Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4825: Let you escape fast

Gu Fei slapped the demons of the Eternal Demon Sect with the cultivation base of the Great Sage, shocking the audience!

Everyone couldn't believe it, and some even suspected that this guy was not a saint in the realm of great saints at all, but the ultimate supreme. This guy was pretending to be a pig and a tiger.

However, only Heng Xian'er knew that Gu Fei's cultivation was really in the realm of the Great Sage, and he was not pretending to be the Supreme Supreme Being.

Gu Fei kicked Moheng, the demon son of Eternal Demon Sect, and took the magic knife in Moheng's hand. This made Moheng mad and his eyes were red.

Too embarrassing, Moheng is the demon son of the Eternal Demon Sect. Since his debut, he has never been so embarrassed, and even his own weapons have been taken away.


Mo Heng roared frantically, and went directly to Gu Fei to kill.

"Eternal True Demon Sword!"

The next moment, Moheng roared, and a terrifying monstrous magic power immediately erupted from him, and only a sword sound was heard. Then, countless magic swords appeared in the monstrous demonic energy, madly toward the ancients. Flying through the hole.

"Eternal Law?"

Gu Fei couldn't help being moved when he saw it. This eternal law, no matter what it was, was extremely powerful. Once it was activated, it was shocking and instantly changed the situation of the battle. "

"Good job!"

Gu Fei directly used the eternal devouring supernatural powers. The next moment, his whole person was like a phantom, as if it turned into a bottomless black hole, devouring everything around him frantically.

I saw that the void around him was distorting and deforming, and the ripples visible to the naked eye spread out to the surroundings. The eternal true magic sword that was terrifying to the extreme, unexpectedly disappeared in the void in front of him.

Every magic sword contains a powerful magic power, and countless magic swords disappeared like this, which made Mo Heng dumbfounded, and the others were also dumbfounded.

"what happened?"

"He is devouring the power of Moheng?"

Those present are the top figures in the Eternal World, whether it is the God Child of Wu Ji, Yu Huang, or the Ziyang Emperor, they all come from the most powerful forces in the Eternal World.

Their insights are naturally far beyond ordinary people.

"This is definitely not Heaven Swallowing Devil Skill."

Wu Ji Shenzi said with certainty.

"You take my punch too!"

After Gu Fei swallowed the power of Moheng's Eternal True Demon Sword, his whole person was full of power. His cultivation level broke through to the pinnacle of the Great Sage, and he could break through to the realm of the Sage at any time.

Seeing his fists together, the whole world seemed to be different, and a holy power that dominated the world erupted from him.

"What kind of boxing is this?"

Everyone stared at Gu Fei.

"this is……"

Yu Huang couldn't help being surprised when he saw Gu Fei's fist. Isn't this the same fist that the woman who fought with her in the lower realm that day used to perform?

She once fought against Gu Ling in the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion, and Gu Ling defeated her by displaying the Pachi Fist.

This is the only defeat since his debut.

Even if she was fighting against the Wu Ji **** child of the Wu Ji Xianzong, Yu Huang had never been disadvantaged, but she was placed in the lower realm and was defeated by the woman's punch.

Yu Huang knew that Moheng was going to be unlucky.

Sure enough, I saw Gu Fei punching it, which looked like an ordinary punch, but revealed a terrifying power that shakes the world.

Without any suspense, Moheng was blasted away by Gu Fei with a punch. The person was still in the air, and it exploded into a cloud of blood with a "touch".

"I remember this hatred."

A wave of divine consciousness came, and a group of magic light rushed out from the snow mist, and instantly shattered the void, and walked away directly, the speed was extremely fast.

"Huh! If you run away fast, it's up to you? You won't be Lao Tzu's opponent after cultivating for hundreds of millions of years."

Gu Fei is extremely proud, he is not arrogant, this is self-confidence.

The most core disciples of this top power will not be so easily killed by others, and they have life-saving things in their bodies.

That Moheng has the treasure of the Eternal Demon Sect on his body, and that treasure directly shatters the void, bringing the soul of the Moheng back to the Eternal Demon Sect.

As long as the primordial spirit is immortal, Moheng will be able to reorganize the demon body and restore peak cultivation and combat power again.

Of course, if Moheng was blown by Gu Fei and even the primordial spirit, it would be truly lost.

Gu Fei blasted Mo Heng with a punch, and immediately lost his eyeballs.

"who are you."

At this moment, a powerful pressure fell from the sky, and a Divine Phoenix descended from the sky, landing on the opposite side of Gu Fei, staring at Gu Fei firmly.

"Who am I to do with you?"

Gu Fei held his hands and looked at Yu Huang with a smile.

"What is your relationship with the guy in the lower realm called Gu Ling?"

Yu Huang said coldly.

Gu Fei was startled when he heard the words, and then said, "That's my daughter."

"Your daughter?"

Yu Huang was messed up, and she couldn't even beat this person's daughter. This person's cultivation base seemed to be more against the sky than her daughter's. The Great Sage's cultivation base was able to defeat Extreme Dao Supreme.

Are the whole family all evildoers?

It's hell.

"Very well, if you can't find your daughter, it's the same with you."

Yu Huang said that he was about to do it.

"and many more!"

Gu Fei said quickly.


Yu Huang stopped and looked at Gu Fei suspiciously.

"Why should I fight you?"

Gu Fei looked at Yu Huang seriously and said.

"If you want to fight, you will fight, where is so much nonsense?"

Yu Huang said unhappy.

"You and I have no grudges and no grievances, make a hair, don't fight."

Gu Fei directly refused.


Yu Huang was speechless.


At this moment, the entire Fulong Lake suddenly shook violently.

"what happened!"

Everyone was taken aback.


A low roar came from the ground, everyone was shocked and inexplicably,

"Isn't the old dragon dead?"

The expressions of Yu Huang and others changed drastically.


Gu Fei went straight away.

"This guy……"

Yu Huang didn't stop it.

"Haha, when you lose, when will you agree?"

After meeting Heng Xian'er, Gu Fei laughed.


Heng Xian'er was ashamed to wait for a crack on the ground to get in.

"I would like to bet. Don't refuse to admit it."

Gu Fei smiled triumphantly.

"It was you who lost, didn't that Moheng's soul escaped?"

Heng Xian'er said suddenly.

"This is fine too?"

Gu Fei was speechless.

"Is not it?"

Now it's Heng Xianer's turn to be proud.

"He just escaped from a soul."

Gu Fei said.

"That's also escaped, haha, you will be my slave forever."

Heng Xian'er got more excited as she spoke.

"Everyone stepped back, what about this bet?"

Gu Fei thought for a while and said.

When betting, they didn't say that the demon body or soul of Moheng was left behind, and the soul of Moheng escaped, which made Gu Fei depressed.

The unity of the Yuanshen and the demon body was considered a person, and Gu Fei only left the demon body of Moheng, only half of it was left.

"Okay! Just forget it."

Heng Xian'er didn't want to argue with Gu Fei over this matter.

At this time, the water of Fulong Lake disappeared.

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