Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4819: Want to learn? Promise it

The eternal world is really too big, there are thousands of races, and the strong don't know how many there are, and even the eternal supreme can't detect how big this world is.

And the cultivation system in the eternal world has also developed to an extreme, countless exercises have been tempered, the dross are eliminated, the winners are left behind and passed on.

Gu Fei's crazy method of devouring others' skill cultivation is a method often used by people in the magic way. At first glance, there is no difference.

However, in essence, Gu Fei's devouring technique is not simply absorbing the enemy's skill, and even the opponent's perception of Dao is swallowed and melted into his own.

This is against the sky.

He had already practiced the ultimate method of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, which was a cultivation method born out of one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao.

To seize with the secret technique of the gods and refining the secret technique for self-use, this fusion pushes the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, which is the ultimate method, to an eternal method.

In fact, Gu Fei is constantly exploring and creating eternal law.

At his level of cultivation, only the exercises he created are the most suitable for him.

"Haha, this technique is called Eternal Swallowing!"

Gu Fei laughed and walked towards Liang Feng, one of the four Fulong Mountain Masters who had already been frightened.

"Don't, don't kill me, I am willing to be your slave, be a cow and a horse for you, I just need to live!"

Liang Feng was shocked by Gu Fei's methods, swallowing other people's skill, even the soul, isn't this the rhythm of the destruction of body and spirit?

In the past, he still enjoyed the fun of destroying the physical and mental being beaten by others, but now, when it is his turn to be beaten, he has no fun anymore, only fear.

Only then did he realize the fear and despair of the guys who were beaten by him before they died. This can drive people crazy!

"You should have killed a lot of people, I have no reason to let you go and let you harm people again!"

As he said, Gu Fei stretched out his right hand and grabbed it directly at Liang Feng.

"go to hell!"

Liang Feng's gaze suddenly became fierce, and his expression instantly became extremely hideous, and a destructive force erupted from his body.


Gu Fei smiled and retracted the hand he grabbed. He directly took out a brick and slammed it on Liang Feng's head.

"I make you cruel, I make you blew up."

Gu Fei directly punched and kicked, and beat this guy severely.

"Honestly being swallowed up by Lao Tzu, isn't it good to cultivate one's body? Why is it just looking for sin."

Gu Fei cursed and said, he possessed eternal martial arts, and the power in his fists and feet was so great that even the dao body of Extreme Dao Supreme could be punched through.

This Liang Feng was nothing but Quasi-Supreme, he was beaten directly into a pig head by Gu Fei.

There was a powerful sealing force on the brick, and the quasi-extreme Dao-level destructive force that burst out of Liang Feng's body was immediately beaten back.

That was the Three Realms Monument, which could suppress the Three Realms. Gu Fei had never used this brick before.

However, he discovered that the Three Realms Monument had also been suppressed by the law of heaven and earth in the Eternal Great World, and it was impossible to use the power of suppressing the Three Realms at all.

Now the Three Realms Monument of the Megatron Three Realms can only be used by Gu Fei as a brick.

It seems that the only way to restore the power of the Dao Dao artifacts is to restore your cultivation to the realm of the Dao Dao, and then refining all the Dao Dao artifacts on your body.

At this time, the devouring force that came out of Gu Fei's hand had already enveloped Liang Feng.

In the next moment, the quasi-polar power in Liang Feng's body was torn out by this swallowing force, and was continuously sucked away by Gu Fei.

Soon, Liang Feng's black hair turned white, and his whole body was instantly old for hundreds of millions of years. As his quasi-polar origin was continuously sucked away by Gu Fei, he was rapidly becoming weaker.

However, Gu Fei’s aura continued to strengthen, and his cultivation base grew steadily upwards. Soon, as he continued to swallow the principles of the eternal great world of the other side’s quasi-polar path, his cultivation base It was smoothly restored to the realm of the Great Sage.

"Hey, what are you doing."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Gu Fei.

"Oh, my mother, my sister-in-law, grandma, scary people can be scary."

Gu Fei was engrossed in perceiving the fragments of the Heavenly Dao in the eternal world contained in the other party's original power, but he didn't even find anyone behind him.

To the effect, the person here is Heng Xian'er. If others were frightened by her like this, they would have gone into a frenzy long ago.

At this moment, Liang Feng's Quasi-Zhudao Dao's original power was completely swallowed by Gu Fei. He showed an expression of relief, and then turned into flying ash, dissipated in the void, and completely disappeared from this world. .

Since then, the four Fulongshan statues have become a thing of the past, and only the eldest among the four, Jinwu, has escaped.

However, Jin Wu is no longer enough, because Gu Fei's cultivation has been restored to the realm of the Great Sage, and with the physical power of the eternal martial body, it is enough to compete with the Supreme.

At this time, Gu Fei felt that he had some self-protection power in the eternal world.

As long as the opponent is not quasi-eternal supreme, he has no fear.

It is impossible to compete with the existence of the eternal level, unless his cultivation base can be restored to the quasi-eternal state.

"You, you, you, did you **** that guy into a fan?"

Heng Xian'er stared at Gu Fei in shock.

"Cut, can't it?"

Gu Fei said disapprovingly.

"No, he is so hateful, just let him die like this, it's too cheap for him."

Heng Xian'er stamped his feet.


Gu Fei thought that Heng Xian'er would blame her for being cruel and devour other people's skills. Who would think that this little girl should feel like this, and it would be cheap for Liangfeng.

Violence, this is simply a violent chick.

Gu Fei smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Also, how is your cultivation level possible!"

Heng Xian'er felt dumbfounded by the great sage pressure on Gu Fei's body. Wasn't this guy a quasi-sage before? How could he suddenly become a great sage?

"Did you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?"

Heng Xian'er said with hands on hips and glared at Gu Fei.

"No, haven't you seen me devour this guy's cultivation base?"

Gu Fei smiled.

"However, your cultivation level has improved too quickly. What kind of exercise is this, teach me quickly."

Heng Xian'er's eyes lit up suddenly.

In the eternal world, having powerful power can dominate everything. All cultivators are extremely eager to have powerful power, but powerful power is not so easy to obtain.

Now, Heng Xian'er suddenly discovered a kind of exercise that can easily gain powerful strength, and naturally wanted to learn this exercise.

"Want to learn?"


"I really want to learn?"


"Then you agree with your body!"


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