Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4827: Captured

At the bottom of Fulong Lake, there is a huge space, which no one can think of.

Moreover, in the huge space at the bottom of the lake, there is also a hideous creature, an octopus monster, and a half-step eternal octopus monster.

The reason why the water of Fulong Lake disappeared was that the octopus monster was sucked into this huge underground space. Now, the flood broke out and flooded the entire huge space again.

But in the outside world, there was a scene of wonder. I saw countless water jets rushing into the air directly from the bottom of the lake. This scene was extremely spectacular.

Soon, the disappearing lake reappeared, and a scene of rippling blue waves reappeared in front of everyone.

Countless strong men near Fulong Lake were shocked and inexplicably shocked when they saw this scene. Everyone was very curious about what happened to those who entered the black hole at the bottom of the lake.

You know, among the people who enter the black hole at the bottom of the lake, there are many **** sons and saints of the top powers in the eternal world. Those existences are among the youngest generations in their respective sects.

If those people died here, it would be fun.

At this time, on the Dragon Head Rock Mountain in the center of Fulong Lake, those who had not entered the black hole at the bottom of the lake gathered in front of the closed bronze gate of the Good Fortune Cave Mansion.

Someone directly attacked the bronze gate, but this bronze gate was extremely strong, even if it was a half-step eternal Taoist weapon, it blasted on it, and even the patina on it could not blast a small piece of it.

The disciples of the great teachers and the Tianzong were dumbfounded.

"Strong force can't open this bronze door."

At this time, a drunken old man appeared on the Dragon Head Stone Mountain in the center of the lake.

"Who is this guy?"

"A bit familiar!"

"Could it be Master Mo Chenmo?"

Some people were puzzled, some people exclaimed, some people recognized this bad old man.

"Master Mo? Come here and see what's going on!"

A middle-aged Taoist hurried forward to invite.

"Is it the Yun Xu Dao Zun of Taiyi Palace?"

Someone provoked this middle-aged Taoist.

In the eternal great world, anyone who dares to praise the sage is the existence of the Supreme Dao. Only the Supreme Dao dare to be honored. People below the utmost do not dare to be so arrogant.

You know, even if you are not the Supreme Supreme, you dare to call it an ancestor. If you are unpleasant, you can slap you to death.

"Friend Yun Xu is polite."

The bad old man staggered towards the bronze door, and everyone quickly gave way.

"Hey, this is an ancient divine text, I don't understand it, **** old man!"

Master Mo Chen put his face in front of the bronze door, watched carefully, and while watching, shaking his head, this ancient divine text, even the oldest supreme in the present time would not understand it.

"Master Mo, don't even you see anything?"

Dao Venerable Yun Xu said in surprise.

"Hey! I can only say that those who are destined have good luck."

Master Mo just turned around and left.

Everyone looked at Master Mo's swaying figure, but no one spoke for a while.

"Those who are predestined have good luck?"


"Master Mo, I think it's an old fool."

After Master Mo's figure disappeared, there was a burst of complaints in front of the bronze door.

Even Yun Xu Dao Zun was speechless.

"Are you going to invite the Eternal Supreme to come and break the door?"

Some people are very unwilling.

You know, once the Eternal Supreme arrives at Fulong Lake, there will be nothing for everyone in this ornate cave. Who dares to compete with the Eternal Supreme? Do you want to die?

On the Dragon Head Stone Mountain in the center of the lake, when everyone was at a loss, in the underground space at the bottom of the lake, Gu Fei was in trouble.

He was stared at by the octopus monster.

The octopus monster, every tentacled like a large black dragon, entangled him, and he was immediately entangled by the octopus monster's tentacles.

The octopus monster's tentacles are covered with suckers, and each sucker has sharp bone spurs. If it is entangled, it will be difficult to break free.

This is a half-step eternal creature. If you were an ordinary person and were entangled in this tentacles, you would have been directly strangled.

However, Gu Fei possessed an eternal martial body. Although he was entangled in the octopus monster's tentacles, he was unscathed, but being entangled in this thing made him very unhappy.

The octopus monster seemed to be afraid of the dragon skin floating in the water, and avoided it far.

At this time, Gu Fei was very suspicious, that Fulongshan Laolong was really dead?

If he hadn't seen this dragon skin, Gu Fei wouldn't doubt it, but this was the secret technique of the dragon clan, and the old dragon of Fulongshan had obviously successfully undergone a transformation.

This kind of transformation is against the sky, he is equal to the opportunity to live a lifetime, no matter what kind of trauma he has suffered before, he will heal in the process of transformation.

He will transform and become stronger.

If Fulongshan Laolong really didn't die, then this was a conspiracy, a conspiracy that attracted countless powerful men to Fulongshan. No matter who the conspiracy was aimed at, it was definitely not a good thing.

At this time, the octopus monster entangled Gu Fei, quickly dived underground, entered a passage, and quickly dived deeper.

After a while, Gu Fei only felt that the surrounding water had suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding light was like daylight, but the surrounding area was actually lush and full of green plants.

The octopus monster actually took him into a small world.

Then, the octopus monster directly threw Gu Fei out, the huge octopus was changing, and soon, a black-robed man appeared in the void.

At the half-step eternal realm, this octopus monster has the ability to transform into anything. Of course, his origin will never change.

"Little guy, dare to hurt me."

The black-robed man stepped forward and directly appeared in front of Gu Fei who had just stood up from the ground.

"Cut, which green onion are you, what if I hurt you?"

Gu Fei was very disapproving. Lao Tzu possesses eternal martial arts, so he has no fear of this octopus monster, because the opponent can't hurt him at all.

He is naturally confident.

"Junior arrogant!"

The black-robed man stepped on Gu Fei directly.

"You bastard..."

Seeing the big feet stepped on by the black-robed man, Gu Fei was furious. How dare this guy humiliate himself?

He wanted to avoid it, but he only felt that the surrounding void seemed to freeze, and he couldn't even move his finger.


Gu Fei was like an iron nail, he was directly stepped into the ground by the black robe man, only his head was exposed.

"You actually have an eternal Taoist body, how is this possible!"

The black robe man said in shock.

Gu Fei's cultivation base was clear in his eyes. This guy only had the cultivation base of the Great Sage Peak, but the Taoist body was so tyrannical that he couldn't even hurt this guy.

"Hey, Lao Tzu is a miracle in itself, can't it?"

Gu Fei said triumphantly.

"Really, believe it or not, I will throw you directly into the cesspit and seal it up."

The black robe man stared at Gu Fei suddenly and said.


Gu Fei's face turned black when he heard this.

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