Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4851: Whoever offends me kills without mercy

Gu Fei had gone out early in the morning happily and went to participate in the Xihai Auction Conference in Xihai City.

But who wants to be stuck in a small alley right after going out, if not for his cultivation level has been restored to the extreme realm, wouldn't it be his death day?

It was unbearable, Gu Fei directly used the momentum of the thunderbolt to kill the extreme supreme of the six great ambushes, and took away their inner world, and used the **** seizure secret technique to read one of them. God memory.

The black hand behind that turned out to be from the City Lord's Mansion of Xihai City, and this person was also a military commander of Xihaihou.

After Gu Fei knew all this, his whole person was not good, Nima, it turned out that Xi Haihou's koo-headed army master bought and killed himself. This is too bloody, why.

I have no grudges with Xi Haihou, right? Why did Xi Haihou's military division kill himself?

What a special Laozi is still friends with Xihaihou's father.

Gu Fei directly hit the auction room, then kicked the door of the VIP room, broke in, and smashed this Xi Haihou's military division with blood on his face.

"Go ahead, why kill me?"

Gu Fei sat down on the soft collapse, reached out his hand to pluck a spirit fruit from the fruit plate on the tabletop and threw it into his mouth.


Ling You was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Don't pretend to be stupid in front of me, be careful that I step on you to death."

Gu Fei coldly looked at Ling You who was holding his nose and said.

"Do you know who I am, do you dare to threaten me?"

Ling You pointed at Gu Fei and shouted.

"What are you yelling at."

Gu Fei stood up abruptly, waving his right hand directly.


Gu Fei slapped Ling You's face fiercely. He flew out, hit the wall, and then slid to the ground.

"No matter what, I will kill you."

Gu Fei was really angry too.

Ling You, Xi Haihou's first counsellor, was beaten by Gu Fei again and couldn't stand up on the ground.

At this moment, all the servants who were waiting for Ling You in this VIP room were trembling with fright.

"Don't, don't kill me, I say, I say."

Ling You confessed directly, Gu Fei slapped away a few teeth on his left, his mouth was full of blood, and his speech was a bit vague.

Then, Ling You sold Young Master Long unscrupulously.

"Is that guy?"

Gu Fei remembered the arrogant guy who was fighting with him for the Dragon Blood Stone.

"Is the Xihai Dragons great?"

Gu Fei said angrily.

"This, it doesn't matter to me, it's the Dragon Lord instructing me to do it."

Ling You pushed all of this to Young Master Long. Survival is important. The killing intent on this guy is not a joke. This guy really wants to kill himself!

Although this Ling You was a counselor under Xi Haihou, he also had a half-step Jidao cultivation base. He knew that the guy in front of him wanted to kill himself, as simple as pinching an ant.

Ling You was known for his resourcefulness. This guy had already found out Gu Fei's origins. The other party was a friend of the old master. Even if he killed himself, Xi Haihou couldn't help him.

Old master, that is a stronger existence than master Xi Haihou.


"Do not!"

Gu Fei didn't care so much, he stepped directly on Ling You's head. The next moment, this guy's head was stepped directly under the hard floor, and he died.

Ling You never thought that he was so clever in his life, that he was so worthless to die, and he never thought that he was trampled to death by someone.

"It broke the sky..."

The waiters in the VIP room were all scared to death.

This Ling You's cultivation base is not very good, but it is the celebrity in front of Xi Haihou, who is Xi Haihou? That's someone who dares to fight against the eternal god!

In this Xihai City, and even the entire Xiling Island, Xihaihou is the absolute master.

Gu Fei didn't care about this, he directly killed the VIP room where Lord Long was.


With one kick, Gu Fei kicked the door of the VIP room where Young Master Long was, and then rushed in.

"It's you?"

When Young Master Long saw that it was Gu Fei, he jumped up from the soft collapse in fright, and the two maids beside him were also frightened.

"You guy is so fateful!"

Lord Long smiled grinningly.

"Haha, I don't know if I will die, but I know that you will die here today."

Gu Fei looked at Lord Long on the opposite side, and suddenly said with a smile.

This guy is just a half-step Jidao cultivation base, but this guy dares to rampage in Xihai City, isn't it just relying on the high-level support of Xihai Dragon Clan behind it?

No matter how strong the Xihai Dragon Clan is, can it be stronger than that guy at Fulong Mountain?

That mysterious dragon girl in Fulong Mountain is the real ruthless character!

At this time, Huozhou had almost been beaten up. The mysterious dragon girl was peerlessly powerful, and the slain Fire Spirit ancestor hid in the fire veins of the Huozhou land and did not dare to appear.

The news spread, shocking the world.

Although Gu Fei was on Xiling Island, he had also heard about it.


Young Master Long suddenly laughed and looked at Gu Fei jokingly and said: "You kid really doesn't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. He thought that killing a few Extreme Daoists would make the world invincible? What a joke."

"Oolong, you tell this guy, if you make a move, how many tricks do you have to kill those Extreme Daoists?"

Lord Long stared at Gu Fei contemptuously.

"one move!"

An inconspicuous old servant in Tsing Yi walked out behind Young Master Long.

"Did you hear that?"

Long Gongzi said coldly.

"I thought you were an ordinary Extreme Daoist, but I didn't expect you to be the pinnacle of the Extreme Dao. It was a bit interesting."

Gu Fei was still smiling.

"What, can you see Oolong's cultivation level?"

After hearing this, Lord Long finally changed his face.

No one knows the cultivation base of Oolong better than him. This is the person he borrowed from his father, the pinnacle of the dynasty, this is the confidence of Young Master Long when he walks in the West Sea.

"I want to see how you killed me with one move."

Gu Fei looked at the old Tsing Yi servant who was opposite and said with a smile.

"Oolong, since he is looking for death, you are reluctant to do it, and you can send him on the road."

Long Gongzi sneered.

"Yes, son."

The old Tsing Yi servant said with a waist, a shocking might immediately erupted from the thin body of the old Tsing Yi servant.

Suddenly, mysterious Dao patterns lit up in the VIP room, and the power of the great road fixed the entire VIP room.

The people outside didn't know what happened in the VIP room. The auction outside was still going on. Only the big people in the other VIP rooms felt something was wrong.

When Gu Fei broke in, he had already shot and sealed the entire VIP room.

Even if the inside is broken, people outside will not feel any movement.

But the people in the VIP room were in a miserable situation. The subordinates of Young Master Long and the two maids were all exploded into blood mist in an instant. Under this shocking power, their bodies and spirits disappeared in an instant.

In the VIP room, only Gu Fei, Long Gongzi and the old servant of Tsing Yi were left.

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