Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4492: Hong Mongol Demon Ancestor

The incarnation of Gu Fei was very happy when the envoy of Panwu Domain arrived.

He took the opportunity to understand the current situation of the human race in the Panwu region. When he learned from the two ambassadors that the human race in the Panwu region was in a precarious state, he couldn't help being surprised.

"The power of the Panwu domain is weakening?"

Gu Fei's incarnation couldn't help frowning, the field under the Supreme Dao Supreme, that is the law of the extreme Dao, the law of the Ji Dao is almost immortal, this kind of field power will not easily weaken.

However, once the field power of the Pan Martial Domain began to weaken, then the field power of the Pan Martial Domain really had a problem.

This is no small matter.

Three days later, Gu Fei's avatar will visit the human race in Panwu Realm.

The two ambassadors of Panwu Region returned to Panwu Region and returned to their lives with satisfaction. If the contemporary Human Race Supreme can be invited back to Panwu Region, perhaps the problem of Panwu Region will be solved.

Scarlet Cloud Devil City, in the city lord's mansion.

"Master, why don't you go to Panwu Domain immediately?"

Yaoyue was puzzled.

"I'm waiting."

Gu Fei's avatar said.


Yaoyue was even more puzzled.

"Is the master waiting for those demon heads of the Demon Race?"

The old demon boy smiled.

"Well, you still see far, Yue'er, you have to learn more from them."

Gu Fei's avatar nodded.

"Yes, Master!"

Yaoyue nodded.

Gu Fei's avatar was waiting. He didn't go to Panwu Realm, just waiting for those truly awesome guys in the Underworld Demon Realm to arrive. He killed the three great ancient ancestors of the Demon Race, and those demon heads should not be able to sit still.


Underworld, the holy land of demons, Hongmeng Demon Mountain.

This Demon Mountain, which will last forever, existed when the world first opened. On the top of the Demon Mountain, there is a Demon Temple, which is the Hongmeng Demon Temple.

Hongmeng Demon Temple is the temple of the demons. All demons are proud of being able to climb the Hongmeng Demon Mountain.

At this time, in front of the Hongmeng Demon Hall, an unexpected guest came.

"Human Race has produced a Extreme Supreme?"

An old voice came from the Hongmeng Demon Hall.

"how can that be……"

Another equally old voice sounded immediately.

"Are you going for a trip, or me?"

"Of course you go."

"Cut, I'll go if I go."

The voices of the two powerful mysterious demons in the Hongmeng Demon Hall no longer sounded.

But the Extreme Supreme of the Demon Dao who stood in front of the Hongmeng Demon Hall respectfully still stood there, and did not leave.

After a while, the closed door of the Hongmeng Demon Hall slowly opened, and a figure walked out of the opened door and left the Hongmeng Demon Mountain with the people from outside.

And the powerhouses of other demons also jumped out.

Outside Scarlet Cloud Demon City, many big people came.

However, everyone is watching, no one dares to take action.

You know, the guy in Scarlet Cloud Devil City is a ruthless person who killed even the three great ancient ancestors of the Demon Race!

Just in the early morning of the next day, a terrifying demonic might suddenly descended on Yunwu City, and the countless demons in the city were shocked to the extreme.

"finally come."

In the city lord's mansion of Scarlet Cloud Devil City, the incarnation of Gu Fei who was sitting in the quiet room suddenly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be two lightning flashes in the quiet room.

"The Supreme Human Race came out and died!"

The old voice spread throughout Scarlet Cloud Demon City, with Scarlet Cloud Demon City as the center, countless creatures of the demon race in an area of ​​more than 100,000 miles heard this voice.

Countless demons were panicked to the extreme.


Gu Fei's avatar directly smashed into the quiet room, soared into the sky, and reached the sky above.

"Human race supreme, you have a kind!"

The old voice sounded again, and then a magical shadow appeared on the opposite side of Gu Fei's incarnation.


When seeing this old man, Gu Fei's avatar's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

I saw that the body of this extreme demon was surrounded by chaos and majestic aura. It seems that this demon should be from the Hongmeng demon clan, which is the strongest demon clan in the underworld.

"Succumb to death!"

The Hongmeng Demon Ancestor shot directly, only to see him raise his hand, a magic dragon rushed out, and ate towards the incarnation of Gu Fei on the opposite side.

Without extra words, the demons and humans are dead enemies.


Gu Fei's avatar sneered, did not move at all, and also waved his hand. A group of five element energy immediately rushed out towards the Hongmeng Demon Ancestor, and greeted the demon dragon that swooped in.

Amidst the devilish energy, there was a heart-palpiting powerful wave. Vaguely, a fist-sized dragon-shaped magic stone could be seen, instantly hitting the group of five element energy that Gu Fei's avatar had shot.

With a sound of "Peng!", that piece of magic stone directly broke the Five Elements Qi of Gu Fei's incarnation.

I saw that group of Five Elements Qi exploded and dissipated in the void.

Moreover, the dragon-shaped magic stone continued to cast away, after breaking the five elements of Gu Fei's avatar, it still smashed towards Gu Fei's avatar.


Gu Fei's incarnation was taken aback. The fist-sized dragon-shaped magic stone seemed to possess indestructible power.

After extinguishing the Five Elements Qi, it turned out to be like a Primordial Demon Mountain, revealing endless magic power, flying towards him. He felt the danger, without any hesitation, turned into an afterimage and quickly retreated.

At this time, a ball of demon fire fell from the sky, directly hitting the Scarlet Cloud Demon City.


With a loud noise, the city lord's mansion of Scarlet Cloud Devil City immediately exploded.

so close!

Yaoyue and the others were a little embarrassed. They escaped from the city lord's mansion in time. Otherwise, if they were bombarded by the demon fire, they would also be disabled if they didn't die!

The power of terror shook the sky and the earth, and the dust rushed into the sky, and the extremely hard bricks melted like ice and snow, turned into dust, and dispersed in the void.

The mighty energy directly destroyed everything within a radius of several miles. It was as terrifying as the end of the day, and the demons near the city lord’s mansion exclaimed to avoid the broken bricks and shingles that were flying out.

Those unlucky demons couldn't avoid it, and were directly pierced by the bricks and tiles shot out of the body and died on the spot.

"Hong Mongol Demon Ancestor, you..."

Some extreme demon ancestors near Scarlet Cloud Devil City couldn't help being very upset when they saw this scene. This guy had no scruples when he took action against the human race.

This Scarlet Cloud Devil City is also a big city. What a pity if it is destroyed?

For the demon ancestor, the countless demons in the city are resources, and they are ruined like this, and it hurts no one.

You know, the previous city lord of Scarlet Cloud Demon City was an extreme demon ancestor. Under the management of this demon ancestor, the cultivation resources accumulated by this Scarlet Cloud Demon City are still very good.

Some Jidao Demon Ancestors have already taken a fancy to this magic city and want to take it for themselves.

No one wants to occupy a city that has been abandoned.

A complete city is valuable! https:

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