the strongest demon clan in the Yuan Demon Realm, and Ziyang Heavenly Emperor and the others directly killed the Yuan Demon Mountain.

When the coalition forces of the human race and other races arrived, the ancestors of the Huntian Demon Race suddenly appeared countless demons, and the entire Yuan Demon Mountain was full of demons.


Seeing this scene, Chilong and Yaoyue's foreheads sweated.

"There is no Quasi-Supreme, it's up to you to play."

Ziyang Tiandi looked at Chilong and Yaoyue.

"Who can get to the top of the mountain first will get the mysterious reward from the master."

The old demon boy smiled.

"Master's reward?"

Chilong and Aoyue's eyes suddenly lit up, and then they went directly to the mountain.

At this time, Gu Fei's avatar had returned to the top of Yuanmo Mountain, where he sat cross-legged, the old **** was there.

"Kill all these lower creatures."

On Yuanmo Mountain, countless stones were dropped, and some of the hapless guys were smashed and battered, embarrassed to the extreme.

At the same time, one after another magic arrows shot from Yuanmo Mountain towards the Human Race Alliance.

The screams continued, the attacks of the human army were suppressed, and they retreated like a tide, and the first wave of attacks ended in this way.

However, Chilong and Yaoyue are still killing towards the mountain.

Soon, they were halfway up the mountain.


Chilong blasted a punch, directly blasting a cave on the mountainside into scum.


Over there, Yaoyue made a sword, the world was cold, the sword light flashed by, and the dozen demon heads in the way were directly cut into two by her.


At this moment, a demon saint descended from the sky, and slashed towards the Chilong with a knife.


Chilong dodged and avoided directly.

When the magic knife fell, a crack was cut on the ground.

Had it not been for the protection of the Demon Dao power that the Demon Clan had blessed in the past generations on the Yuanmo Mountain, this demon saint would be able to cut an abyss on the Yuanmo Mountain with a single blow.


Chilong roared and fought directly with this demon saint.

On the other side, Yaoyue also met her opponent, who was also a demon saint, and a female demon saint, a cruel murderer.

The female demon saint has magical magic skills, she is a killer when she comes up.

I saw that Mantian was the figure of the female demon saint, every figure seemed to be her real body, but every figure seemed to be a phantom.

Seemingly true and imaginary, and imaginary and true, this female demon saint is so real.

"Squally stormy!"

Yaoyue directly performed this trick, and saw countless sword shadows rushing out of her hand, densely packed, all sword shadows.

One after another, the sword shadow directly penetrated the magic shadow.

The demon shadow immediately dissipated into the void, as if it had never appeared before.

The female demon saint was directly forced back by Yaoyue's move.

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