Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4812: Bloody smell

The Southern King of the Eternal God Dynasty was abducted and run away.

The entire Nanwang Mansion was in chaos, and even the Nanwang was shocked. That was his favorite little daughter, who was abducted in Fulong Mountain.

Where is Fulong Mountain? You must be careful when you enter Fulong Mountain yourself.

You know, Fulong Mountain is already chaotic. The five bandits in Fulong Mountain are not a joke. Every bandit's master is half-step eternal.

But not long ago, these five bandits seemed to have changed, and some people seemed to surrender them for their own use.

These five bandits usually dared to attack the immortal crystal mine of the Eternal Gods in Fulong Mountain. They were extremely arrogant. If they were really surrendered, I am afraid that the southern palace would not be able to touch these bandits.

Moreover, now, the old dragon of Fulong Mountain has fallen without warning. As a result, the situation in Fulong Mountain has become even more chaotic.

Someone released the news that the old dragon of Fulong Mountain left a legacy, left countless cultivation resources, and even his lifelong skills.

Whether it is the inheritance of the old dragon of Fulong Mountain, the training resources, or his lifelong skills, for countless cultivators, there is a fatal temptation.

Even the corpse of the old dragon in Fulong Mountain is the supreme treasure, and a drop of dragon blood can be used to refine a great medicine.

The Emperor Nan, who was guarding southern Xinjiang from the Eternal God Dynasty, directly dispatched its three powerful men into Fulong Mountain to find Heng Xian'er, the lord of the county.

When the entire Nanwangfu was worried about Heng Xian'er, the heartless Heng Xian'er was playing very well in Fulong Mountain.

After the little princess killed a group of robbers like chicken blood, he and Gu Fei left the small valley and continued to advance towards the depths of the Fulong Mountain.

"Do I really recognize your way?"

Gu Fei was taken by this little girl to wander around the mountains for most of the day. Seeing that it was getting late, she couldn't help but seriously doubt it.

"Cut, dare to underestimate this princess. Believe it or not, even your mother won't recognize you."

Heng Xian'er said fiercely, waving his fist.

"I believe it, I believe it, as long as you are happy."

Gu Fei looked disapproving.

"What kind of expression do you want to be beaten?"

Heng Xian'er became addicted to beating and hitting Gu Fei with a punch.

Gu Fei stretched out his right hand and immediately grabbed the fist hit by Heng Xian'er. The small fist was weak and boneless. He was really afraid that he would scratch this little girl if he tried hard.

Although his cultivation was suppressed by the law of the eternal world, it was just that his great path had not yet been recognized by the eternal world.

Gu Fei's martial art is still a genuine and eternal martial art. Even if it is a half-step eternal existence, I am afraid that it can't kill him. It can only trap him or even seal it.

His various powerful martial arts and supernatural powers cannot be used, and the power of the Dao above the semi-sacred realm cannot be used. Only the power of the martial arts can meet the power of the holy rank, even the quasi-superior, and the power of a battle.

If you meet Ji Dao Supreme, you will only be abused.

The eternal creatures in this Fulong Mountain may only be the old dragon, but there are definitely a lot of Extreme Supremes. Given his current situation, it is better to be careful.


Heng Xian'er was grabbed by Gu Fei's fist. She only felt that the other party's fist was filled with warmth, as if it were wrapped in warm water. She couldn't help but move her heart and her face became hot.

"What's wrong with me?"

Heng Xian'er suddenly turned around and dared not look at Gu Fei, a fever on his face, fortunately covering his face, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

In Fulong Mountain, in addition to bandits, there are fierce beasts, and there are elite soldiers and powerful generals under the Southern King of the Eternal God Dynasty, but these elite soldiers and powerful generals are used to guard the mine.

After being grabbed by Gu Fei's fist, Heng Xian'er suddenly became quiet and walked in front of her silently.

In the mountains, there is no road, there are dense forests everywhere, and the roar of wild beasts is heard from time to time in the forest.

The law of heaven in the eternal world is so strong that only holy creatures can fly. This is something that Gu Fei’s original world could hardly imagine.

The holy creatures of the human world, even the ancestor world, are extremely powerful, wandering the stars, picking the stars and catching the moon, almost omnipotent.

But in the eternal world, the holy creatures have just reached the level of flying in the air. It is impossible to travel for nine days, catch the stars and catch the moon.

In the eternal world, only the supreme dao can have the ability to turn the river and the sea.

Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er leaped forward on the top of the tree. When they crossed a mountain, they suddenly saw a black smoke burst out of the mountain ahead.

"That is……"

Gu Fei frowned.

"Haha, there is another fight."

Heng Xian'er immediately became energetic, and then rushed directly to the place where the black smoke rose.

"Violent chick!"

Gu Fei couldn't help shaking his head. It could be seen that this chick had been restrained for a long time, just like a canary in a cage. Once let her fly out of the cage, she began to release herself.

Soon, they came near the place where the black smoke was rising.

"The smell of blood!"

Gu Fei immediately smelled the strangeness in the air.

"Smell of blood?"

When Heng Xian'er heard this, he was immediately excited.

They walked carefully through the woods, only to see a large flat area outside the woods, and here, there was a cottage hidden unexpectedly.

The cottage is not very big, but the walls are made of blue bricks. This kind of blue bricks are directly cut blue rocks and are extremely hard.

This is simply a fortress.

However, at this time, the gate of the cottage was smashed to pieces, and there were many dead bodies lying around the entrance.

Gu Fei noticed that there was no complete weapon on the ground. Those were Dao soldiers, not ordinary soldiers, but these Dao soldiers were all broken.

No sound came from the cottage, it was quiet and terrifying.

"let's go!"

Heng Xian'er couldn't wait.

"and many more!"

Gu Fei's face was a bit solemn.

"What are you waiting for?"

Heng Xian'er said impatiently.

"Aren't you afraid of an ambush inside?"

Gu Fei suddenly smiled.


Heng Xian'er was startled when he heard the words, but then smiled slyly, and then took out a puppet from the inner world. Yes, it was a puppet.

I saw that she directly injected a vitality into the puppet. The next moment, the puppet turned into a person and another Heng Xian'er.


Gu Fei couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

"Cut, what do you buns know? This is called a puppet that can save lives."

Heng Xian'er despised Gu Fei and said.

"Good stuff, is there any more, give me one!"

Gu Fei's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the words. A puppet, such an inconspicuous thing, could really save his life when it was critical.

With this thing, it is equivalent to one more life.

"Do you think this is a popular item, grab a lot?"

Heng Xian'er stared at Gu Fei angrily, and then under her control, her dead doll walked towards the entrance of the cottage opposite.

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