Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4779: The real strongest devil

The coalition forces of all races reached the foot of Yuanmo Mountain.

On Yuan Mo Mountain, the entire ancestral land of the Huntian Demon Race was exploded, and countless powerful Demon Race experts who were cultivating on the mountain jumped out.

"How dare you come to me Yuanmoshan, knowing whether you live or die."

The head of the Yuanmo clan appeared on the top of the mountain, overlooking the ant-like human clan at the bottom of the mountain.

The ancestor of the Yuanmo was not the head of the Yuanmo clan, the head of the Yuanmo clan was just one of his grandsons.

The Terran army had already reached halfway through the mountain, but was quickly rushed down by the demon head of the Yuanmo clan and was driven down.

But Chilong and Yaoyue did not retreat.



The dull impact sounded continuously, and the two figures moved quickly halfway up the mountain, the black sword light crisscrossed the sky and the ground, and the killing Chilong kept retreating.


Chilong was frightened and angry, and directly hit the Huoxing Fist.


Chilong's double fists directly shook the void.

I saw that his fist kept colliding with the magic knife in the opponent's hand, and there was a sound of metal collision.


The demon saint was frightened and angry. This guy used a pair of fists to pick up his magic knife. Is his fist even harder than the **** iron?

On the other side, Yaoyue fought against the female demon saint, and saw the sword in her hand, the female demon saint who killed constantly retreated.

The female demon saint's body is very weird, like a phantom, clearly cut by the sword in Yaoyue's hand, but in fact the sword is only the afterimage of the female demon saint.

"Equally matched?"

Down the mountain, the Immortal Demon Boy and Ziyang Tiandi were a little impatient.

They went directly to the Yuan Demon Mountain to kill, wherever they passed, countless demon heads directly blasted into a cloud of blood mist, extremely mad.

At this time, Gu Fei's avatar sat on the top of Yuanmo Mountain, and had no intention of making a move.

Because these monsters are too weak for him, he has no urge to shoot at all.

Ziyang Tiandi and the unold demon boy committed suicide on Yuanmo Mountain, and they directly defeated the confidence of the demons on Yuanmo Mountain.

"It's the human emperor, the human emperor is here."

The shock of the Huntian Mozu is inexplicable.

"What about the human emperor, go to me and kill them."

The head of the Huntian Demon Race roared, they have no retreat, they can only fight to the death with the Human Race Great Emperor, perhaps there is still a hint of life.

However, once defeated, the Huntian Demon Race is really over.


The older generation of powerful men of the Huntian Demon Race roared towards the Ziyang Heavenly Emperor and the Immortal Demon Child, who are one old sage after another, and are the heritage of the Huntian Demon Race.

However, all of this is like moths fighting the fire, how can the demon saint be the opponent of Quasi-Supreme? This is not the same level of existence at all!

"Haha, I really admire you guys, where do you guys come from?"

Ziyang Tiandi laughed and shot, only to see him slap it out, and the three demon saints who rushed in the front directly exploded and turned into three groups of blood fog, instantly disappearing.


Seeing this scene, the head of the Huntian Demon Race, his heart is dripping blood, this is the real mainstay of the Huntian Demon Race, just like that.


The old demon boy was also making a move, and saw that with a wave of his right hand, the five divine lights immediately rushed out of his hand, and instantly penetrated the five great demon sages who had attacked and killed.

The five demon saints also died instantly.

All of a sudden, eight old demon saints received a box lunch, and the head of the Huntian demon clan had the desire to die.

He quietly ordered the geniuses in the clan to escape from the Yuanmo Mountain and retain the seed of the Yuanmo Mountain Huntian Demon Clan so as not to be exterminated.

At this time, there is no need for the clan master of the Huntian Demon Clan to give orders, and they all go forward and then kill the two great ancestors, and some demon saints even directly blew themselves up.

All the monsters are crazy.


The Emperor Ziyang and the Immortal Demon Tong did not show any mercy at all. They were so powerful that they had to fight all the way up, wherever they went, it could be said that blood flowed into rivers.

When they reached the top of Yuan Demon Mountain, all the demon saints of the Huntian Demon Race received their lunch.

"You are the head of the Huntian Demon Race?"

When Ziyang Tiandi stepped on the top of Yuanmo Mountain, there was only one person on the whole mountain, and he was the head of the Huntian Demon Race.

"Today, the Huntian Demon Race is annihilated!"

The eternal demon boy also reached the top of Yuanmo Mountain.

"You guys, **** it!"

The head of the Huntian Demon Race gritted his teeth and said, he slowly took out a magic spear, and blood was dripping on the spear head.

That is emperor blood, immortal emperor blood.


Ziyang Tiandi suddenly laughed. He seemed to be a little careless. Who would have thought that there is still one who can kill the emperor in the Huntian Demon Race?

"It seems that the strongest person among the Huntian Demon Race is not the Huntian ancestor!"

The old demon boy also put away his smile, he sensed an extremely dangerous aura from the head of the Huntian Demon Race.

"Let's go together!"

The Huntian clan master held a magic spear, staring at Ziyang Tiandi and said coldly.

"Go together? Who do you think you are?"

The old demon boy said disdainfully.

"You die first!"

The Huntian clan leader took a step and disappeared into the void in an instant. The next moment, the spearhead of the **** magic spear pierced the chest of the old demon boy.

"So fast!"

The old demon boy was shocked, and the next moment, he directly moved away.

The magic spear rubbed his body and pierced it.

Although he dodged the magic spear, he could not dodge the fist of the Huntian Clan Lord.


The old demon boy's head was severely hit by the Huntian clan lord, and the whole person flew out, and his head was almost beaten with a punch by the Huntian clan lord.


The Huntian clan master took a demon spear in his hand, took one step, and instantly rushed to the front of the unold demon boy, and directly pierced the unold demon boy with a spear.

A dazzling blood burst out from the spearhead of the **** magic spear.

Seeing that the Immortal Demon Tong was about to be killed, just at this critical moment, a fist blasted from the side and directly blasted the Huntian Clan Lord away.

"I said, you guys go together."

Huntian clan master said coldly.


The old demon boy roared frantically, his eyes were red, as if he had fallen into a state of madness, killing the Huntian Clan Lord with extreme ferocity.

At the same time, Ziyang Heavenly Emperor also slew towards the Huntian Clan Lord, and they wouldn't be able to join hands, because whether it was Ziyang Heavenly Emperor or the Immortal Demon Tong, alone, he was definitely not the Huntian Clan Lord's opponent.

The two great human emperors joined forces to fight the Huntian Clan Lord, and the wave of terror power that erupted directly shook the entire Yuanmo Mountain.

The Huntian clan leader had reached the extreme. Although he was one enemy and two, he was still at ease, and the Ziyang Heavenly Emperor and the Immortal Demon Boy who killed him kept evading.

In the end, even the Five Elements Great Emperor Meng Tianzheng was killed, and the three human race Great Emperors joined forces to kill the dim world with the Huntian Clan Lord.

This Huntian Clan Lord is the strongest Demon Emperor in the Primordial Demon Realm!

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