Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4809: Sudden Change in Fulong Mountain

Heng Xian'er, is the youngest daughter of the Southern King, one of the four kings guarding the Quartet of the Eternal God, and the royal family of the Eternal God.

This guy secretly brought a group of guards into the Fulong Mountain Range, trying to kill a band of bandits in the Fulong Mountain Range.

After Gu Fei learned of her crazy plan, he was immediately speechless. Just the cultivation base of Heng Xian'er, plus an **** and sixteen guards, was like destroying the bandits?

This is simply going to give people away!

"I said your Royal Highness, you are joking with me!"

Gu Fei tentatively said.

"Huh! Do you look at me like a joke?"

The little princess stared at Gu Fei fiercely.

"Not like!"

Gu Fei hurriedly said, it seems that this princess little girl is really determined to encircle the bandits, she can only act by chance.

Although his cultivation base was suppressed by the power of the law of heaven and earth in the eternal great world, even after three years, he only returned to the semi-holy cultivation base.

However, his martial art is a genuine and eternal martial art, peerlessly powerful, even if you encounter a holy-level bandit, or even a quasi-extreme-level bandit, even if you can't beat it, there is absolutely no problem with protecting your life.

Soon, the little princess took Gu Fei and the others to a big mountain, only to see that a city was built on the top of the mountain, and a group of bandits lived in the city.

This mountain is named Xiaolongshan.

"His Royal Highness, are you sure you want to attack the bandits here?"

The **** Mowei looked at the city on the mountain with a guilty conscience. How could the bandits here handle it?

From a distance, I saw that the city on the top of the hill was actually tightly guarded. On the top of the city, teams of bandits with spears were patrolling from time to time.

This is not the weather that ordinary bandits can have.

"I think that we should give up!"

Gu Fei also secretly shook his head, just like them, want to take down this city? This is simply a dream, it is impossible!

Even if the Southern King dispatched elite soldiers and strong generals, he would not be able to break this city for a while!

"A group of counsellors, since we are here, we can't go back empty-handed."

Heng Xian'er was upset, and the consequences were serious.

I saw that she bends the bow and shoots the arrow directly, directly pulling the divine bow in her hand to the full moon, and the endless aura of heaven and earth converges toward the bow and arrow in her hand like a frenzy.

Formidable power fluctuations erupted from Heng Xian'er.

"Quasi Supreme?"

Gu Fei was speechless. A mischievous little princess was also a quasi-superior level existence. Does this make people live?

You know, in the human world, even the ancestor realm and the Taishi realm, the quasi-superior is a hegemonic existence of one side. If the extreme is not revealed, the quasi-superior is invincible.

"His Royal Highness, what are you doing?"

Mowe panicked.

At this moment, as soon as Heng Xian'er let go, the divine arrow turned into a bright divine light and shot directly towards the city on the top of the mountain.

Quasi-Supreme-level powerful power fluctuations erupted from the divine light transformed by the divine arrow.

"Enemy attack!"

On the hilltop city, the bandits suddenly became confused.

At this moment, a big hand suddenly grabbed from the city, grabbed the arrow light in the hand, and then directly squeezed the arrow light.


Gu Fei and others at the foot of the mountain couldn't help being surprised when they saw this scene.


Mo Wei couldn't help but said, as he waved his big sleeves, a group of divine light instantly enveloped everyone, and the next moment they disappeared into the void.

"Humph! Let's run away quickly."

Just when Gu Fei and the others left, a figure appeared silently at the place where Gu Fei and the others were originally.

At this moment, in a valley thousands of miles away from Xiaolong Mountain, everyone was in lingering fear. If Mo Wei had been a step slower just now, they would be in bad luck.

"Among the bandits, how can there be Extreme Supreme?"

Gu Fei really couldn't understand, the Supreme Dao, even the eternal world, is a sideways existence, right? Is it necessary to be a bandit?

"Gu Fei, you have never seen the earth buns in the world. The bandits in Fulong Mountain are all desperadoes, and those supreme beings are all wanted by major forces."

Mowei's yin and yang strange voice sounded, and Gu Fei had goose bumps all over his body.

"That's it!"

Gu Fei immediately understood that the feelings were that those Extreme Dao Supremes were desperate, and then they entered the mountain and became a bandit.

"Hey, there is even a half-step eternal existence in the biggest bandit in Fulong Mountain."

Mowe continued.


It was the first time that Gu Fei heard of half-step eternal supremacy and was forced to become a bandit.

"Let's go!"

The little princess Heng Xian'er looked upset.

"Shall we go back to the palace?"

Gu Fei is really curious about this eternal world.

He had just arrived in the eternal world, he was caught and thrown into the mine for mining, he really didn't understand this super world.

Just following this little princess, there is a place to stay for the time being.

This time, he first came to the eternal world by himself to explore the way.

The law of heaven and earth in the eternal world is a problem that all creatures entering the eternal world must face.

I just got caught.

"It's so difficult to leave the palace once, I don't want to go back."

Heng Xian'er looked unwilling.

"Then go to the town first!"

Mo Wei also had a headache. He followed the little princess, all day long, for fear that something might happen to the little ancestor.

"that is it!"

Heng Xian'er nodded and said, as long as you don't return to the palace, you can be that canary.

Heishi Town is the only way to enter the Fulong Mountain Range. This town is not large, but it is often overcrowded, because there are many people entering and leaving the Fulong Mountain Range.

When Gu Fei and the others entered Blackstone Town, they immediately attracted the attention of the bandits in the town, which was not a good thing for them.

"Why are there so many people in town today?"

Heng Xian'er is a little girl who likes to be lively.

"This Xiongtai, what happened here?"

Mo Wei grabbed a martial artist and asked.

"Brother, do you really know this, or do you not know it?"

The warrior wanted to get angry, but when he saw that there were many people in Mowei, he immediately persuaded him.

"What do you say?"

Gu Fei asked, even he was curious.

"The eternal ancestral dragon in Fulong Mountain didn't know why it died. We people are trying our luck." The man said quickly.

"What, Fulongshan Laolong is dead?"

Mo Wei heard that this shock was really extraordinary.

"Yes, that old dragon left his last words, his inheritance, those who are predestined will get it, no, everyone sees themselves as destined, and they all want to get the inheritance and cultivation of Fulongshan Laolong! "

The man continued.


Everyone is dumbfounded, is this all right?

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