Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4864: Kill Array vs. Kill Array

In the eternal world, Xianzhou, and above the West Overseas Sea, Gu Fei fought half a step against the eternal sea monster Ao Ji.

This Ao Ji was naturally not Gu Fei's opponent, he was directly abused by Gu Fei, and finally fell on the seabed by Gu Fei, and the peerless monster body was torn apart.

Of course, the existence of levels like Peerless Sea-Monster has surpassed the extreme way, and it is definitely not an easy task to kill him.

However, who is Gu Fei? It's not that he hasn't killed an eternal existence, not to mention this guy is just a half-step eternal existence.

At this time, Gu Fei used himself as a cage to trap the primordial spirit of the peerless sea monster Ao Ji in his body, and then refine it.

"Damn, want to refine me? Dream!"

Ao Ji's primordial spirit rushed from left to right in Gu Fei's body, but couldn't rush out because Gu Fei's martial arts were genuine and eternal martial arts.

Once he proclaimed himself a martial body, the primordial spirit of the peerless sea monster trapped in the martial body couldn't escape, unless Gu Fei let him go out of compassion.

However, this is impossible.

For Gu Fei, the primordial spirit of this peerless sea monster Ao Ji was more useful than the Immortal Medicine.

After refining this peerless sea monster, Gu Fei's cultivation base would probably be restored to a half-step eternal state, so Gu Fei couldn't let this guy go.

"This is not a dream. Lao Tzu used to be the eternal. Do you think you played Lao Tzu?"

Gu Fei was very happy. At this moment, his primordial spirit blasted away the opponent's primordial spirit with another punch, but the primordial spirit of this peerless Kraken regrouped and recovered in an instant.

However, although the soul of this guy can be reorganized, the power of the soul is constantly being weakened.

Ao Ji was horrified to discover that the opponent's body was absorbing the power of his own soul, which was definitely not a good thing for him.

Although the opponent's body absorbs only a small part of his own primordial spirit's power, his own primordial spirit's power is actually weakening.

The other party consumes all energy to death!

Ao Ji, the peerless sea monster, was anxious.

"Break it for me!"

The primordial spirit of the peerless sea monster roared directly into a war spear and pierced towards Gu Fei's martial arts hole.

I saw the Yuanshen War Spear slammed into Gu Fei's eternal martial arts, but it collapsed in an instant for a hundred years and turned into a little light of the Yuanshen.

A small part of the light of the primordial spirit was directly swallowed by Gu Fei's martial arts.

Most of the light of the primordial spirit reunited and turned into a peerless sea monster.

"It's miserable!"

At this time, the peerless Kraken finally moved.

"Lao Tzu slowly consumes you!"

Gu Fei said that his primordial spirit had returned directly to the Meixin Niwan Palace and stopped playing with this guy.

"Damn it!"

The peerless Kraken was really mad, but he was helpless.

The consequences of an estimation error are very serious.

Peerless and powerful originally wanted to swallow Gu Fei's soul, occupy Gu Fei's body, and rebirth, but he couldn't think that Gu Fei was once an eternal one, and his body turned out to be an eternal Dao body.

Then, this peerlessly smart peerless Kraken was a tragedy.

"You four idiots, what are you doing in a daze, watching the show? Kill me all these guys."

Gu Fei yelled at the four supreme ultimates of his subordinates.


"The boss is the boss, and he even refined that Ao Ji."

Old Monster Situ and others were all surprised and happy.

"Put the heavens."

With a roar from Lei Ji Tianzun, the countless human soldiers behind him immediately took action, and a murderous banner rose from the army, and a breath of horror to the extreme erupted.

With the rapid movement of countless soldiers, a killing formation that claimed to be able to kill the sky appeared in the world.

"Don't be messed up, it's absolutely impossible for that guy to refine Ao Ji's ancestor."

Ao Lei roared.

"Arrange the formation, all directions will be destroyed."

Ao Lei ordered directly.

The super battle formation of the Xihai Dragon Clan is called Shifang Jumei. No matter what it is, as long as it is alive, as long as it breaks into this Shifang Jumei, there will only be one end, that is, the form and spirit will be destroyed.

With this battle formation, the Xihai Dragon Clan crossed the West China Sea and became the number one power in the West China Sea.

Even the Eternal God Dynasty, as well as Xihaihou on Xilin Island, were all overwhelmed by the Four Seas Dragon Race, which made Xihaihou very depressed.


When Lei Ji Tianzun gave an order, the Zhutian Formation laid down by the Human Race army immediately started to move, and then went straight forward and wiped out.

Wherever he went, the void was shaken.


Ao Ji also controlled the Shifang Ju Destroying Array, and greeted the Human Killing Array.


The two killing formations collided together in an instant, and then countless human and sea warriors instantly turned into blood fog, and their bodies and spirits disappeared instantly.

This is a killing array vs. a killing array. The two killing arrays are constantly colliding and obliterating each other. The direct result is that countless creatures are directly destroyed.

In the eternal world, the weak will feed on the weak and the weak will not be soft.

A soft-hearted person is not suitable for survival in the eternal world and will be swallowed up sooner or later.

In the eternal world, if you want to survive, you must be ruthless.

Therefore, both camps are desperate.

However, among the sea clan army, there are more than a dozen Extreme Dao supreme, so the power of the sea clan's peerless killing array is naturally stronger.

Soon, Human Race was a little unable to hold it.

"Boss, I can't hold it!"

Old Monster Situ said loudly to Gu Fei.

"It's really a bunch of trash!"

Gu Fei scolded and shot, only to see him hit the sea clan formation with a palm.


The violent power exploded, directly shook the sea clan's ten-point killing array, and countless sea clan shattered in the killing array and turned into blood mist.

Although Gu Fei could make a move, there was a disaster inside him.

The primordial spirit of the peerless sea monster is still there.

"Po Jiquan!"

As soon as Gu Fei gritted his teeth, he directly shot the eternal law.


The power of fist that shook the world and the earth erupted from Gu Fei's fist. With just one blow, it directly broke through the sea clan killing formation and directly blasted countless sea clan.

This sea clan killing formation is actually composed of countless sea clan war soldiers. Once the war soldiers suffer heavy casualties, then even the power of this killing formation will continue to weaken.

"Kill kill kill..."

The four great human race supreme smashed their eyes.

They control the Zhutian formation, smashed into the opposing side's ten-fangs all-kill formation, rampaged, killing blood flowed into rivers, bowing down countless corpses, and reaping countless lives ruthlessly.


That Ao Lei was about to lose at first sight, but he had oiled the soles of his feet and slipped away.

At the same time, Xihaihou personally led another army of human races and directly slammed into an ancient city on the seabed and directly surrounded the ancient city.

The countless sea tribes in the ancient city were all stunned.

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