Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4806: The sad Gu Fei

Heaven, in the palace of Gu Fei.

Gu Fei borrowed a drop of blood from Zhao Hao. He wanted to use his blood as a guide to see if he could find Zhao Zirou.

After finding Zhao Zirou, he can leave with peace of mind and enter the eternal world, but he is not sure, because Zhao Hao is not a direct blood relative of Zhao Zirou.

In a stone room of the palace, Gu Frisbee was sitting on the futon. In front of him, there was a drop of blood floating. This drop of blood was Zhao Hao's blood.


At the next moment, this drop of blood suddenly shed endless blood, and in that blood, there are countless thin lines looming, which is a cause and effect that appears after the blood is stimulated.

Gu Fei carefully felt the **** thin lines looming in the blood light.

Those thin threads sank into the void of heaven and earth, and I don't know where to go.


Gu Fei sensed the breath of a thin line, and couldn't help but move in his heart.

Where is the other end of this thin line?

He wanted to track down the Shattered Void, but soon he gave up, because this thin thread actually sent a hint of eternity.

"how is this possible……"

Even Gu Fei was a little confused, did Zhao Zirou really enter the eternal world?

You know, even if you want to enter the eternal world, it is not an easy task!

At this time, Gu Fei had to stop, the blood connection in the dark also disappeared, the endless blood dissipated, and even the drop of Zhao Hao's blood also disappeared.


Gu Fei sighed, then stood up and walked out of the stone room.

Three days later, Gu Fei left silently. Few people knew about his departure, and they knew it was his own person, and would not betray him.

Old tortoise came to see off, this guy is already the supreme.

Gu Fei gave the wheels of the heavens and the world to the old turtle. They were brothers of life and death. He wanted the old turtle to guard the world and the heavens instead of him, and lead Gu Fei's forces.

Since the endless years, Gu Fei has established a huge power, the waste world, the ancestral gods, the human world, the heavens, the ancestors, etc., all have Gu Fei's leftover forces.

With the wheels of the heavens and the world, the old tortoise can walk in the heavens and the world.

His sky blue fairy and gold battle clothes were given to Gu Ling, and the Nine Sky Star Sword was given to Yan'er.

These two pieces are timeless Taoist artifacts.

Of course, he also left the black-clothed ancient flying to sit in the ancient house.

After arranging all this, he walked onto a teleportation formation under the gaze of everyone. The next moment, the teleportation formation turned, and Gu Fei on the formation immediately disappeared.

Yan'er and Gu Ling are both supreme at this time.

Gu Zhong is also the Supreme Dao, and his son Gu Xiaofeng is even more against the sky, and has become the Supreme Supreme. The two fathers and sons are the Supreme Dao, but this is a good story.

During this period of time, many people have achieved great success.

Of course, there are also people who fail to attack the Jidao, and they will end up in utter destruction.


Gu Ling was very sad.

The corners of Yan'er's eyes were also a little moist.

Laogui and the others have solemn expressions. Once people know that Gu Fei's real body has gone to the eternal world, the entire human world and heaven will be in chaos.

Therefore, everyone present dare not talk nonsense.


The eternal world, Xianzhou, the eternal gods.

An ancient formation of the Eternal God Dynasty suddenly moved, a divine light soared into the sky, and a figure appeared on the ancient transfer formation.


Seeing this scene, the emperor of the Eternal God Dynasty couldn't help being dumbfounded. Who is this guy and why is he here?

Is it a transmission error? Is this guy teleporting here from other places by mistake?

Such things have not always happened.

When some people use the teleportation array, if they remember the wrong coordinates, they will be teleported to other places.

But at this time, Gu Fei was dumbfounded. His earth-shattering cultivation level had disappeared. How could this be possible, impossible.

That was the eternal level of cultivation, and it just disappeared.

Soon, he knew the reason. It was this world, the supreme law of the eternal world, that had actually suppressed his cultivation.

At this time, he was like an ordinary person, except for a stronger body, even a trace of eternal power could not be used.

Full suppression, it was terrifying. Only by slowly adapting to the laws of the great eternal world and completely washing away the breath of the lower realm, his cultivation level would be restored.

Then, Gu Fei was sadly caught by the eternal gods.

What made him even more unexpected was that people from the Eternal God Dynasty actually threw him into a fairy crystal mine for mining.

This is too embarrassing, the martial artist of the eternal realm of Laozi was arrested for mining! ?

However, there was no way, Gu Fei could only take it silently and dig mining silently.

Day by day passed, and Gu Fei's cultivation base was restored day by day.

As long as he is completely integrated into the eternal world of Tao, his power will return, and he will still be the ancient flying who crosses the world and the heavens, stepping on the heavens.

On this day, mining during the day, and at night miners like Gu Fei and the others have three hours to rest.

As night fell, in a cave in the mine, the ancient Frisbee was sitting on the ground, motionless, his mind was completely immersed in cultivation.

Between breaths and breaths, he drove the surrounding airflow, a little bit of colorful glow lingered around him, and the bronze skin exposed outside of his clothes was flowing with crystal luster.

The qi and blood flowing under the epidermis are washed away in waves, tempering the skin and flesh, and while the flesh and blood trembles, it releases traces of natural essence, which penetrates into the bones, making the bones look like a layer of treasure. Light.

In the dantian, the colorful light clusters the size of an egg formed by the essence of the natal life are indeterminate. The traces of the five elements of the essence generated from the flesh and blood will converge toward the dantian, and they will be tempered and filtered by the essence of the life. Remove the impure impurities, and then spread them out, reintegrate into the flesh and blood.

This is the essence of the five elements. The five elements can transform chaos, and chaos can transform humility.

Gu Fei's exercises are incredibly wonderful.

He is quenching the body, and this cycle of body quenching is repeated, again and again, endlessly, and never stopped.

The flow of essence in Gu Fei's body completely followed certain rules of heaven and earth, so natural, as if it should be so general.

However, it is still far from the resonance of heaven and earth.

It is really difficult to get the recognition of the law of heaven in the eternal world.

His current cultivation base is not even at the realm of great power, it is really low and pitiful.

At this time, the transformation of flesh and bones caused the transformation of strength. In turn, the transformation of strength would promote the transformation of muscles and flesh. The two inherited each other and made Gu Fei's treasure body stronger on the way of cultivation.

If he is waiting for a new cultivation, re-release the treasure of power in the body.

Gu Fei never thought that the laws of heaven and earth in the eternal world were so powerful that even his cultivation level could be completely suppressed, and he was firmly contained in his body.

Only by practicing, comprehending the laws of heaven and earth of the eternal world, and drawing the power of the eternal world to temper the martial arts, can he release his cultivation level step by step.

From the world invincible, to the end by the law of the eternal world, to become a glorious miner of the eternal gods, Gu Fei was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

Heaven, earth, do you really want to play with me?

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