Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4814: Fulong Mountain Fairy War

In the cottage, there are corpses everywhere, blood everywhere, and broken magical instruments everywhere.

Gu Fei walked in the cottage, and couldn't help being moved when he saw this scene. The person who shot was extremely powerful, and the combat power was even more terrifying. Everyone in the cottage was killed by one blow.

It can be seen from the corpse on the ground.

"Awesome, it's a bit like Lao Tzu back then!"

Gu Fei murmured, there are still many capable people in this eternal world.

He went around in the cottage and found nothing. These bandits were also unlucky. He didn't know who had offended them. That person wiped out the bandits in the cottage without taking away the cultivation resources here.

Gu Fei found a lot of immortal crystals in the basement behind the cottage, which actually made him cheaper.

The aura of heaven and earth in the eternal world is too abundant. The monks above the immortal gods use immortal crystals when practicing. This immortal crystal can be divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, and top-grade, four ranks.

And one level lower than the fairy crystal is the spirit stone.

The cultivators below the immortal gods use spirit stones when practicing.

And the powerhouse above the holy rank, when cultivating, they use not the fairy crystal, but the celestial crystal that is higher than the celestial crystal. This celestial crystal condenses is the purest heaven and earth essence in the eternal world. .

In the depths of Fulong Mountain, there is a Tianjing mine.

In order to guard this celestial crystal mine, the eternal gods stationed an eternal gods army in that celestial crystal mine.

The cultivation system in the eternal world has developed to the extreme.

Here, the life span of all creatures is much longer than that of ordinary creatures in Datiandi.

The life span is long and the training time is also long. Therefore, in the entire eternal world, there are really many immortals and gods like dogs, and saints walk everywhere, even the supreme beings are common.

It's just that the supreme existence of the eternal realm will not appear easily.

At this time, Gu Fei sent a signal to Heng Xian'er outside.

Soon, Heng Xian'er came.

When she saw that her replacement doll was actually trapped in the remnant formation in the cottage, she was so annoyed that she went forward and took out a half-step eternal divine sword, killed the remnant formation with a single sword, and then retracted it. For the dead doll.

"Huh! Sure enough, there are still remnants."

At this moment, a sneer sounded in the minds of Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er.


Both Gu Fei and Chu Yan'er were taken aback.

In the next moment, a big golden light hand descended directly from the sky, and blasted down towards Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er in the cottage. The violent palm power burst out, and the void produced ripples visible to the naked eye.

"Zhudao Supreme?"

Gu Fei felt the powerful fluctuations of power erupting from the big golden hand that was blasting down from the sky, and his expression suddenly changed.


Heng Xian'er was stunned by this scene, was there, at a loss.

"Do u wanna die!"

Gu Fei pulled Heng Xian'er over, then pressed her under his body, and then pushed up his limbs hard, taking the palm that fell from the sky with his back.


Photographed by Jinguang's hand, the entire cottage shook, and the houses one after another turned into dust, floating between the sky and the earth.


As the golden hand fell, there was a loud noise, the mountains shook, and the whole cottage was slapped into the ground by the golden hand that fell from the sky.

"I thought there was a big guy, but I just waited for two little guys."

A figure appeared in the sky, overlooking the dust below, said indifferently.

The next moment, this person took a step forward, disappeared into the void in an instant, and left directly.

The creatures below the extreme realm can't live at all. This extreme realm supreme can't imagine that a small semi-sage can withstand his blow.

It took two hours for the smoke and dust in the mountains to disperse, and among the mountains, the original location of the cottage was suddenly replaced by a huge palm print.

At this moment, two guys sneaked out of this big handprint.

"You guy..."

Heng Xian'er was really speechless, and she never imagined that Gu Fei could withstand a blow from Ji Dao Supreme and saved her life.

If Gu Fei hadn't protected herself just now, she would really have died. At the moment when Jin Guang's hand fell, she felt how close she was to death.

However, even though Gu Fei was shielded by her body and Heng Xian'er wore an extremely Dao-class body armor, she was still injured, of course it was only a minor injury.

Seeing Heng Xian'er's unkempt appearance, Gu Fei couldn't help laughing.

"You smile, you are worse than this princess."

Heng Xian'er glared at Gu Fei and said angrily.

Gu Fei was really miserable. His jacket was broken and hung on his body, and there was a faint palm print on his back.

Heng Xian'er had to admire, really admired, this guy has such a powerful Dao body, is this guy really an eternal old monster?

There was a problem with his cultivation, so was his cultivation smashed from the eternal realm to the end?

This could not help Heng Xian'er suspect, you know, a semi-sage, it is impossible to have such a powerful Taoist body, that is a blow from the Supreme Dao Supreme, and it was born.

"Who on earth is this princess, if the princess knows, he must be broken into pieces."

Heng Xian'er said viciously.

"You, let's wash and sleep, the other party is extremely supreme."

Gu Fei said disapprovingly.

"Cut, is Ji Dao supreme a cow?"

Heng Xian'er said disdainfully, her father Nan Wang is even a half-step eternal existence.

"No bull, no bull!"

Gu Fei agreed, this little girl really caused him a headache.

Heng Xian'er has to say more.

"Let's go quickly, if that person comes back, then we just want to go and can't go."

Gu Fei said quickly.

"Go fast too, go!"

Heng Xian'er was also scared, and if he came again, he would be dead, but Gu Fei would definitely not die.

The two quickly left the mountain range.

Gu Fei found a water pool, took a bath, and then killed a fierce beast, roasting meat happily.

But that Heng Xian'er secretly went to the water pool to take a bath.

While Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er were drinking and eating meat, in the depths of Fulong Mountain, outside a cave, many powerful people gathered.

The powerful breath erupting from these people even affected the celestial phenomena in the sky.

"Eternal Immortal Sect wants to dominate this cave mansion?"

A figure surrounded by demonic energy stared at a figure surrounded by fairy lights on the opposite mountain and said angrily.

"Mo Zhentian, where did you come from and go back."

The figure stunned back.

"Unreasonably, this cave mansion was discovered by Lao Tzu first."

The Demon Dao Supreme Angrily said.

"so what?"

Eternal Xianzong's supreme coldly said.

"you wanna die!"

The Demon Dao Supreme was angry, and jumped directly from the top of the mountain to kill the Supreme Eternal Immortal Sect opposite.

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