Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4857: All a bunch of waste

The secret back then, few people in the entire eternal world knew about it, and those who were qualified to know all stepped on their feet, and the whole world would tremble.

Gu Fei couldn't even imagine that one of the people behind the scenes who banished Wang Xuan to the Ancestral Realm was actually this old dragon of the West Sea.

Xihai Laolong has lived for endless years and is a super antique in the eternal world.

If it hadn't been for Gu Fei's doing so terribly this time, he would never have been born if he wanted to make his dragon son Longsun into a dragon soup.

The ancient temple was suspended in the void, exuding a breath of incomparably ancient and vicissitudes. Above the temple, there were traces of swords, spears, swords and halberds.

This is a battle hall, and the whole battle hall is an eternal Taoist weapon. The old dragon of the West Sea sits in it, and the dragon hall is one, and there are few opponents in the world.

"Wang Xuan, since you have returned to the eternal world, you should hide, and you should be lingering. You dare to return to Xihai, do you want to be exiled again!?"

The old voice of Xihai Old Dragon came from the battle hall.


Wang Xuan looked disdainful.

"How many of those people can survive now? Want to bluff me? Are you my three-year-old?"

Wang Xuan raised his **** directly at the battle hall opposite.

"Haha..., who do you think you are, I can capture you alone."

Xihai Laolong laughed.

"Then you can try it."

Wang Xuan stared at the battle hall, gritted his teeth and said.

Those people killed his family back then, and their wives were scattered. This hatred is not shared. Since they met here, they will never die.


The old dragon of Xihai roared, and in the next moment, on the ancient battle hall, countless ancient Dao patterns emerged, and each Dao pattern was blooming with bright light.

A series of extremely fierce light blades rushed out from the battle hall, and slashed towards Wang Xuan like the sky and the earth.

"Brother, see what you do."

Gu Fei retreated directly.

This is a contest between the supreme existence of the eternal peak. If it is affected, even Gu Fei would be dead or injured.

"Afraid you will bite me?"

With Wang Xuan's fists, the whole world seemed to be frozen, and the terrifying coercion exploded, the surrounding stars exploded one after another, and the devastating light illuminated the dim starry sky.

"Nine Heavens and Ten Grounds, I'm the only one to fight!"

Wang Xuan exhaled and punched directly.


The violent fist rushed forward, the void was shaking, and the countless light blades that were overwhelmingly chopped directly shattered into the void.


Wang Xuan's fist blasted on the battle hall, as if beating a war drum, directly blasting the battle hall tens of thousands of miles away.


In the battle hall, the old dragon of Xihai was taken aback. He didn't expect that Wang Xuan's cultivation base had advanced so much that he could shake his battle hall.

"Nine Heavens and Ten Grounds Only I Dominate Boxing?"

Gu Fei's eyes lit up when he saw Wang Xuan punching this punch. It was definitely an eternal boxing technique, so powerful that it seemed to be comparable to his own Po Ji Fist.

Other spectators were shocked to see this scene.

"The true dragon is peerless, one sword breaks the universe!"

In the battle hall, the old dragon of Xihai shouted, the next moment, a huge sword shadow rushed out of the battle hall, and then slashed towards Wang Xuan.

This sword, fast, ruthless, absolute, the sword came out, the world changed, and it was cut in front of Wang Xuan in an instant, which left him no time to escape.


Only a sound of the collision of gold and iron sounded, Xihai Laolong, a peerless sword, slashed on a shield, leaving a sword mark directly on the shield.


After blocking this sword, Wang Xuan directly attacked the battle hall.

It was another nine-day ten-world solo fist, and he saw his fists hit the battle hall fiercely. This move was much more powerful than the previous one.

Wang Xuan's double fists seemed to shatter the universe and everything.


The battle hall was blasted away again.


Xihai Laozi in the battle hall roared again and again.

The opponent's extremely overbearing boxing technique can actually suppress oneself, which is absolutely a shame to oneself!

"Kill kill kill..."

The old voice of Xihai Laolong spread throughout the starry sky.

I saw countless phantoms rushing out of the battle hall, these phantoms rushed directly to the opposite Wang Xuan, and a wave of power that was so powerful that even the most powerful people felt heart palpitations broke out.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei saw Xihai Laolong's hand, his eyes lit up. This battle hall seemed to be similar to his Shanhe Ding.

On the mountain and river tripod, there are countless beast shadows, and these wild beasts can also form and attack the enemy.


Wang Xuan's Nine Heavens and Ten Grounds Only My Master Fist unfolded, and one figure after another was blasted into the void.


At this moment, the entire battle hall rushed in and directly knocked Wang Xuan away.


Wang Xuan roared and killed him again.

The two great powers fought, and the horrible power fluctuated in all directions, and countless stars exploded in the void, as if the same fireworks suddenly appeared in the starry sky.

"These two guys..."

Gu Fei couldn't help wondering when he saw this scene. It's no wonder that Wang Xuan could rescue himself from Wu Tianheng. If he were to be an ordinary eternal, he would have been killed by Xihai Laolong.

Xi Haihou also stood in the void, staring at the battle ahead in disbelief.

The combat power of my own father, that is not to say, but those black hands seem to be stronger.

In this battle, it is destined not to be so easy to tell the victory or defeat.

At this moment, on a hill outside Xihai City, someone was eyeing Gu Fei's big cauldron cooking dragon soup.

The dragon soup had already been cooked, and the meaty fragrance wafting from the mouth of the tripod made people move their index fingers.

There were bursts of divine light in Dingkou.

This is a dragon soup boiled with a half-step eternal level real dragon. Everyone is jealous. This kind of supreme treasure liquid, even a bite, can improve the existence of Extreme Dao level a lot.

"Good weight!"

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, a big man who resembled a black iron tower wanted to hold this ancient tripod, but no matter how cruel and hard the big man was, he could hardly shake the tripod.

"Old Xiong, can you do it!"

A guy with a sharp-mouthed monkey gill sneered.

"I can't do it, you can do it!"

The big guy like the black tower yelled at the guy.

"I'll go, I'll go, you get out of my way!"

The guy with the sharp-mouthed monkey-gills said, he walked forward and grabbed one of the legs of Dading.

"Get me up!"

Dading was motionless.

"Damn it, give it to me!"

The guy tried desperately, his whole body vigorously vigorous, but Dading remained motionless.

"Not sure!"

This guy was also defeated.

"It's all a bunch of waste!"

At this moment, a loud shout rang out, and then, a young man in jinyi appeared on the top of the mountain, his body was actually exuding an extremely dainty aura.

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