Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4791: Underworld Shock

The three ancient ancestors of the three demon races made a move together, actually wanting to use the power of the three ancient ancestors of the three demon races to live and refine the incarnation of Gu Fei trapped in the demon fire net.

I saw the demon fire on the Demon Fire Net, one after another, the ancient magic patterns rushed out of the Demon Fire Net and turned into a terrifying demon fire.

The general Extreme Dao Supreme, if burned by this demon fire, it will immediately turn into flying ashes, and its form and spirit will be destroyed.

However, the incarnation of Gu Fei who was trapped in the demon fire net was protected by divine light, which prevented the demon fire from getting close.

However, the divine light surrounding him began to gradually dim.

This made Yaoyue, Chilong and others who saw this scene extremely nervous, because once Gu Fei's incarnation was refined by these three ancient ancestors of the demons, they would suffer along with it.

In this underworld, the human race and the demon race are not at the same time. When the demons encounter the human race, they can capture or kill them. The human race has no position in the next demon world.

The countless demons in the Scarlet Sky Demon City have already focused on Yaoyue and others.

The entire Scarlet Sky Demon City was shrouded by Gu Fei's incarnation with a mountain and river map. The mountain and river map was the ultimate treasure, even the ancient ancestor of the demon clan could not break it.

As for the landscape of mountains and rivers, Gu Fei's incarnation was handed over to Bold Yaotong and Ziyang Tiandi to jointly control.

That Minglie didn't dare to be presumptuous.

"Hey, little fellow Human Race, take it to death!"

The ancient ancestor of the Demon Cow clan sneered.

At this time, the divine light outside Gu Fei's incarnation had become extremely dim, as if it could dissipate at any time. Once the protection of the divine light was lost, the consequences could be imagined.

However, Gu Fei's avatar still sat in the void silently, without a trace of panic.

"This little guy has a good heart!"

The ancient ancestor of the Demon Dragon clan couldn't help but praise, this kind of determination that the Demon Mountain collapses in front of his eyes and his face remains unchanged, not everyone can have.

"Huh! What if you have a good temperament, isn't it still dead?"

The ancient ancestor of the Fire Demon clan sneered.

"Haha, yes, murderer genius, I am good at it."

The ancient ancestor of the Demon Cow clan laughed.

"is it?"

At this moment, the incarnation of Gu Fei, who had not spoken, suddenly raised his head and said.


The ancient ancestors of the three great demons couldn't help being surprised when they saw this.

"Make more effort to refine him."

The ancient ancestor of the Demon Cow clan roared.

The ancient ancestors of the three major demon races immediately fought desperately into the Demon Fire Net, and the Demon Fire Net erupted with unprecedented power fluctuations.

"Well, I won't play with you anymore."

Gu Fei's avatar shook his body as he said, and the next moment, the dim light of the protective body outside his body immediately dissipated into the void.

His body actually directly touched that terrifying magic fire.

However, what stunned the ancient ancestors of the three major demons was that although Gu Fei's avatar was shrouded in demon fire, the demon fire could hardly hurt him.

"how is this possible……"

The ancient ancestors of the three major demons were shocked to the extreme.

However, a scene that shocked them even more appeared. Gu Fei's incarnation suddenly disappeared. The next moment, a huge pitch black vortex appeared where he was.

The dark whirlpool swallowed everything around like crazy.

The original power of the ancient ancestors of the three great demons was immediately absorbed.


The ancient ancestors of the three major demons wanted to reclaim their original power, but it was too late at this time.


Gu Fei's avatar was laughing, and the three great demon tribes ancient ancestors soon couldn't hold it. That was the power of the devil, and one point was one point. It was not easy to recover.

Moreover, it is not as simple as consuming magic elements now.

I saw that the ancient ancestor of the Demon Cow clan gradually became thinner, and within half an hour, this guy was skinny and skinny.

The other two great ancient ancestors of the demon race are the same, the demon element on their bodies is constantly losing, and if this continues, they can only wait to die.

However, no matter how hard these three hapless guys struggled, they couldn't get rid of them. They passively provided a steady stream of power for Gu Fei's incarnation.


Seeing the sudden turn of the ending made Yaoyue, Chilong and others in Scarlet Devil City surprised and delighted.

"Master is so good at playing."

Chilong smiled.

Soon, the Demon Dao vitality in the ancient ancestors of the three major demons was swallowed up by Gu Fei's incarnation.

The fire demon net had long been dim, Li Kuang stretched out his hand and touched it lightly, and the fire demon net instantly turned into dust and dissipated into the void.

"I'm unwilling!"

The ancient ancestor of the Demon Cow clan screamed, and it turned into fly ash.

The other two great demon ancestors also end in the same way.

The fall of the ancient ancestors of the three major demons shocked the world, and the strong ones among the demons were shocked and inexplicably shocked. How could a human race be so powerful in this area?

That is the ancient ancestor of the demons.

At this time, when the news spread to Panwu Region, everyone was unbelievable, and the Human Race had become supreme again?

You know, the human races in this Underworld Demon Realm are all gathered in the Panwu Realm. This Martial Realm is already the last paradise of the human race. How can there be any human race outside?

Soon, the human race of Panwu Region sent two envoys to contact Gu Fei's incarnation.

"Go and call Hongmeng Demon Ancestor."

There are strong demons roaring.

"Yes, the Hongmeng Demon Race is the strongest Demon Race in my Underworld Demon Realm!"

Someone said.

However, no one knows where the Hongmeng Demon Ancestor is.

Even the Hongmeng Demon Race does not know where, the most mysterious and unpredictable demon power in the entire Underworld Demon Realm is the Hongmeng Demon Race.

But at this time, Gu Fei's incarnation didn't matter so much, he directly lived in Scarlet Cloud Demon City.

The demons in the city didn't dare to put a fart. You know, this guy is extremely cruel, and even the ancient ancestors of the three major demons died in this guy's hands!

Moreover, a large part of the demons fled the Scarlet Cloud Devil City directly.

"Master, there is a human envoy from Panwu Domain who wants to see you."

On this day, early in the morning, Chilong came to the courtyard where Gu Fei's incarnation was located.

"Oh, please!"

Gu Fei's incarnation quickly said.

"Yes, Master!"

Chilong quickly turned around and walked out, and soon he walked in with two people.

"Quasi-Sovereign? It seems that the human race in Panwu Realm is not very weak!"

Gu Fei's avatar could see the truth and futility of these two people at a glance, and these two guys actually have a quasi-supreme cultivation base, which surprised him a bit.

"Meet my supreme clan!"

When the two saw Gu Fei's incarnation, they immediately bowed down to him, with a respectful expression.

For them, the Tianxia Human Race is a family, and Gu Fei's incarnation is a Human Race, so naturally they are his own. No matter where Gu Fei's incarnation comes from, this fact cannot be changed.

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