Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4823: Punch headshot

Gu Fei discovered the secret of Fulong Lake. Perhaps only those in the eternal realm would know the secret of Fulong Lake!

The half-step eternal battle was still going on, and the combat power displayed by Wu Tianzong's deputy lord Jin Zhan was too strong, and his punches and kicks directly shook the temple.

This temple of the Lingxiao Temple is a half-step eternal Taoist tool. The people from the Lingxiao Temple hid in the temple and showed their hands to Jin, but still did not show up.

"Hiding the head and revealing the tail several times, if there is a kind, it will come out to fight, what kind of ability is in the Taoism?"

Jin Zhan sneered as he shot.

"Old man Jin Zhan, then what is your ability to bully the small by the big?"

There was a wave of divine consciousness in the temple, and a voice sounded directly in everyone's mind.

"Junior, you are looking for death!"

Jin Zhan yelled, and saw that he stretched out his hands and grabbed the temple all at once, and then wanted to tear the temple to pieces.

However, all this is useless.

"These two guys don't know when they will fight."

Gu Fei frowned as he watched the battle above the sky.


At this moment, a loud laughter sounded, and the laughter echoed in the mountains.

A figure rushed from a distance, completely ignoring the mighty half-step eternal pressure from the sky, and flew directly towards Fulong Lake.

Powerful magic power erupted from above this figure.

"It's the demon of the Eternal Demon Sect."

All the people watching the show became nervous.

"Moheng, you are looking for death!"

The Wu Ji Shenzi of the Wu Ji Xianzong roared and rushed directly. He had a half-step eternal level Taoist protection on his body, and completely ignored the half-step eternal level pressure.

"What, is Moheng?"

Hearing Wu Ji's words, the people nearby were shocked again.

Moheng, that is the big demon in the eternal demon sect, and one of the demon sons of the eternal demon sect.

For the top sects in the eternal world like Eternal Demon Sect, there is definitely more than one demon among the sects. In Gu Fei’s Chaos Immortal Palace world that day, the eternal demon sect who was fighting for the golden lotus was not This magic constant.

"God Wu Ji, do you want to fight? Lao Tzu will be with you."

Although Mo Heng said this, he didn't stop, but speeded up and rushed towards the Zulong Head Rock Mountain in the center of the lake.

"Wuji Shenquan!"

The God Child Wu Ji wouldn't let this guy get this good fortune cave mansion, and he fisted directly towards the Demon Heng.

His punch was shocking, and his punch shook the sky and the earth, as if a punch had triggered the power of the entire world.

The Wuji Shenquan was displayed in his hand, but it showed invincible fist intent.

I saw a fist, instantly appeared behind Mo Heng, and the moment it hit Mo Heng's back, Mo Heng turned fiercely.


This punch of the **** child Wu Ji hit Mo Heng's arms, and directly flew this guy towards the rocky mountain in the center of the lake.


When Wu Ji Shenzi saw this, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Haha, after all, I was the first to set foot on this small rock mountain in the middle of the lake."

Mo Heng landed on the rocky mountain in the middle of the lake, staggered, a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, his arms were almost broken, and slight cracks appeared in his arm bones.

He only had time to put his hands on his chest.

If he was hit by a punch by Wu Ji Shenzi, he would be injured more severely.

Said that he actually bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the closed door of the cave.


When the people around saw this, they were shocked, anxious, and angry.


"Kill this demon."

One after another, powerful figures jumped out from the vicinity and rushed directly towards the stone mountain in the center of the lake.

Yu Huang and Ziyang Emperor are also making moves.

"Sword at the End of the World!"

Yu Huang directly used Eternal Xianzong's supreme swordsmanship. This sword was a perfect fusion of the law of time and the law of space. When the sword came out, it instantly slashed in front of Mo Heng.

"So fast!"

Mo Heng was taken aback. The next moment, his figure was blurred, as if it were about to melt into the surrounding void, and Yu Huang's sword light actually penetrated directly through his figure.

However, the scene of blood spattering did not appear.

Yu Huang's sword seemed to be slashed in the empty space, without any focus at all.

Then, Moheng's body seemed to be imaginary and changed again.

"Hey, this Moheng is just looking for death."

When Gu Fei saw this scene on the top of the mountain, he couldn't help but admire this guy.

"That's not necessarily. I don't have much skill. Who dares to take action at this time?"

Heng Xian'er blinked a pair of big eyes and said.

"Would you like to make a bet?"

Gu Fei suddenly smiled.

"Okay, what's the bet?"

Heng Xian'er naturally refused to admit counsel.

"Well, let's do it, if Moheng dies here, I will win, and if he escapes, I will lose."

Gu Fei thought for a while and said.

"Hahaha, well, that's it."

Heng Xianer was happy.

"What if you lose?"

Heng Xian'er said again.

"Hey, I will lose? If I lose, I will agree with myself, how about you send it?"

Gu Fei said triumphantly.

"I'm pooh, you bastard."

Heng Xian'er cursed directly.

"If I win, you promise me too, how about letting me send it?"

Gu Fei smiled.

"No, if you lose, you will be my slave forever!"

Heng Xian'er smiled, his eyes turned into crescent moons.

This Moheng is the Great Demon of the Great Dao, and has a half-step eternal Taoist protection. If he wants to escape, who can stop it? Gu Fei lost.

"Playing so hard?"

Gu Fei looked at Heng Xian'er in surprise.

"Why, scared? Persuaded? Dare to play?"

Heng Xian'er said proudly.

"It's a joke, Gu Fei, I'm afraid? Will I be afraid? Will I dare not play? Okay, just do it."

Gu Fei pretended to have hit Heng Xian'er's aggressive generals, and agreed with an angry expression.

"Haha, look, that Moheng is about to run away."

Heng Xian'er suddenly laughed.

"Can't escape."

As Gu Fei said, he soared directly from the top of the mountain and flew towards the stone mountain in the center of Fulong Lake.

"Hey, you are looking for death, come back to me soon."

Heng Xian'er was shocked when he saw this.

However, Gu Fei's speed was very fast, and after only a few ups and downs, he rushed to the side of Fulong Lake.

At this time, Mo Heng was rushing out of the stone mountain and fleeing outside.

Although his mouthful of blood sprayed on the door of the cave mansion, there was no movement from the closed door. His method was not working.

"Where to escape?"

Gu Fei directly hit Mo Heng's face with a punch.

"court death!"

Mo Heng roared and waved his right hand. When the magic knife in his hand was up, a blade of light rushed towards Gu Fei.

A little big sage, dare to stop himself, what is it that he is not looking for death?


Gu Fei struck out a punch, and saw that his punch directly shattered the light of the knife that had been split, and then hit this guy's face.

The next moment, Moheng's head exploded and turned into a cloud of blood.


All those who saw this scene were dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and the audience was shocked.

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