Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4813: Look dumbfounded

There is a cottage hidden in the mountain. Needless to say, this cottage is definitely the cottage of the bandits. Otherwise, whoever is free to build a cottage in the depths of the inaccessible mountain.

Gu Fei is very depressed now. With his current cultivation base, his divine consciousness can only cover his body by a few hundred meters, and it is impossible to sense whether there is any strong in the cottage in ambush.

They dare not rush into the cottage.

This kind of bandit's den has absolutely laid all kinds of deceptive prohibitions.

Although Gu Fei was not afraid, if he was trapped in the formation, he would be unlucky.

His martial arts are powerful, but he can't even use the magical powers of the holy ranks. When trapped in the formation, it is difficult to get out.

Although Na Heng Xian'er is a strong man of the holy rank, her combat experience and the experience of facing the enemy are almost zero, and she doesn't know how to die when she meets a master.

However, this Heng Xian'er was also very clever. She directly used her surrogate doll to investigate the reality of the cottage.

I saw that the dead puppet turned into Heng Xian'er and walked directly towards the entrance of the cottage.

"I said you can do this trick?"

Gu Fei doubted Heng Xian'er's ability very much.

The death puppet was just a death surrogate, and it didn't seem to have any supernatural powers.

Gu Fei is the eternal supreme in the lower realm, and he can refine things like dead dolls, but in this ghost place where the heavenly Dao crushes people to death, he can't even use the magical powers of the holy ranks.

"Why not? You can do it, you come!"

Heng Xian'er glared at Gu Fei and said.

"Hey, you just need to be happy."

Gu Fei didn't want to fight each other with this little girl, because he knew that sometimes women can be unreasonable, especially this stubborn little princess.

Both of them stared at the figure transformed into the dead doll, and saw the figure walk in directly through the broken cottage gate.

Then, there seems to be no more then, sinking to the sea!


Gu Fei looked at Heng Xian'er and said.


Heng Xian'er glared at Gu Fei, and then walked out of the hiding place.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Gu Fei quickly grabbed her.

"What else can you do? Go in!"

Heng Xian'er said, her replacement doll is still inside.

"Just go in like this? You're dead."

Gu Fei was really worried about this little girl's IQ.

"You are counseling, I am not counseling."

Heng Xian'er was going out again.

"Wait, I'll go, all right."

Gu Fei couldn't admit counseling, especially in front of women.

"You? A semi-holy!?"

Heng Xian'er chuckled disdainfully.

"Why, look down on people? Try using your Taoist soldiers to strike me."

Gu Fei was not convinced.

"Are you crazy? My Taoist soldiers are the worst weapons."

Heng Xian'er looked at Gu Fei like a monster.

"Haha, very good, then use your most powerful Taoist tool to have a look. If you can cut the skin on my hand, you are my master. I will do whatever you tell me to do. how is it?"

Gu Fei laughed.

"Well, this is what you said."

Heng Xian'er was overjoyed upon hearing this, and directly took out a sword weapon from the inner world.

As soon as the sword was released, the surrounding air temperature dropped rapidly.

"Half-step eternal Taoist weapon? Your old man is a little too spoiled!"

Gu Fei smiled.

"What are you talking about!"

Heng Xian'er was upset, so she drew her sword directly.

"Stretch out your hand."

Xing Xian'er Xing's eyes were wide open, and he stared at Gu Fei puffingly.

Gu Fei pulled up his sleeves directly, exposing his skin.

"Hey, I don't think your skin is so good!"

Heng Xian'er was a little surprised when she saw Gu Fei's jade-like arms. The skin of this guy was better than that of a girl.

She was a little bit envious and jealous.

"Hurry up, what's your time?"

Gu Fei was a little impatient.

As soon as Heng Xian'er gritted his teeth, he took the sword and swiped Gu Fei's arm lightly, and then the scene of blood bursting did not appear.

"how can that be……"

Heng Xian'er rubbed his eyes, thinking that his eyes were dazzled, but the place where Gu Fei's arm was struck by the sword's edge, there was not even a scratch.


Heng Xian'er couldn't believe what she saw with her eyes. The sword in her hand, but the half-step eternal Taoist weapon, could not even cut a small half-sage skin?

"What is impossible!"

Gu Fei was proud.

"Come again!"

Heng Xian'er didn't believe in evil anymore. This time, she directly swiped Gu Fei's arm with the sword.

Then, Heng Xian'er was stunned. This time she was able to see exactly, she could see clearly, she stared at the place where Gu Fei's hand was cut by the sword.

"Impossible, is this sword fake?"

Heng Xian'er looked dazed, she even suspected that the half-step eternal divine sword in her hand was coming.

"Well, I also suspect that this sword is fake, or send me this sword." Gu Fei said solemnly.

"Huh! Want to fool this princess? Dreaming."

Heng Xian'er directly threw the half-step eternal divine sword into the inner world.

"Are you the eternal supreme?"

Heng Xian'er stared at Gu Fei suspiciously.

"What do you mean?"

Gu Fei pretended to say mysteriously.

"You're not on yet?"

Heng Xian'er said angrily.

"Just go up, go up!"

Gu Fei walked out of the hiding place as he said, and then walked towards the cottage gate unhurriedly.

He relied on possessing the eternal martial arts, unless the eternal supreme shot, otherwise no one could hurt him, so he dared to enter the cottage.

Gu Fei felt that the closer he got to the cottage, the stronger the **** smell in the air.

He wouldn't foolishly walk in through the gate of the cottage.

There is more than one place to enter the cottage. For Gu Fei, the high wall was just a virtual reality. He walked to a hidden place, and then carefully climbed up the wall.

"Cunning fellow!"

Heng Xian'er, who was hiding in the dark, saw this scene and raised her **** directly at Gu Fei who was climbing the wall.

Soon, Gu Fei climbed to the top of the wall, and he found that countless array patterns were branded on the wall, but these formation patterns had collapsed.

Obviously, this bandit had a protective formation, but it was broken.

The person who shot was very straightforward, and the formation was also straightforward. It seemed that the formation of the entire formation was shattered by a single blow.

Gu Fei lay on the wall and looked into the cottage, only to see a mess in the cottage, and there were corpses on the ground.

The entire cottage seems to have been wiped out.

At this time, Gu Fei also saw the incarnation of Heng Xian'er's replacement puppet, and saw that the incarnation of the puppet was spinning in the open space of the cottage.

"Array, maze!"

Gu Fei could see the reality at a glance, and the body around the doll's avatar was all invisible to the naked eye.

Under the gaze of Gu Fei's eternal god, everything in the cottage was invisible, and some formations in the cottage had not been completely broken.

"Extreme Dao level formation?"

Gu Fei is really speechless. In the eternal world, Ji Dao Supreme has become a bandit.

This is absolutely unimaginable in Gu Fei's original world.

Gu Fei didn't hesitate anymore, he jumped directly from the wall to the cottage and fell into the cottage.

"Who the **** killed this bandit?"

Gu Fei is really curious.

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