Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4826: Mysterious underground space

Gu Fei blasted Moheng's body with a punch, shocking the audience.

Mo Heng was also unlucky. During this trip to Fumo Mountain, he didn't get a single hair, but was blown up by the demon body, leaving only a soul to escape back to the Eternal Demon Sect.


On this day, in the ancestral land of the Eternal Demon Sect, there was an angry roar, and a huge demon shadow appeared between the heaven and the earth, and the terrifying demon's might shook the world.

That is the eternal demon master, in the eternal demon sect, the group of demons trembles.


Countless Demon Sect disciples were panicked to the extreme.

However, the Eternal Demon Lord did not leave the Eternal Demon Sect.

At this time, in Fulong Mountain, the Fulong Lake had undergone drastic changes, the lake water disappeared, and the bottom of the lake revealed one after another dark holes.

"There is no cave in the underground?"

When everyone saw it, they were surprised and delighted.

The gate of the cave on the Longshou Stone Mountain in the center of Fulong Lake could not be opened, but everyone was curious about what was underground. Some people could not help but rushed over and jumped directly into a black hole at the bottom of the lake.

Everyone recovered from the shock, and they all rushed toward the bottom of the lake.

"what is that……"



Exclamation, screams suddenly sounded, those who leaped into the black hole at the bottom of the lake did not know what they encountered in the black hole, and they were terrified.

I saw a figure rushed out of a black hole. This person was a core disciple of the Heavenly Dao Xiaoyao Sect. He was covered in blood, and one arm was bloody. He didn't know what was caught and his bones were exposed. .

Just when the disciple of the Heavenly Dao Xiaoyao Sect thought that he was born into the sky, a tentacle suddenly emerged from the black hole, and instantly entangled the hapless guy.

"help me!"

The disciple of the Tiandao Xiaoyao Sect looked at Gu Fei with horror in his eyes.


The next moment, he was directly pulled into the black hole by the black tentacles, and disappeared instantly.


Gu Fei was also taken aback, he didn't have time to save this guy.

At this time, in the black holes at the bottom of the lake, there are tentacles sticking out, entwining people around them, and pulling everyone nearby into the black holes.

"What is this!"

Someone exclaimed.


A black tentacles were like a long whip, winding towards Yu Huang.

Yu Huang directly swung a sword light towards that tentacle.

When Jianguang slashed the tentacles, he just swung away the tentacles, and couldn't hurt the tentacles at all.


Yu Huang was taken aback. He was the supreme Supreme Dao, and the sword light he wielded from the Supreme Dao slashed this tentacle?

Seeing that tentacle entangled her again, she had to retreat away.

The other people are the same, Ziyang Emperor and Wu Ji Shenzi are so embarrassed by the black tentacles that they keep evading.


A black tentacles suddenly protruded from a black hole near Gu Fei, and then wrapped around him.


Gu Fei stretched out his right hand and grabbed the tentacle.


Gu Fei only felt that the tentacle he was holding had a suction force, which firmly sucked his palm.

The tentacle wanted to pull Gu Fei into the black hole, but Gu Fei's feet seemed to have rooted on the ground, motionless.

"Cut, want to pull me in? Dream!"

Gu Fei said, flipping his right hand, and the magic knife he had snatched from Moheng appeared in his hand.


With a direct wave of the magic knife in Gu Fei's hand, the tentacle was cut off immediately, and a blue thing spurted from the wound where the tentacle was broken.

I saw that blue liquid fell to the ground, and bursts of black smoke rose up.

Gu Fei was surprised when he saw this.


The entire Fulong Lake was shaking, and many unlucky guys were pulled into the black hole by the tentacles that stretched out from the black hole, and the result was fate.

Someone also took out a half-step eternal Taoist implement.

This tentacles can only hurt those tentacles with a Dao weapon above the half-step eternal level.


At this moment, I saw the Ziyang Emperor roar, and immediately plunged into a black hole, and powerful power fluctuations erupted from the black hole.

Yu Huang also rushed into the black hole.

"I also go down and take a look."

Gu Fei leaped directly into the black hole, and saw the black hole go straight down. He couldn't see the bottom at a glance. At this moment, a black shadow entangled him from below like a black lightning.


There is no place to hide in the black hole. Gu Fei only felt tight on his body, and was instantly entangled by the black tentacles, and then pulled down by the tentacles.

After a while, Gu Fei only felt his eyes light up, and saw that he was pulled into a huge underground world by the black tentacles.

In this huge space, a huge ball of water was suspended in the void, and one after another black tentacles protruded from the huge water ball.

"Octopus monster?"

Gu Fei couldn't help being taken aback when he saw it. In the water ball, there was a huge black shadow, and a half-step Eternal Ji's strong wave broke out from the water ball.


At this moment, an arrow flew from a distance and directly shot into the water polo.


The water ball vibrated violently, and one after another black tentacles stretched out from the water ball, dancing wildly in the void.


An arrow flew from a distance and fiercely shot into the water ball in the void.

The black shadow in the water ball roared, and the endless water burst out, and it suddenly filled every inch of void.

Then rush out from the black holes at the top of the huge space.

Seeing this scene, Gu Fei finally knew why the water of Fulong Lake had disappeared directly. It turned out that the water of Fulong Lake had gathered here.

Gu Fei directly opened the Saint Realm, blocking the sudden burst of water out of him.

He waved the magic knife in his hand and cut all the entangled tentacles.

At this time, the huge underground space was submerged by the flood, and a huge dragon shadow appeared in this underground space, and a trace of dragon power revealed that even the supreme Supreme Dao was extremely heartbroken.

The body of the old dragon in Fulong Mountain?

Gu Fei was surprised and happy, and rushed towards the dragon shadow. When he got close, he realized that it was a dragon skin, which was washed out by the flood.


Gu Fei was shocked. It was the first time he saw the dragon skin. This was the skin left over when the dragon clan transformed. Could it be that the Fulongshan old dragon was not dead?

You know, this kind of metamorphosis that leaves the dragon skin will change completely, just like changing a body. Once it succeeds, the old dragon of Fulongshan will live a new life like a new person.

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