Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4810: Gu Fei moved

Gu Fei had been digging for three years in a mine in Fulong Mountain. He had long heard that there was an eternal dragon in the depths of Fulong Mountain.

Although the bandits of Fulong Mountain are powerful, but with the old dragon of Fulong Mountain, these bandits dare not presumptuously.

But now, the old dragon has fallen, so that the bandits in Fulong Mountain will have no scruples and can do whatever they want.

Under normal circumstances, creatures in the eternal realm will not be so easy to receive a box lunch. You must know that the eternal supreme is the supreme creature that can exist forever.

Even if this world is destroyed, the creatures in the eternal realm will not die, they will all live well, and the power that destroys the sky and the earth cannot make them fall!

Gu Fei thought to himself, it seemed that someone had killed the old dragon!

Who the **** is it?

"That old dragon is dead? How could it be possible!"

Heng Xian'er didn't believe it at all, because not long ago, her father had just taken her into the depths of Fulong Mountain to visit the old dragon.

Although it was an old dragon who had lived for endless years, in Heng Xian'er's eyes, he was just a kind old man.

"Why died suddenly?"

Heng Xian'er was a little sad.

"Should be killed by someone."

Gu Fei groaned.

"Who can kill that old dragon?"

Mo Wei surprised.

"Hey, whoever he is, what to do with us? I'm almost starving to death. Find an inn and settle down!"

Gu Fei touched his stomach and said.

"Just know how to eat, you are a foodie."

Heng Xian'er glared at Gu Fei.

Gu Fei was not afraid of any princess like her, and he gave Heng Xian'er a glance back.


Heng Xian'er reached out to hit Gu Fei.

Gu Fei quickly hid behind Mowei.

"His Royal Highness, I think this kid makes a lot of sense. Let's find a place to stay first!"

As Mo Wei said, his stomach rang violently.

"You group of foodies."

Heng Xian'er was speechless.

Soon, they were stunned and wandered around in Blackstone Town, they unexpectedly discovered that there was no place for them to stay in the huge Blackstone Town.

All the inns were full, and all the inns were occupied by monks.

"What about this?"

Heng Xian'er has no temper. She can't drive the people out of the inn, so let's live by herself.

"His Royal Highness, I remember that there is another courtyard in the palace not far from here. Should we go to the other courtyard for one night?"

Mo Wei said suddenly.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Heng Xian'er almost went crazy.

The Nanwang guarding southern Xinjiang has built other courtyards or palaces everywhere, and there is another courtyard of the Nanwang less than twenty miles away from Heishan Town.

"Lead the way fast."

Heng Xian'er said angrily.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

Mo Wei hurriedly led the way, leading them directly out of Blackstone Town, and then toward the other courtyard.

"Someone, stop."

When they came to the other courtyard, two guards with knives jumped out of the gate and stopped everyone.

This other courtyard is guarded by guards, and most people can't get close to this other courtyard.

"His Royal Highness is here, are you still not letting go?"

Mowei said loudly.

"Cut, you said she is the Royal Highness, she is the Royal Highness?"

A guard sneered.


Mo Wei flashed his body and slapped the guard of the other house away.

"Enemy attack!"

The other guard yelled immediately.

At the next moment, the figure flickered, and a dozen guards with swords suddenly jumped out of the other courtyard.

"The enemy is there."

A middle-aged guard leader roared imposingly.

"Jin Shou, you are so majestic!"

Morway's unmale and female voice sounded.


The middle-aged guard leader was about to get angry, but when he saw Morway's appearance at first glance, he was suddenly excited, and then immediately persuaded.

"Don't..., don't care..."

At this time, Jin Shou couldn't pinch the guy who shouted the enemy to death.

"Really the princess has come down?"

The guard of the other courtyard shouting the enemy attack was dumbfounded.

"You bastard, what are you yelling at."

Jin Shou yelled at the subordinate and sprayed his face with saliva.

"Boss, I really didn't know that the princess had come down!"

The guard at the other house was so scared that his legs trembled and he almost urinated.

The princess, in the eyes of their guards, is the incarnation of the little devil. In the entire Southern Palace, who has not been tricked by the little princess? Even the little devil of Nan Wang dare to play tricks!

"You people who don't have eyesight, why don't you open the door quickly to welcome His Royal Highness in?"

Mo Wei shouted at Jin Shou.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Jin Shou hurriedly sent someone to open the gate of the other courtyard to welcome the princess.

"You princess is very prestigious!"

Gu Fei teased.

"Cut, what is this."

Heng Xian'er said triumphantly.

After entering the other courtyard, Heng Xian'er, who was full of food and drink, went to rest in the house, while Gu Fei, who was also full of food and drink, wandered around in this other courtyard.

It is worthy of the Southern King’s Courtyard. The place is not small, with pavilions, pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, and beautiful scenery. Moreover, there is a gathering of spirit formations here.

The South King’s Courtyard of the Eternal God Dynasty is naturally different from the courtyard of ordinary people.

Gu Fei saw that not only the spirit gathering array was laid here, but also at least a triple killing array was laid here. Once the triple killing array was activated, the Quasi-Supreme wouldn't be able to break in.

He doesn't have any respect for any prince or princess.

You know, in the human world and other big worlds, he is invincible. Anyone who sees him will be respectful.

As long as others are in awe of themselves, in this world, there is no one whom Gu Fei is in awe of.

"Hey, do you want to go to Fulong Mountain to try our luck?"

"Take some luck, with your cultivation base, you will die if you go."

"Well, the inheritance and power of the old dragon in Fulong Mountain are not so easy to obtain, I don't know how many big people are staring at it."

Gu Fei walked behind a rockery and suddenly heard someone talking in front of him.

It turned out that several guards guarding this other courtyard were talking.

Gu Fei learned from these people that although the Fulongshan old dragon had fallen, he sealed his life strength with his last strength before he died.

Unlock the seal to get this power.

Who doesn't want to be powerful?

This is why the monks gathered in Fulong Mountain.

However, people with weak cultivation bases, being the cannon fodder for those with strong cultivation bases, are the unchanging laws of the cultivation world.

Countless monks flooded into Fulong Mountain, and in the end they will still be cheaper than those strong.

"Fulong Mountain Laolong's lifelong skill?"

Gu Fei was also moved. If he could obtain the lifelong skill of the old dragon, wouldn't his cultivation level be fully restored immediately?

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