Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4821: Fortune Cave House

The ancient cave mansion, I don't know how many years it has existed, the old dragon of Fulong Mountain is not the only owner of this cave mansion.

Before the old dragon, the master of this cave was an ancient eternal supreme. It seems that the Fulongshan old dragon has obtained the inheritance of this ancient eternal supreme, and has cultivated to the realm of eternity.

The gate of this cave mansion was closed tightly. There were two bronze gates without locks. The bronze gates were covered with patina everywhere, and many patterns or words could be seen vaguely engraved on them.

That text, even the oldest eternal supreme in the world could not understand.

Some people think that it is the oldest divine writing in the eternal world, which has long been annihilated in the endless years. People in the world can read it like a book.

The legend about this cave mansion is everywhere, and I don't know how many versions there are.

Although Yu Huang defeated Demon Zhentian and drove it away, there were still quite a few Extreme Dao Supremes around, and everyone was staring at this cave mansion.

Some people say that this is a land of good fortune, whoever can enter this ancient cave mansion will have the opportunity to achieve eternal Taoism.

For Ji Dao Supreme, isn't their only purpose is to achieve eternity?

However, even though the eternal world is vast and boundless, there are not many creatures that can truly cultivate to the eternal state.

The eternal supreme in the eternal world has died, and one is missing. This time, the ancestor of the eternal gods has fallen, and the old dragon of Fulongshan has also fallen. The existence of the two eternal levels fell one after another. This will definitely affect The entire eternal world brings a certain impact.

If it hadn't been for Wu Jixianzong to cover the eternal dynasty, this Xianzhou first dynasty would be cold.

And the fall of the old dragon of Fulong Mountain has attracted countless supreme Supremes who peeped into the Fortune Cave Mansion, and the descendants of almost all the top forces in the eternal world have come.

Gu Fei saw Wu Jizi's figure flashing in the distance, and he also sensed Bei Gongyu's breath.

The Ziyang Emperor had already come to Yu Huang's side.

And secretly, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at this good fortune cave.

"Yu Huang, how about we open this cave together?"

Ziyang Emperor proposed.

"We can open this cave house? Don't be kidding."

Yu Huang said calmly.

"Haha, we two can't do it, just find a few more people!"

Ziyang Emperor smiled.

"No interest, go find someone else!"

Yu Huang took a deep look at the closed cave mansion as he spoke, then turned and left.

At this time, the top forces in the 13 eastern continents of the Eternal World had already sent people into Fulong Mountain, while the powerhouses from other regions were still coming.

The fall of the old dragon on Fulong Mountain has created a grand event since the endless years of the eternal world.

Countless young powerhouses are rushing to Fulong Mountain to compete for the good fortune cave mansion. Countless people regard this trip to Fulong Mountain as a trial.

The trial is cruel, and there will be casualties, but it still can't stop those who have a firm heart.

Fulong Mountain is located in the southern border of the Eternal God Dynasty, but only one-third of it is in Xianzhou, and the other part is in Wuzhou, Xianzhou and Wuzhou Island, bounded by a lake in Fulong Mountain.

That is the legendary Fulong Lake. According to legend, this Fulong Lake was transformed by the heart of an eternal ancestral dragon in ancient times and contained a huge dragon energy.

Even if the endless years passed, there was still a trace of Dragon Qi in this Fulong Lake.

If the dragons can capture that trace of dragon energy, they will have the opportunity to transform into an ancestral dragon.

Of course, since the endless years, the eternal ancestral dragon energy of Fulong Lake has been almost exhausted by countless dragons, and it is difficult to capture the dragon energy of Fulong Lake.

Strange to say, the entrance to this ancient cave is on a stone mountain in the center of the lake that resembles the dragon's head of an ancestor, surrounded by mountains.

The mountains and rocks in the entire Fulong Lake, even Jidao Supreme, are hard to damage.

Before Yu Huang fought against the devil, it was outside Fulong Lake.

"What a treasure of Feng Shui!"

The guy who frightened Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er had a big jump suddenly looked forward and said with a sigh.

"I mean you!"

Heng Xian'er was in a pretty good mood. She was shocked by this guy and lost her mood.

I saw this guy was an old man in Tsing Yi, with a goatee, a random bun on his head, and a red lees nose.

"I'm Mo Chen, Master Formation Dao!"

The old man said drunkly.


When Heng Xian'er heard this, her apricot eyes widened and her chin was about to fall to the ground.

"Are you Mo Chen, Master Formation Dao?"

She looked incredible.

Isn't the master of formation Mo Chen an expert outside the world? How is it like this?

Heng Xian'er frowned with a puff of alcohol.

This is too far away from the image of a worldly superior person who is above her mind, who does not eat the world's fireworks, and who is floating out of the dust.

"Master Formation Dao? Then I have to ask about it."

Gu Fei smiled.

"Hey, does this little friend also understand the formation?"

Master Mo Chen smiled.

"Understand a little!"

Gu Fei nodded and said, he was also a little interested in the formations of the Eternal Great World, and wanted to use what he had learned to confirm the formations of the Eternal Great World.

"Then you can see what is different in Fulong Lake?"

Master Mo Chen took off the wine gourd around his waist and took a sip, then wiped his mouth and said.


Gu Fei stood on the top of the mountain, and then carefully observed the large lake in front of him and the surrounding mountains.

The mountains and the trend of the mountains and rivers, he discovered that the mountains around Fulong Lake were like countless dragons lying on the ground, but the dragon's head stretched out to the lake.

"Does Wanlong drink or spit water?"

Gu Fei said to himself.

"Oh, don't you see that you little guy has some ability besides talking about love."

Master Mo Chen looked up and down Gu Fei and said.

"This is spitting water, not absorbing water. If it is absorbing water, this Fulong Lake would have dried up long ago. When measuring mountains and rivers, not only need to look at it with the eyes, but also to feel it with the heart."

Master Mo Chen shook his head and said.

"It sounds reasonable."

Heng Xian'er said, she didn't understand any formation, but what the bad old man said was still reasonable.

Saying that Master Mo Chen actually closed his eyes, as if feeling something.

"That is qi, countless qi gathered from all directions towards Fulong Lake, Wanlong is exhaling, nourishing Fulong Lake, endless years, this Fulong Lake does not have the birth of heaven and earth spiritual things, it is unusual!"

Master Mo Chen said to himself.

"Can you open this cave house?"

Gu Fei said suddenly.


Master Mo was very simply.

"It seems we are out of play."

Heng Xian'er said disappointedly.

"It's not necessarily. This Fortune Cave Mansion can choose who will become its new owner."

Master Mo Chen suddenly said such words.

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