Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4815: Caught

The eternal world, Xianzhou, and Fulong Mountain are very lively now.

This Fulong Mountain, in the territory of Xianzhou Eternal God Dynasty, is located in the southern area of ​​Eternal God Dynasty. It was originally a place of chaos and bandits appeared.

With the fall of that old dragon in Fulong Mountain, the entire Fulong Mountain Range became more chaotic.

Especially some people say that although the old dragon in Fulong Mountain has fallen, it has left a cave and its own cultivation level has also been retained.

Now, all the monks who had received the news rushed into Fulong Mountain like crazy.

In the depths of Fulong Mountain, in front of a cave mansion, the powerhouses of all major forces were confronting each other. The first demon of the Eternal Demon Sect, Mo Zhentian, fell on the eternal fairy sage Yu Huang.

When these two guys were in the Chaos Xianfu world that day, they both managed to **** a golden lotus from the Great Dao, and then fled back to the eternal world.

And these two guys are really awesome, they both successfully took that step and achieved the ultimate Tao fruit.

Mo Zhentian was the first to do it.

"Unique Magic Fist!"

He directly played the Eternal Demon Sect's eternal level punching technique.

Eternal Demon Sect, that is the No. 1 Demon Sect in the eternal great world, inherited endless years, this unique demon fist is an eternal fist, and only true disciples of the Demon Sect are qualified to practice.

This magic shocked the sky with a punch, and the void surrounding him for a few miles shook, and the domineering fist shook the sky and the earth.

"The Sword at the End of the World."

Yu Huang took a step forward, avoiding the fist of Demon Zhentian, and then with a wave of his right hand, a sword light strangled him in an instant, the speed was extremely fast.

This sword, which combines the power of time and space, is the supreme secret technique of Eternal Immortal Sect.

Mo Zhentian wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't avoid it at all.

"Eternal Demon Body!"

Saw Mo Zhentian roared, the powerful magic power burst out from his body, and a magic shadow rushed out from his body, blocking the immortal sword light from the strangulation.

"it is good!"

Yu Huang yelled and slammed once again.

"Afraid you won't make it?"

Mo Zhentian sneered and greeted him.

The two great extreme powers fought.

But at this time, the other powerhouses outside the cave did not take action, they were all watching the show.

The old dragon of Fulong Mountain is an eternal existence. How can the cave house he left can be broken open casually?

Just when Mo Zhentian and Yu Huang fought, Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er were also advancing towards the depths of Fulong Mountain. They were careful not to provoke the terrifying beasts in the mountain.

Gu Fei's wild survival skills are not small.

But that Heng Xian'er had no experience at all. Had Gu Fei not been watching, she would have been bitten by a poisonous snake that suddenly sprang out of the grass.

Although he was not bitten by the poisonous snake, Heng Xian'er was also very scared.

Just as they were over a mountain, there was a sudden sound of fighting in front of them.

Gu Fei hurriedly looked forward and saw that in the mountains ahead, there was yet another cottage, and a dark shadow rushed in and out of the cottage, and there was no one to beat.

"Huh, it's interesting!"

Gu Fei watched the man show his power, only to see that the man was actually hitting the bandits with a pair of fists. The man was very strong against the enemy and killed a bandit with one punch.


A roar came out in the cottage, and only a big man was seen dancing with his sword, rushing towards the man in black fiercely, and slashing his head.


The sound of breaking through the sky sounded, and the void seemed to be split.

However, the man still hit with a punch, and directly shattered the opponent's sword, and the fist kept hitting the opponent's chest.

The next moment, there was a sound of broken bones from the big man, and then he collapsed to the ground, just like that.

"One punch, is it the man who destroyed the old cottage?"

Gu Fei's eyes lit up when he thought of this.


Heng Xian'er couldn't help but marvel when he saw that the man was so powerful.

Soon, the bandits in the cottage couldn't hold it anymore, and began to flee, but the man in black did not chase and kill, he seemed to be enjoying the thrill of fists.

Then, the cottage was empty, and the bandits here were either killed by the man or escaped.

"Come out to me."

The middle-aged man suddenly roared towards the place where Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er were hiding.

Gu Fei knew that he couldn't hide, so he walked out of the hiding place.

Then Heng Xian'er had to follow Gu Fei.

"Take me a punch!"

The man directly hit Gu Fei with a punch.

"Afraid you won't make it?"

The man shook his right hand with five fingers, and also slammed a punch at the middle-aged man.


The two fists collided together, and then Heng Xian'er saw that the man who regressed was actually this powerful and incomparable middle-aged man, not Gu Fei.

"Good boy!"

The middle-aged man was awe-inspiring and his eyes were electric, he stopped his retreat and looked at the black-clothed boy in surprise.

"Wu Ji Xianzong's boxing technique, are you a disciple of Wu Ji Xianzong?"

Gu Fei said suddenly.

"how do you know?"

The middle-aged man was shocked when he heard this, Dongbu Xianzong is one of the top sects in the eternal world!

This black-clothed boy could see at a glance that his boxing technique came from Wu Ji Xianzong. Could this little guy have any relationship with Wu Ji Xianzong?

"Hehe, I just happened to know a few disciples of Tobu Xianzong."

Gu Fei smiled and said that in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace that day, he had seen the Wu Jizi of Wu Ji Xianzong and the other two disciples of Wu Ji Xianzong.

"That's it."

A cold light flashed through the eyes of that young man.

"If the two of you don't dislike it, how about going to my place?"

Said the middle-aged man.


Gu Fei readily agreed.

Heng Xian'er also had no objection.

Thus, the middle-aged man took Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er, left this cottage and disappeared into the mountains.

At this moment, in front of the cave mansion of the old dragon of Fulong Mountain, the battle between Yu Huang, the saint of Eternal Immortal Sect, and the first demon of Eternal Demon Sect, Demon Zhentian, continued.

These two guys are half a catastrophe, it is not easy to decide the winner.

Someone began to try to break the seal of the old dragon cave.

However, as long as someone attacks the seal at the entrance of the cave, they will be counterattacked. Many people are unlucky. Although they won't die, injuries are inevitable.


"Hey, brother, I didn't expect you to be nice here!"

Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er were taken to a valley by the middle-aged man, and they saw that there were flowers blooming and picturesque, as if they had entered a fairyland.

"Hey, it's okay."

The middle-aged man Liangfeng smiled and took Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er into a pavilion, and then ordered people to serve Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er with wine and food.

"Brother, you are too polite!"

After Gu Fei sat down, he drank a large bowl of wine.

Heng Xian'er also wanted to take a sip, but Gu Fei seemed to be careless and knocked the wine bowl in her hand to the ground.

"Oh, what's the matter? I'm a little dizzy!"

Gu Fei sat down on the stone bench, a little shaky.


When Heng Xian'er saw it, he was shocked.


At this moment, a few unkind laughter sounded, and several powerful figures suddenly appeared outside the pavilion.

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