Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4833: The father-in-law sees the son-in-law?

Dare to provoke me, it's almost dead!

Gu Fei was in a bad mood at first, but someone even attacked him when he just came out of Fulong Lake.

"I have a treasure on my body, so grab it if you are not afraid of death."

Gu Fei stood in the void, scanning all directions, extremely domineering, and for a while, no one dared to attack him again.

"I said you will die if you keep a low profile?"

Yu Huang said angrily.

"Be low-key, I'm in a bad mood now, I want to kill someone."

Gu Fei was so depressed that he almost vomited blood. He had always stopped him and abused others, but he could not even dream that he would be controlled by others one day.

"This guy is crazy?"

When the people around heard this, they were speechless. The sentiment guy lied that he had a treasure on his body and wanted to lead others to attack him so that he could kill him!

Moreover, this guy can be with Yu Huang, absolutely not a good man and believer, you know, Yu Huang is the saint of the eternal fairy sect, and the person who can stand with her is a weak person?

"As long as you like it."

Yu Huang said calmly.

At this time, the water of the entire Fulong Lake suddenly boiled, and then one after another divine light rushed out from the bottom of the lake, reflecting the sky.

A breath of horror to the extreme suddenly descended between the heavens and the earth, just like the supreme master of the world, like an ant looking down on the ground.


All the powerful creatures near Fulong Lake were shocked to the extreme, some people turned around and fled.

Is the existence of this series finally going to be shot?

It was Ziyang Emperor, Wu Ji's body and others had to change color, Ji Dao Supreme, in front of the eternal supremacy, was actually no different from Ants.

"Sure enough, weird!"

An old voice was uploaded from Tianyuzhi.

Then, a big golden hand fell directly from the sky and grabbed the dragon head stone mountain in the middle of Fulong Lake. The big hand instantly enveloped the sky.

Some big shots actually wanted to capture the dragon head stone mountain in the center of Fulong Lake.

The entrance of the Good Fortune Cave Mansion is on the Dragon Head Stone Mountain. If this big hand grabs the Long Head Stone Mountain, will the entrance to the Good Fortune Cave Mansion be taken away?

Whether the supreme power of the eternal level can shake the bronze gate at the entrance of the Fortune Cave Mansion is also unknown.


Gu Fei took a direct step, and instantly appeared on a mountain in the distance, avoiding the big golden hand that was grabbed from the sky.

Yu Huang also avoided.

The eternal-level big shot, no matter how good she was, she would not dare to attack the eternal-level big shot, because it was no different from looking for death.

Yu Huang would naturally not be stupid enough to find death.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed towards Gu Fei on the top of the mountain, and plunged directly into Gu Fei's arms.

"You bastard, I thought you died in Fulong Lake."

The man thumped Gu Fei's chest and said.


Gu Fei was actually at a loss. The person who threw into his arms was Heng Xian'er.

"You girl, how decent you are."

A majestic voice sounded, and then, a figure appeared on the top of the mountain, and saw that this person grabbed Heng Xian'er by the collar and pulled her out of Gu Fei's arms.

"Father what are you doing."

Heng Xian'er danced, trying to break free from her Laozi's claws.

However, with her holy rank's cultivation base, how could it be possible to break away from the half-step eternal rank existence?

"You are the South Overlord?"

The eternal dynasty, the Southern Overlord who guards southern Xinjiang, is definitely the real power figure in the eternal dynasty, the overlord of one party, and one of the heirs of the eternal dynasty's throne.

Gu Fei carefully looked at the existence of this famous eternal **** in Southern Xinjiang.

I have been digging for three years in this guy's mine.

When I think of this, Gu Fei is not good. This experience of mining is really unbearable. He has suffered all the pain and insult.

However, the interdependence of good fortune and misfortune was also this experience, which tempered his Taoism and made it easier for him to integrate into this eternal world.

I saw this Southern Overlord, wearing a purple armor, a burly figure, a mighty appearance, and no anger. This is definitely a true man with strong bones.

It turns out that Heng Xian'er does not look like his father.

When Gu Fei was in large numbers of Nan Ba ​​Wang, Nan Ba ​​Wang was also large in him.

"You kid dare to be rude to my daughter, very bold."

Nan Bawang stared at Gu Fei and said.

Gu Fei suddenly felt a lot of pressure. The half-step eternal pressure was no small thing. It was naturally unbearable to change to a general Extreme Supreme, but it was useless to him.

His cultivation is firmly suppressed by the laws of the eternal world, but his martial arts are truly eternal martial arts, which will not change.


Seeing Gu Fei's face under his pressure, Nan Bawang couldn't help being a little surprised. This guy is really extraordinary, and this kid's cultivation level is not bad, extremely middle-level, and barely worthy of my precious daughter. .

Just when Gu Fei and Nan Bawang stared at them, a terrifying battle had already begun over Fulong Lake.

This is the existence of the Eternal Grade, and the two Eternal Grade forces are constantly colliding, releasing a terrifying force of destruction, and the area near Fulong Lake is shaking violently.

The earth pump listed a series of cracks that looked like an abyss, one after another, the tops of the mountains collapsed, and countless strong men retreated farther in horror.

The eternal-class existence who wanted to directly capture the Dragon Head Stone Mountain in the center of Fulong Lake just now was stopped by someone.

The existence of the two eternal levels did not really show up. Instead, they were fighting in the air. Only two vague phantoms of spirits were moving quickly over the lake, and the battle was endless.

Even this kind of battle, it is not Ji Dao Supreme can intervene.

"Where did that nasty guy go?"

Gu Fei noticed that the mysterious man hadn't come out of Fulong Lake, was he dead? This should not be, how can such a powerful existence hang?

Who hangs up, that guy can't hang up!

Gu Fei felt more and more that the death of the old dragon in Fulong Mountain was a round. Since it was a round, it must have been set for what purpose.

Because of the layout, it is impossible for the arrogant to make a game to cheat people.

In this, there must be some great secret hidden.

Regardless of his shocking secrets, I just want to be free again!

"I said Nanbawang, do you want me to be the son-in-law?"

Gu Fei suddenly smiled.

"Boy arrogant!"

The Southern Overlord suddenly became a little angry when he heard this. Isn't Lao Tzu's precious daughter worthy of your unknown stinky boy?

Heng Xian'er blushed and shy when he heard the words.

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