Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4850: Crush everything

Xihai City, but a big city, is also an ancient city.

The auction here is very famous, because all the pirates of the West Sea, as long as they get good things, they will auction it here in order to sell them at a good price.

Wang Xuan was the last city owner of this ancient city. Someone invited him to participate in the Xihai auction, but he did not have time to participate.

So Gu Fei went to participate for him.

However, Gu Fei encountered an ambush on the way to the auction house.

The Six Great Dao Supremes blocked Gu Fei in an alley, and then shot, wanting to kill Gu Fei with absolute overwhelming power.

However, these six supreme masters never dreamed that the people they had to deal with were so abnormal.

Seeing Gu Fei stepped onto the ground with one foot, only one head was exposed. The next moment, this hapless guy died.

His seven orifices were bleeding, and the ultimate soul in his body was shaken away by Gu Fei's foot on the sky.


Seeing this scene, the other five Great Dao Supremes were all shocked to the extreme. Just now they took the shot, and someone on their side received the lunch?

"Go together and kill him into scum."

A black-bearded old man in the lead roared, and directly urged the natal device to attack and kill Gu Fei. The powerful extreme power burst out, and the surrounding houses were shaking.


Others didn't dare to have any reservations, they all tried their best.

The five extreme Dao artifacts exploded with the strongest power, and at the same time they blasted towards Gu Fei.

This blow was extremely terrifying, and the void was rippling with transparent ripples, and even if the surrounding houses were protected by the power of the moat, cracks were cracked.

"Hey! I don't know how to live or die!"

Gu Fei suddenly smiled bitterly and shook his head, but in the next moment, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and an extremely domineering aura burst out of him.

He was like a sleeping Extreme Dao Heavenly Beast suddenly awakened, and his murderous aura caused Feng Yun to change its color.

"One punch to kill the supreme!"

Gu Fei roared, and then directly punched five punches, and then the five Extreme Dao artifacts that blasted at him were directly shattered into the void.

His fist strength was still soaring when he smashed the Jidao Dao tools, and directly smashed towards the five great Ji Dao supreme.

"how is this possible……"

"I don't want to die."

"That **** Lingyou has killed us."

Faced with Gu Fei's indestructible Poji Fist, the Five Great Jidao Supremes were directly frightened and wanted to escape, but the opponent's fist strength suppressed Shifang.

All the five supreme masters felt as uncomfortable as being pressed onto a sacred mountain of ancient times.

Without any suspense, the Five Great Dao Supremes were directly bombarded by Gu Fei with one punch and one person, and turned into five groups of blood fog. Among them, the primordial spirits of four were blown away, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

Gu Fei opened his mouth and inhaled, and all the vitality of the five extreme Dao supreme was swallowed completely by him, leaving only a vitality floating in the void.

He deliberately left a primordial spirit in order to read his memory and find the black hand in the end.

Gu Fei's eternal martial body is a bottomless pit, even if he absorbed the vitality of the five extreme dao supreme, his cultivation level could not be improved much.

However, Gu Fei's blood was much stronger than before.

When did the void vibrate, six black holes appeared in the void, that was the inner world opened up by the Six Great Dao Supreme.

When the owners of these inner worlds die, the inner world will naturally collapse.

Gu Fei directly took down the six inner worlds and took them away together. These are all his trophies. Among these six inner worlds, there are the life savings of these six great realms!

He flashed with a soul and disappeared in place.

The Six Great Dao Supreme was directly killed by Gu Fei, the entire army was wiped out, and the Six Great Inner World was taken away. Before anyone else arrived, he had left here and continued to rush to the Xihai Auction.

At this time, the auction has not yet started.

In the VIP room, the Young Master Long was leaning on Erlang's legs with his legs upright, and the maid beside him was carefully feeding him a kind of golden fairy fruit.

"My son, I heard that Lingyou said that he paid a lot of money, and invited the Six Great Dao Supreme Wu Fu to kill the guy named Gu Fei, who doesn't know the activation of life and death, this time he is absolutely dead."

A Qingyi servant in front of Young Master Long whispered.

"Huh! This is the end of robbing this son."

Long Gongzi said coldly.

"Yes, yes, that guy deserves it."

The servant of Tsing Yi quickly said.

At this time, Ling You, Xihaihou's counsellor, was waiting for news in another VIP room.

The auction room in Xihai City is huge, with more than a dozen VIP rooms. This time, all the VIP rooms are occupied by the powerful people in the city.

At this time, the auction will begin.

The entire auction site was packed, because a few of the auction items this time were very good and attracted the attention of countless people.

At this moment, one person opened Ling You's room door and walked in.

"What, the six supreme masters are dead?"

In the VIP room, Ling You exclaimed.

Hearing the news that Gu Fei was not dead, Ling You was shocked and angry. In order to please Young Master Long, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to kill Gu Fei.

And now, his plan has failed.

At this time, Gu Fei walked in from outside.

"What, Gu Fei is not dead?"

The Dragon Master in the VIP room was really frightened when he was rewarded by his subordinates.

"How could it be possible that the Six Great Dao Supremes couldn't kill this guy with their shots?"

Young Master Long said in disbelief.

At this time, the auction had begun. The first auction item was a dagger. It was a sharp dagger, and even the **** iron could be cut off.

The mysterious dagger was finally shot away with more than 500 pieces of high-grade fairy crystal.

Five hundred high-grade immortal crystals are not a small sum, except for the sharpness of this dagger, it has no characteristics, and there is no Dao pattern left by Jidao Supreme.

"There will never be a shortage of people, stupid and rich guys in this world!"

Gu Fei came directly to Ling You's VIP room, then kicked open the door of the VIP room and broke in.


Ling You was frightened and angry.

"You mao, dare to count Laozi secretly, how old are you?"

Gu Fei stepped forward and smashed this guy's face with a punch, and the guy's face was as wonderful as a dyeing workshop.


Ling You stared at Gu Fei in disbelief.

"You want to tell me how I knew it, don't be afraid to tell you, I still know a little bit of ecstasy." Gu Fei sneered.


Ling You was speechless. He never thought that Gu Fei would be so difficult. If he had known it, he would definitely not dare to provoke this killing god.

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