Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4832: One punch

In the mysterious world underground of Fulong Lake, there is a huge sacred mountain, this sacred mountain is located in the center of this mysterious world, towering into the clouds.

But there is a big lake on the top of the mountain.

At this moment, a mysterious person with a fuzzy figure stood in the air on the lake.

Gu Fei was arrested sadly by this mysterious person, but his old spirit was there, and he had already seen that the other party would not do anything to him.

Because if the other party wanted to kill him, they would have taken action long ago, so why bother with him?


The mysterious existence above the lake suddenly laughed.

"Little guy, you are very smart. Since you killed my little pet, then you can be my pet."

The mysterious being said with a smile.

"Damn, how can I be your pet?"

Gu Fei is angry, and the big deal is death. Eighteen years later, Lao Tzu is still a good man.


The mysterious being sneered, and didn't see how to move, Gu Fei only felt that his chest was hit by a force. The next moment, he flew backwards and hit the ground.

But he took it up immediately, a trace of blood leaking from the corner of his mouth.

"Ask yourself!"

Yu Huang saw this scene from the side and couldn't help shaking his head.

"How am I willing to kill you?"

The mysterious existence said indifferently.

"What do you want to do?"

Gu Fei stared at the fuzzy figure on the lake, and said solemnly.

"What I want, you will never think of getting it."

The mysterious existence sneered.

"Cut, you just want to go one step further."

Gu Fei said with disdain.

"You know?"

That mysterious existence was taken aback. Everything she did was to break through eternity, to see if there was still a realm of cultivation above eternity.

"Is it hard to guess?"

Gu Fei disagrees.

The existence on the lake pondered for a while, and then saw her right hand leaning towards Gu Fei.

Gu Fei immediately felt an invisible force enveloped him in an instant. The next moment, he flew directly towards the existence on the lake.


Gu Fei was frightened and angry. It was the first time he was abused so badly, and this guy was still a woman, which made him a little unacceptable.

If the old tortoise knows that they have been abused by a woman in the eternal world, they will definitely laugh off their big teeth. This is really shameful!

As soon as the mysterious person pointed to Gu Fei's eyebrows, a series of lines were directly branded into his forehead and planted on his soul.

Then, with a wave of the mysterious man's right hand, Gu Fei flew out of the lake and landed on the shore.

"What did you do to me?"

Gu Fei was frightened and angry.

"It's nothing, it's just a forbidden law being placed on you."

The mysterious man smiled.


Gu Fei almost vomited blood with anger, this hand has always been played by himself, and he also used this method to control his men.

Who wants Gu Fei to be abused today?

"Well, now you are all my followers, subordinates, what I tell you to do, you have to do it for me obediently, otherwise, I will let you enjoy the feeling that life is better than death."

The mysterious existence said indifferently.

Gu Fei was really speechless, and he was extremely depressed. What a prestige and prestige he was in the heaven and the world, he was simply invincible in the world.

I actually became someone else's now.

On the contrary, Yu Huang, the saint of the eternal fairy sect, did not feel ashamed, because the other party was too strong, stronger than everyone she had ever seen.

The strong is respected. Since one's skills are not as good as others, then you can only admit it,

"You all retreat to me."

The mysterious existence suddenly said.

Then, the entire mountain shook suddenly.


Gu Fei quickly soared into the sky and retreated tens of thousands of miles away.

Yu Huang didn't dare to neglect, and retreated far away.

At this time, I saw the huge sacred mountain, one after another cracks appeared, as if it might break apart at any time.


With a loud noise, the entire sacred mountain exploded suddenly.


Seeing this scene, Gu Fei was directly stunned. What is this going to do?

Pieces of dragon shadows rushed out of the exploded sacred mountain, and powerful power fluctuations erupted from the dragon shadows, terrifying.

"Earth vein dragon gas?"

Gu Fei couldn't help exclaiming.

I saw that mysterious person rushed up, and then opened his mouth to take a breath, and the dragon shadow rushing out of the ground was sucked into her mouth and swallowed directly.

Gu Fei and Yu Huang almost dropped their jaws when they saw this scene.


The whole world shook.

I saw that with the original sacred mountain as the center, there were mountain ridges on the ground, and these ridges also collapsed directly, rushing out of the dragon shadows transformed by the dragon energy.

The mysterious existence is madly devouring the dragon veins of the earth.

Soon, all the ground dragon qi in this small underground world was swallowed up by mysterious people. This was absolutely a fatal blow to the entire small world.

The earth sinks and the sky collapses, this is the real destruction of the sky.

"Special, this guy is just a lunatic."

Gu Fei hurriedly rushed towards the entrance. This world is going to be finished. If he doesn't leave, he is here to wait for the destruction of the whole world?

Yu Huang is also at large.

The two of them rushed into the entrance one after another, rushing towards the ground.


With a loud noise, the entire underground world disappeared, completely disappeared, and some returned to the original point.

The mysterious man also disappeared.


With a sound of water, Gu Fei emerged from Fulong Lake.

"Huh, someone has come out."

As soon as Gu Fei came out, he immediately alarmed the people around Fulong Lake.

A big hand grabbed Gu Fei directly, trying to capture him.


Gu Fei directly blasted the big hand with one punch, and when his second punch was hit, he had already arrived in front of the young man who shot himself.


There was another loud noise, the warrior was bombarded by Gu Fei's fist, and even the primordial spirit of this fellow had been blasted away.

"This guy……"

The strong people around could not help being shocked when they saw this scene.


With another sound of water, Yu Huang rushed out of Fulong Lake.

Compared to Gu Fei's embarrassment, Yu Huang didn't suffer any injuries at all, because she didn't dare to provoke the mysterious existence at all, and did not suffer.

But Gu Fei was different. His eternal martial arts were almost exploded in the palm of a mysterious man. Up to now, his injuries have not been healed, but even so, his combat power is still amazing.

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