Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4822: The secret of Fulong Lake

There are not many Array Masters in the Eternal World. This Master Mo Chen is a relatively famous Array Master.

This Master Mo Chen's formation cultivation base is really good. It can definitely smash those formation masters in the lower realm. The formation masters in the eternal world are naturally very good.

Those so-called Array Dao masters in the lower realm, if they come to the eternal world, they are not even qualified to lift shoes for this master Mo Chen.

Gu Fei himself is the eternal supreme of the lower realm, and here it is not to be abused by the supreme heavenly Dao of this eternal great world.

The higher the level of the perfect world, the stronger the power of the law of heaven, and the eternal world is the highest level world that Gu Fei has known.

It is the ancestor realm, Taishi realm, these origin worlds compared with the eternal world, just like the ants on the earth and the bright moon in the sky, there is no comparison at all.

Hearing that Master Mo Chen said that this good fortune cave mansion would choose its own master, Gu Fei couldn't help being surprised, could it be said that this cave mansion had already born an autonomous consciousness! ?

This does not seem to be impossible.

You know that everything in the world has spirituality, and once you get some chance, you can embark on the road of cultivation, and even a stone can become refined.

"That means we still have a chance?"

Heng Xian'er's eyes lit up suddenly.

"If there is a chance, everyone has a chance, and I also have a chance for the old man."

Mo Chen said pretentiously.

"Cut, you can't even get close to the cave. There is a chance, I think you are a big fool."

Gu Fei said disdainfully.

"What nonsense the little guy is talking about."

Master Mo Chen was a little upset. He was a little drunk. He actually walked aside, sat on the ground, leaning on a big rock, and soon he started snoring.

"I wipe it!"

Gu Fei was also a little dumbfounded, this Master Mo is really a weird person!

"Do we believe or not believe what he said?"

Heng Xian'er looked at Gu Fei and said.

"Well me, of course I don't believe it. As for you, believe it or not."

Gu Fei shrugged and said indifferently.


Heng Xian'er glared at Gu Fei, really wanting to punch him.

In Gu Fei's opinion, this little girl is just a silly white sweet, who doesn't understand anything. Although this master Mo Chen looks like a bad old man, his ability to fool people is definitely not small.

This guy has absolutely nothing to do with those outsiders.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from far away, and the next moment, a huge black hole suddenly appeared above the high sky opposite the mountain top where Gu Fei and the others were.

The next moment, a huge temple rushed out from the black hole, and a powerful half-step eternal breath burst out from the temple.

"It's the people from the Lingxiao Temple."

When Heng Xian'er saw the temple, he couldn't help exclaiming.

The Lingxiao Temple is one of the three powers of Xianzhou, and can compete with the Eternal Gods. Moreover, the Lord of the Lingxiao Temple is an eternal existence.

"Lingxiao Temple?"

Gu Fei looked at the temple floating above the sky, his pupils couldn't help but shrank. This temple was actually a half-step eternal Taoist implement.

At this moment, in the other direction, a figure appeared in the void, half of the sky suddenly darkened, and the breath erupting from that person was very shocking.

"Well, the big shot finally came out."

Gu Fei's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

"too frightening."

Heng Xian'er's voice was trembling, and the half-step eternity-level aura was so terrible that she could barely breathe.

But Gu Fei is okay, the pressure of this series has no effect on him at all.

"Go, let's withdraw first!"

Gu Fei made a decisive decision and pulled Heng Xian'er directly, left the top of the mountain, and rushed towards a farther mountain.

Then Master Mo Chen, still leaning on the big stone, sleeping Zhengxiang.

Without saying anything, the figure in the sky directly attacked the temple, and a huge black hand grabbed the temple directly.


At the same time, a fist struck out from the temple, and directly collided with the **** hand that was caught.

Two half-step eternal forces burst out instantly, and the void was shaking, and the mighty power fluctuations directly dispersed the clouds in the sky.

However, the Fulong Lake below is still motionless, the water waves are not shocked, as if an invisible force blocked the energy storm from the sky.

The war broke out.

"Is this guy Jin Zhan crazy? As soon as he came up, he got on with the people from the Lingxiao Temple."

On the mountain in the distance, many people watched this scene in shock. Someone recognized the middle-aged man in white, who was actually Wu Tianzong’s deputy master, Jin Zhan.

"The Deputy Sect Master of No Tianzong?"

Gu Fei and Heng Xian'er also touched the top of the mountain, where five monks of holy rank gathered.

The monks of the holy rank are like ants in front of half-step eternal existence.

"That guy is a lunatic!"

Someone said.

The sudden battle in the sky attracted the attention of countless people. Now, countless pairs of eyes are staring at Fulong Lake!

"Are all the three major forces in Xianzhou coming?"

Gu Fei spoke to Heng Xian'er.

"What are the three major forces, where are the strong men of my eternal gods?"

Heng Xian'er was speechless.

"Your father might be here too, just staring at you secretly."

Gu Fei continued to transmit.


Heng Xian'er was shocked when she heard the words, and subconsciously looked around.

She was most afraid of her father. This time, she came out privately. After returning, she would inevitably be punished by her father. It would be difficult to come out again.

"Dare you scare me?"

Heng Xian'er kicked at Gu Fei, but Gu Fei avoided him.

It has to be said that the cultivation system in the eternal world has developed to the extreme, and the magical powers displayed by the two great powers in the sky are both powerful to the extreme.

Fortunately, this is in the eternal world. If a half-step eternal-level war breaks out in the lower realm, I am afraid that the entire area will be instantly destroyed, and hundreds of millions of creatures will be turned into fly ash.

But in the eternal world, even if a half-step eternal level powerhouse is taking action, it will not cause great destruction, but the terrifying coercion is also terrifying.

Moreover, this is Fulong Lake.

There is an inexplicable power here in Fulong Lake, half an eternal existence, and it can't destroy the grass and trees here, and, terribly, Fulong Lake is still swallowing the mighty energy from the sky.


Gu Fei caught this subtle change, and then Master Mo Chen would have never imagined that Fulong Lake would swallow the monks' power!

All the auras of heaven and earth near Fulong Lake, as well as the power of two and a half-step eternal strong men in the sky, are converging towards the Zulong Head Stone Mountain in the heart of Fulong Lake.

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