Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4865: Xihai Dragon's Great Killer

Xihai Dragon City is an extremely old submarine dragon city of the Xihai Dragon Clan.

There is actually another name here, that is, Xihai Dragon Palace. Although it is an ancient city, the entire seabed is full of palaces and pavilions.

There is no tall city wall, but there is a huge light shield covering the entire underwater giant city.

Inside the mask, there is not a drop of water, the entire mask blocks the endless sea water outside, and the inside is not humid, nor does it appear very dry.

There are even human figures here, and there are underwater plants everywhere.

Above the city, a group of divine light hung, and it was the divine light that resembled this divine sun, illuminating the entire Xihai Dragon City and the area around Xihai Dragon City.

At this time, outside the ancient city of the Xihai Dragon Clan, countless human race troops came, and the man who commanded this army was Xihaihou.

"Xihaihou, what do you want to do."

Just as Xihaihoubing was encircling Xihai Dragon City, an old man with a cane walked out of Xihai Dragon City.

I saw two ancestral dragon horns growing on his forehead. At first glance, the old man didn't have a trace of hair that a monk should have.

However, even Xihaihou did not dare to underestimate this old man.

Because this old man is exactly the city lord of the Xihai Dragon City, Ao Taixu, and at the same time a very senior clan elder of the Xihai Dragon clan.

The rest of the Xihai Dragon Clan had already hid in the ancestral land, but he still remained in Xihai Dragon City, and he wanted to coexist and die with Xihai Dragon City.

There are not many Xihai Dragons left with Ao Taixu, but they are all the main battle faction. If they want to fight with Xihaihou, even if they die in battle, they will not hesitate.

"Haha, Ao Taixu, I think you still surrender obediently. In this way, you can save the lives of all the creatures in Xihai Dragon City."

Xihaihou laughed.

"Huh! Fight if you want to fight, want us to surrender!? Dreaming!"

At this moment, a roar came from Xihai Dragon City, and then countless figures rushed out from Xihai Dragon City. This is a sea clan army, densely packed, covering the sky above Xihai Dragon City. .

This sea clan army is definitely no less than a million people.

The soaring killing and cutting aura instantly filled every inch of void, and the sea tribe army rose into the sky and came into the air to confront the army of Xihaihou.

I saw three Xihai dragon clan powerhouses wearing battle armor and holding Taoist tools in front of the sea clan army. Each of them was a cultivation base of the extreme realm.

And Ao Taixu, the city lord of Xihai Dragon City, is a half-step eternal existence.

"Haha...It's funny, do you think you can stop me?"

Xihaihou laughed.

He is the eternal, the real eternal. It is not good to say that he can be afraid of death, Ao Taixu, this half-step eternal fellow with a slap.

As for the other sea races, he Xihaihou can wipe out the sea race army with a single finger.

Could it be that Ao Taixu was so stupid that he dared to fight himself?

"Ancestor offering!"

Ao Taixu suddenly roared, and the next moment, a shocking dragon chant came from the Xihai Dragon City below. The next moment, a figure rushed out of the Xihai Dragon City.

The eternal level of powerful power fluctuations erupted from this figure.

"this is……"

Xi Haihou was taken aback, and saw the figure approaching. It was actually a human figure, covered in a layer of metal, black and dark.

"There is only strength, no life mark."

Xihaihou was even more shocked.

"Xihaihou, if you can die under the ancestors of our ancestor, it is not in vain."

Ao Taixu stared at Xi Haihou and said.


Xi Haihou hadn't spoken yet, that Ao Taixu's body exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist, only to see that the cloud of blood mist directly enveloped the human figure.

The blood mist infiltrated the humanoid ancestor artifact strangely.


The humanoid ancestor shook suddenly, and then, two rays of blood shot out from his pupils, as if the humanoid ancestor had awakened his wisdom all at once.

"Clan elder..."

The three strong dragons are extremely sad and angry.

Although this ancestral tool is powerful, it has a fatal flaw. If you want to use this ancestral tool, you must have a blood sacrifice. After the blood sacrifice, the person who made the blood sacrifice is dead.

Ao Taixu was dead, but before he died, he had gained a powerful eternal power.

In this way, he can have a chance to kill Xi Haihou within a certain period of time.

Just when Ao Taixu used the ancestor Taoist tools, another human tribe army led by Gu Fei in the West Sea had formed the Zhutian formation, and the Xihaihai tribe's Shifang Jujie killing formation was defeated.

As soon as the guy Ao Lei saw that the momentum was wrong, he smeared the soles of his feet and slipped away, leaving countless sea tribes to fend for themselves.

"Haha, it's ridiculous that you guys worked for this kind of guy."

Lei Ji Tianzun laughed and shot, countless sea clan shattered one after another under his hands, and countless essences gathered towards him and were directly swallowed by him.

"I am waiting to come down."

A sea clan expert shouted in horror.

"Down? Late."

The four great human race supreme have long been red eyes, no matter where they are willing to stop, and the essence of the sea race is more useful to them than any undead medicine.

There is no suspense, even if there are more than a dozen Extreme Dao level creatures in the Sea Clan, it is not enough to watch, because Gu Fei can kill them all alone.

Sea Clan's Extreme Dao-level creatures are also running for their lives.

Two of the six Extreme Dao-class king whales escaped, and four died in battle. The blood stained the world and the blood was pungent.

A few other creatures of the Sea Race also escaped, and the rest were killed in battle.

The army led by Gu Fei won a complete victory, and soon all the remaining Sea Clan were killed.

This battle had a profound impact on the future situation in the West Sea, which directly led to a significant reduction in the strength of the Xihai Sea Clan, and the Xihai Sea Clan began to decline from its peak.

After receiving the news, the Eternal God Dynasty also sent a large army into the West Sea, occupying a lot of territory belonging to the Xihai Dragon Clan in the West Sea.

Whether Xihaihou can destroy the entire Xihailong clan, from now on, the protagonist of Xihai will become human.

At this time, Gu Fei also gradually refined the Ao Ji's soul.

No one dared to disturb him.

Terran war soldiers began to clean the battlefield, and some of the sea clan guys used Dao weapons not bad. The Terran warriors who cleaned the battlefield could at least make a small profit.

While Gu Fei was refining the Ao Ji's primordial spirit in his body, Xihaihou and the ancestor Taoist tools of the Xihailong clan fought against each other.

"So strong!"

Xihaihou was shocked, the ancestor Taoist artifact of the Xihai dragon clan was really powerful, so you can't underestimate it!

In this way, the two powerhouses fought against each other outside the submarine mask of Xihai Dragon City. Suddenly, the waves were overwhelming, and the eternal power burst out, shaking the world.

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