Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4856: Count the old and the new hatred together

Gu Fei fought Xihaihou, he wanted to teach Wang Xuan this guy.

The two figures are moving fast in the starry sky, and their speed is extremely fast, even the powerful creatures of the extreme supreme level, it is difficult to capture their figures.



The dull thunderous sound continued to sound, and the two figures were constantly colliding. Wherever they passed, a star was directly blasted by them, which made the dark starry sky like a burst of bright fireworks.

"How could this guy..."

"This guy named Gu Fei is not an eternal one, so he can fight endless battles with Xihaihou in the eternal realm?"

"Too bad."

The countless powerful experts who were watching the battle couldn't help but be speechless when they saw this scene.

"Do you only have this ability?"

Gu Fei said as he shot.

"Do you dare to underestimate me?"

Xihaihou was angry, and he was underestimated by a guy who was not even the eternal. How could this work?


Xi Haihou roared, the starry sky shook, and the power of the endless world gathered towards him.

I saw him blast towards Gu Fei with a palm, his palm power was extremely powerful, like an endless wave sweeping towards Gu Fei.

"One way to separate life and death!"

Gu Fei flipped his right hand, and the peerless fierce knife appeared in his hand. Without even thinking about it, he slashed forward.


The peerless fierce sword shook, and the bright blade light directly separated Xi Haihou's violent palm power like the stormy waves, and immediately cut to Xi Haihou's body.

"Oh, old man, be careful, don't hurt my kid."

On the top of the mountain outside Xihai City, Wang Xuan, who was watching the fire for Gu Fei, couldn't help exclaiming when he saw this scene.

At this time, on the top of the mountain, there was no movement in the mountain and river tripod, and the breath of the real dragon disappeared. It seemed that it was really refined. Is it really cooked into a tripod dragon soup?


A golden iron shook across the starry sky, even the people in Xihai City on the ground could hear it.

Xihaihou also used weapons, his weapon was an euphorbia, and he saw the euphorbia cross, directly blocking the knife that Gu Fei had hacked.

However, Xihaihou lacked cohesion, and Gu Fei directly slashed away.

"Good fellow, I underestimated you."

Xihaihou was frightened and angry, and he immediately killed Gu Fei.

The two powerhouses fought together again.

It is not an easy task for them to decide the victory or defeat. This Xihaihou is an eternal one, while Gu Fei just used the secret technique of ascension to forcibly increase his combat power.

Gu Fei's combat power cannot last.

Once the time for the Ascension Secret Art arrives, he will be beaten back to his original form, and when that happens, he will be abused by Xi Haihou.

"Take a step!"

"Po Jiquan!"

Gu Fei made a full shot, and for a while, Xi Haihou, who was fighting, kept retreating, almost pressing Xi Haihou to fight.

"Hanging, have you?"

All those who watched the battle were stunned. The combat power of this guy named Gu Fei was too great, which was beyond everyone's imagination.


Just when Gu Fei and Xihaihou were fighting fiercely, an ancient temple suddenly rushed out of the void, and horrible power fluctuations surged out of the ancient temple, and the surrounding starry sky was shaking.

"That is……"

Everyone was surprised to see this scene.

"Who would dare to kill my dragon son and grandson of the Xihai Dragon Race."

An old voice came from this ancient temple, and a powerful murderous aura appeared in the world, making Gu Fei's mind shake.

"The ancestor of the Xihai Dragon Clan is here?"

"Haha, it's a good show now."

"Is the Xihai Dragon Clan finally going to do it?"

At this time, countless strong people who watched the battle were shocked, Xihai Dragon Clan, that in Xihai, but a peerless and powerful race, almost no one dared to provoke.

But now, a guy named Gu Fei dared to kill the Dragon Master of the Xihai Dragon Clan, and now he took a half-step eternal strong man from the Xihai Dragon Clan into the Shanhe Ding to cook the dragon soup.

This is definitely an unending grudge.


At this moment, Gu Fei and Xi Haihou slapped a palm, the two separated instantly, and then stared at the ancient temple that suddenly appeared.

"Who is Gu Fei, come out and die!"

The old voice came from the ancient temple again.

"Lao Tzu is Gu Fei."

Gu Fei stood up.


Without extra words, the existence in the ancient temple directly attacked Gu Fei.

I saw a divine light directly rushed out of the ancient temple, and went directly to Gu Fei cave, the speed was reaching the extreme.

Even Gu Fei couldn't escape.


A flash of blood, Gu Fei avoided the vital part, but a pain in his shoulder was actually pierced.


Gu Fei was taken aback. Could it be that the guy in this ancient temple, like Wu Tianheng of the day, was a super old antique who had become enlightened in ancient times?

"Eternal Taoism? Interesting."

The existence in the ancient temple saw that it failed to kill with a single blow, and then shot again.


A big hand appeared in the starry sky and grabbed Gu Fei directly.

The extreme power fluctuations came out from this big hand, and this big hand instantly enveloped Gu Fei.


At the moment when Gu Fei saw that he was about to be grasped by the big hand, a sword light slashed up from below, directly splitting the big hand in half.

"Who is it! Who would dare to stop me from killing this little guy."

The one in the ancient temple is furious.

"It's me, Xihai Laolong hasn't seen him for a long time."

At this time, a figure appeared beside Gu Fei.

"Thank you, brother, for helping me."

Gu Fei arched his hands towards the man.

"Little meaning."

Wang Xuan smiled.

"You are... Wang Xuan? How could you..."

The existence in the ancient temple seemed taken aback.

Wang Xuan, who made his debut in the ancient times, was enlightened in the late ancient times, and existed in the same period as the Xihai Laolong, but he became a Dao later than Xihai Laolong.

However, Wang Xuan and the other two were expelled from the eternal world. This matter is not a secret to super old antiques like Xihai Laolong and Wu Tianheng.

The eternal great world is not the only great world, but the eternal great world has very few channels to other great worlds, and it is still very unstable.

Even the eternal, it is very dangerous to cross the boundary between the big world and the big world. If you are not careful, you will be severely injured, or even killed.

"You think I can't come back, right?"

Wang Xuan stared at the ancient temple suspended in the starry sky and said coldly.

"Huh! What if you come back? What can you change?"

Old Long Xihai in the ancient temple sneered.

"Did you take a shot back then?"

Wang Xuan said suddenly.

"Since you guessed it, why ask me again?"

Xihai Laolong's voice cooled down.

"Okay, today we have new hatred and old hatred, let's calculate it together!"

A terrifying murderous aura erupted from Wang Xuan's body, and the world suddenly changed color, the starry sky shook, and everyone was shocked inexplicably.

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