Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4820: Don't like me

Gu Fei returned to the cultivation base of the Great Sage realm. In terms of strength, he directly crushed Heng Xian'er, which made Heng Xian'er feel a little unbalanced.

A small guard stepped on his head, but in the eternal world, what is important is the power, whoever has a strong fist is the boss.

Although Heng Xian'er was very upset, there was nothing to do.

However, she was stalking, and wanted Gu Fei to teach her that heaven-defying swallowing technique.

Gu Fei is just letting you die and he just stays unmoved.

"You are too stingy."

In the end, Heng Xian'er could only sulk herself.

"Cut, this is not a petty question. For you, can you pass on the eternal law of your eternal gods to me?"

Gu Fei's wordless Heng Xian'er had nothing to say.

The eternal gods naturally have eternal laws, but the eternal laws are definitely the eternal gods' dynasty exercises. Even Heng Xian'er, the daughter of the Southern Overlord, could not be taught.

At this time, in the depths of Fulong Mountain, in front of the cave mansion, Yu Huang of Eternal Immortal Sect and Mo Zhentian of Eternal Demon Sect were still fighting.

The existence of the two Great Dao-levels fought from the ground to the sky, and from the sky to the ground. The killing was inextricably difficult and fierce.

The two powerful forces of Extreme Dao level are constantly colliding, and the surrounding mountains are suffering.

However, in the eternal world, the supreme Supreme has lost that kind of supernatural power, because in the eternal world, the law of heaven is too strong.

The battle between Yu Huang and Mo Zhentian could destroy a mountain, which was already very good.

"There are a lot of people here!"

Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er also came near the cave, seeing the fairy light shining in front of them, and the devilish energy soaring to the sky, he couldn't help but shake his heart.

The breath of immortality is very familiar.

Gu Fei instantly recognized who the woman was shrouded in immortal light, that was Yu Huang, the saint of Eternal Xianzong.

This woman is really good, and she has won Lao Tzu's Dao Jinlian, and her cultivation level broke through to the extreme realm so quickly. It seems that the top sects of the eternal world should not be underestimated!

"Yu Huang, do you want to help?"

At this moment, a round of Ziyang appeared in the sky, the powerful Ziyang power came in mighty, and another Supreme Dao Supreme appeared.

"It's Ziyang Emperor, Ziyang Emperor is here."

Ziyanghuang is definitely one of the top young generations in the Eternal World. He once fought in the Lower Realm and successfully returned to the Eternal World.

After the Ziyang Emperor returned to the eternal world, his cultivation level broke through to the extreme realm within half a year.

When the Ziyang Emperor crossed the Heavenly Tribulation, the vision of Ten Sun Yaokong appeared, and even the ancestors of the Ziyang clan were alarmed by him.

In fact, all the gods and saints of the major sects who can return from the lower realm have achieved breakthroughs in their cultivation and achieved the ultimate Tao fruit.

Of course, there were also unlucky guys who fell to the lower realm, and even the emperor was blown to the ground, and fled back to the eternal world in an extremely embarrassing manner.

The Great Sun Emperor was the saint son of the Golden Crow family of the eternal great world, mastering the eternal law of the ten suns to destroy the world, but he was still beaten by the ancient spirit with the ultimate fist to explode his physical body and Dao.

Otherwise, he would have died in the lower realm.

At this time, the passage from Xianzhou to the lower bound had been closed, and no one was able to lower bound.

Because there is an eternal supreme from the lower realm, no one wants to provoke the eternal supreme of the lower realm without understanding the lower realm.

However, no one knew that the eternal supreme of the lower realm had already secretly poked into the eternal world, and his cultivation level had returned to the realm of the great sage.

With Gu Fei's eternal martial arts, even if he encounters a half-step eternal class guy, he can run without winning.

"You don't need to interfere!"

Yu Huang said coldly.

The next moment, the endless fairy light rushed out of her body and turned into a fairy phoenix, and saw the fairy phoenix flapping its wings and rushing towards the demon shaking the sky. When the fairy phoenix smashed towards the demon shaking the sky, it burned. stand up.

That is the eternal fairy fire, the nemesis of all evils.

I saw that where the fairy phoenix passed, a large piece of demonic energy was directly burned into nothingness, and the burning void would be boiling.

This is the eternal law of the Eternal Immortal Sect, the eternal immortal fire is not hot, but reveals a coolness, but as long as it is contaminated with a trace of immortal fire, even if it is the supreme path, it will be burned out, and it will die.

"Unique Magic Fist!"

Mo Zhentian roared, and once again hit the eternal demon sect's fist.

The monstrous demon energy rushed out of his fist and turned into a terrifying demon shadow, rushing towards the immortal phoenix full of eternal fairy fire.


With a loud noise, the fairy phoenix directly exploded the demon shadow and rushed past.


Mo Zhentian was taken aback, and hurriedly left afterimages on the spot, avoiding it.

However, even if he hid quickly, his right hand still touched the eternal fairy fire on Xianhuang's body. He just touched it with his fingers, but the eternal fairy fire burned his forearm, the entire palm of his hand. It's all turned into nothingness.

Mo Zhentian was shocked. He didn't even think about it. With a hand knife in his left hand, he directly chopped off his entire right arm shoulder-to-shoulder, and the blood splashed.

"Yu Huang, this old grudge has taken note of it."

That demon shaking the sky was extremely fierce, and directly used his own demon blood to display the eternal demon sect's blood escape great law, and instantly turned into a blood light, soaring into the sky, the speed is extremely fast.


Yu Huang sneered, and saw a move from her right hand, the fairy Phoenix actually flew back towards her directly, sank into her body, and disappeared.

"Cut, I thought she could really use the eternal fairy fire, it turned out to be the power of Taoism!"

Gu Fei saw this scene from a distant mountain, and it was immediately obvious.

Yu Huang used at least half-step eternal Dao implements.

"Should we go up?"

Heng Xian'er whispered in Gu Fei's ear.

"Last Mao, those are extremely daoist."

Gu Fei said angrily.

"Cut, can't you kill Ji Dao Supreme?"

Heng Xian'er directly rolled Gu Fei's eyes.

"Watch the show first, then pick up the bargain, you know?"

Gu Fei didn't want to go out and fight with those guys. That was the most unwise behavior. Let them earn a life and death. It's not too late for Lao Tzu to make a move.

"Unexpectedly you are so cunning, I like it."

Heng Xian'er smiled.

"Don't, you must not like me."

Gu Fei frowned.

"Why can't I like you?"

Heng Xian'er is upset again. The old lady is the youngest daughter of the dignified Southern Overlord, and the princess of the Eternal God Dynasty. She must have a good appearance, status and status. She is worthy of the name.

"I'm afraid you can't extricate yourself once you like it! Haha..."

Gu Fei laughed.

"You are so stinky!"

Heng Xian'er said angrily.

"The two are so casual, they are flirting here."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind them.


Both Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er were taken aback.

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