Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4805: Lend you a drop of blood

The power of the Panwu **** is overwhelming. After the integration of the mountains and rivers, his combat power has directly surpassed his limit. Even if he alone fights the entire Underworld Demon Realm, he will still sweep the ten directions, and the blood of the killing will stain the sky. The earth flows into a river.

This battle directly changed the fate of the entire Underworld Human Race. The Demon Race is no longer the protagonist of this world, and the protagonist of this world has become the Human Race.

The Human Race has been waiting for this day for too long.

On this day, Panwu led the Panwu Territory Human Race, smashed out of the Panwu Territory, and fought ten directions. The killed demons lost their helmets and armor, defeated thousands of miles, and bowed countless corpses.

In the end, the black-clothed Gu Fei also made a move, and he teamed up with Panwu to directly clean the extreme demon ancestors in the underworld.

This day, for the entire Demon Race, is definitely a tragic day, but the Demon Race definitely does not deserve sympathy.

The demons have always regarded the creatures of other races as ants, killing them as they want, without any mercy.

Of course, whether the extreme demon ancestors in the Nether Demon Realm have slipped through the net, this is even the black Gu Fei dare not pack a ticket.

However, the demons of the Underworld are no longer enough.

"Gu Dao friends, do you really want to leave?"

In Panwu Region, outside Panwu Hall, black-clothed Gu Fei and Panwu were drinking. At this time, the magic cloud that had enveloped Panwu Region had long since dispersed, the sky was dotted with stars, and a bright moon hung above the sky.

"It's been a long time since I left, it's time to go back."

Gu Fei in black looked at the bright moon in the sky and sighed.

"Gu Dao friend, you are just an incarnation, in fact, if you can't go back, it will not have much impact on your deity!"

Pan Wu looked at Gu Fei in black and said.

"My deity has already surpassed the extreme way. To enter a supreme world, I must go back." Gu Fei in black looked at the bright moon in the sky, his eyes deepened.

"The Great World?"

Hearing this, Panwu couldn't help being taken aback. Could there be a world more perfect than the Underworld?

"We are leaving in just a few days, and it's up to you here."

Black Gu Fei said.

Panwu didn't speak, just drank dull wine.

At this time, in Panwu Realm, all races are celebrating the biggest victory of this human race in history. From now on, the underworld is the world of human race.

However, this day came earlier than Black Gu Fei guessed.


On the second day, a dazzling divine light suddenly fell over the Panwu Realm, and the Great Dao divine sound resounded in the void, and the Heaven and Earth Dadao resonated.

The creatures of the entire underworld were shocked.

The great sound of the gods lingered, the devilish aura of the entire world was immediately dissipated, and the demon nature of the entire world was suppressed.

The human races in the Panwu Region were shocked to the extreme. Every human race in the Panwu Region was bathed in the great light of the Great Dao, and listening to the divine sound of the Great Dao, their cultivation shackles began to loosen.

At this time, black-clothed Gu Fei led Yaoyue, Chilong, and the Immortal Demon Boy, Ziyang Tiandi, walked out and walked directly into the divine light.


Panwu couldn't help but feel very disappointed when he saw this scene.

The reason why he was able to rebirth was because the black-clothed Gu Fei used great supernatural powers and consumed endless resources to bring him back into the world.

"Catch it!"

Gu Fei in black suddenly waved his right hand, and something flew out of his hand.

The next moment, when the divine light was collected, Gu Fei in black and the other people in the divine light disappeared into the void, disappearing.

Pan Wu caught the thing, then looked up to the sky.

Above the sky, a huge black hole was gradually shrinking, and the broken void was slowly repairing under the power of heaven and earth.

Pan Wu looked down at the thing in his hand and saw that it was a piece of jade slip. He put his spirit into the jade slip, and a large amount of information poured into his mind.

"Gu Dao friends, we will meet again eventually."

A smile appeared on Pan Wu's face.


In the human world, a figure sat cross-legged on a star in the depths of the endless starry sky.

This star is bare, except for sand and gravel, and there is no root grass. This is a star without any life.

The black-clothed boy sitting cross-legged on a large rock seemed to merge with the void around him, as if Henggu had existed.

The black-clothed boy was covered with dust.

Suddenly, the black-clothed boy's eyes moved and then opened his eyes.

The next moment, a roulette flew out of the black-clothed boy, suspended above the sky, and a divine light rushed out from the roulette.


Void shook, and several figures appeared in the divine light.

"Finally home."

The black-clothed boy sighed and said.

"Disciple Yaoyue."

"Disciple Chilong."

"Meet Master!"

"Meet the master!"

The four strong men who came out of the divine light directly bowed down to the black-clothed boy.

"Get up!"

The black-clothed boy waved his hand.

At this time, Gu Fei in black was taken away by the boy in black.

Gu Fei in black is just an incarnation.

After reading all the memories of the avatar, the boy in black knew everything.

"It's good to be back!"

The black-clothed boy sighed and finally found his two separated disciples.

Now, there is one more thing, as long as this thing is finished, you can go to the eternal world with peace of mind.

The eternal world, this is its own stage.

Gu Fei's true body sits in the human world, and the entire human world has been peaceful for a while.

With a wave of Gu Fei's big sleeve, he immediately led Yaoyue and others to disappear above the stars.

When he appeared again, the man had already come to heaven.

In the heaven, Gu Fei's palace, Gu Zhong greeted him.

"Welcome to Master."

Gu Zhong saw Master hurriedly saluting.

"Is there any news?"

Gu Fei asked.

"not yet!"

During this period of time, Gu Zhong was really one head or two. He and Gu Xiaofeng had dug almost the entire snowy area of ​​the heavens three feet away, but Zhao Zirou could not be found.

"It seems there is only one way."

Gu Fei groaned.

With a wave of his big sleeve, Yao Yue and others appeared in front of Gu Zhong.

"Junior sister, junior brother?"

Gu Zhong was overjoyed when he saw Yaoyue and Chilong.

"Big Brother..."

Yaoyue and Chi Long were also extremely excited when they saw Gu Zhong.

But now, the cultivation bases of Yaoyue and Chilong are only sacred tiers, and Gu Zhong is already the supreme sage.

"You take the younger brother and younger sister down to the resettlement, and come to see me after the resettlement.

Gu Fei said to Gu Zhong.

"Yes, Master!"

Gu Zhong quickly led the way.

This palace is very big and there are many rooms, so it is not a problem to settle a few people.

"Go and call Zhao Hao over."

Gu Fei told one of his subordinates.


The subordinate went out quickly.

Soon, Zhao Hao came to the hall.

"The disciple has seen Master!"

Zhao Hao flew to Gu.

"Very well, let you use a drop of blood."

Gu Fei said.

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