Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4834: Eternal True Blood


Above Fulong Lake, two blurred figures were moving fast, fighting fiercely, and the power fluctuations erupting from the two figures shook the world.

If this is not Fulong Lake, there is an inexplicable force that has anchored the entire Fulong Lake area. I am afraid that the entire Fulong Lake would have been directly destroyed at the moment when these two great men met.

Moreover, what shocked everyone inexplicably was that the two figures above Fulong Lake were not the real bodies of the two eternal supreme.

It was just an incarnation of energy condensed by the two eternal supreme. The figure was blurred, giving people a feeling of vain and unreal.

The eternal supreme method is not imaginable by ordinary people, it is an energy incarnation that can directly kill the extreme supreme.

But when the two eternal-level great men fought each other in the air, Gu Fei was blocked on the top of the hill by the Southern Overlord, neither walking nor not.

The entire Fulong Lake was boiling.

At this time, those Extreme Dao-level existences were no longer able to intervene, and they all retreated to the sidelines.

Even in the eternal world, it is difficult to see the battle between eternal existence.

"Little guy, come back to the Southern Palace with me!"

South Overlord Hengheng Batian said.

"Don't go!"

Gu Fei shook his head.

"Why? Isn't my baby girl worthy of you?"

Nanba Wang Hengba said coldly.

Heng Xian'er is the county lord, and the Southern Overlord Heng Batian is the overlord-level existence of the highest status of the Eternal God.

"No, I already have a wife."

Gu Fei said.

"Haha, this is easy to handle, a man-like husband, you can marry as many wives as you want, this is not a problem." Heng Batian laughed.


Heng Xian'er couldn't help feeling a little unhappy when she heard Gu Fei say that she has a wife.

"You are my son-in-law. Go back and get married with my baby girl."

As Heng Batian said, he strode forward, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed Gu Fei directly, unexpectedly trying to grab Gu Fei directly.

"I'm dizzy. I've heard of robbing a wife but never heard of robbing a son-in-law."

Gu Fei was speechless.

"I'll let you know if you haven't heard it." Heng Batian said triumphantly.


At this moment, a sneer sounded, and then, a terrifying coercion suddenly appeared in the world, and everyone felt that the surrounding void seemed to be solidified.

"what happened!"

All Jidao Supremes near Fulong Lake are trembling inexplicably, is there another eternal-level big shot?

Heng Batian grabbed Xiang Gu Fei's right hand and stopped in the air.

"You all get out of here!"

A silver bell sounded into the ears of everyone present, and everyone was shocked again.

The originally boiling lake was completely calm, and the lake was as calm as a mirror.

"Huh! Why do we get off?"

"Yes, how old are you?"

Tian Yuzhi uploaded two old voices.

"How old is I, you will know right away."

The melodious voice sounded again, and in the next moment, a black hole appeared on the lake, and then the two vague silhouettes that were fighting were suddenly swallowed by the black hole.


Your two eternal-level big figures suddenly became angry, and a blade of light suddenly appeared in the void, and the blade of light instantly rushed for thousands of meters, as if it had split the whole world in half with a single knife.

And the existence of another Eternal Grade was also shooting at the same time, and the peerless sword light fell from the sky, killing everything, leaving a pitch-black space crack wherever it passed.

However, a terrifying swallowing force emerged from the black hole above the lake surface, which swallowed all the sword and light sword energy that fell from the sky.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

That was the combined blow of the eternal-level big shots, so it was so easy to resolve the two eternal-level big shots?

This scene was shocked.

At the same time, two divine arrows were shot out of the black hole suddenly, and the two divine arrows disappeared into the void in an instant, and then two exclamations rang from the sky.

The two terrifying eternal pressures disappeared, and a few drops of blood fell from the air, and each drop was blooming with endless eternal light, just like a few small divine suns suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth.

Good stuff!

All Jidao Supremes near Fulong Lake were crazy and jealous, and Gu Fei and Nan Bawang were the same.

They didn't even think about it, they immediately pounced toward the few drops of eternal true blood falling from the sky, the speed is fast to the extreme.

Eternal true blood, that is something that can't be met, every drop of eternal true blood contains the eternal law of the Great Dao, which is enough to make the Supreme Master crazy.

The existence in the black hole almost didn't put these drops of eternal true blood in their eyes at all, and did not take away the drops of eternal true blood.

But Gu Fei and the others are different. This is the opportunity for them to become enlightened.

If he gets a drop of eternal true blood, Gu Fei's cultivation base may directly break through to the pinnacle of the extreme path. In this way, he will have the power to protect himself in the eternal world.

"Father, Gu Fei..."

Seeing both Dad and Gu Fei ran away, Heng Xian'er stomped angrily on the top of the mountain.

"That's mine, you all get out of me."

The Southern Overlord showed amazing combat power, and even directly blasted away the surrounding Extreme Dao Supremes. These Extreme Dao Supremes were in the air, and they exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Then Gu Fei, who rushed up, opened his mouth and took a breath, and all of these Jidao Supreme Spirits were swallowed into his body.

"Nan Batian, I will meet you!"

Immediately there was a roar, and a figure rushed over from the side, and blasted towards Nan Ba ​​Tian with a punch, and the powerful half-step eternal existence was shooting.

"Afraid you will bite me?"

Nan Batian sneered, pounced forward, and fought endlessly with the man.

However, Gu Fei took advantage of the chaos and took a drop of eternal true blood, and then turned around and fled.

He knew very well that with his current cultivation base, it would be good to get a drop of eternal true blood.

Gu Fei has never been too greedy.

Nan Ba's natural vigor reached the extreme, and he fought a dozen moves before blasting the opponent's head with one punch, and directly killed this guy, neatly.


Everyone was shocked to see this scene.

Nan Batian also grabbed a drop of eternal true blood and turned and left.

The remaining eternal true blood drove the countless powerhouses around crazy, everyone red eyes, fighting desperately to kill each other.

After a melee, a lot of casualties, blood stained the lake, a smell of blood permeated the void.

Gu Fei did not leave Fulong Lake. He just found a hidden cave nearby and went in. He couldn't wait to refine that drop of eternal true blood.

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