Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4870: Catastrophe is imminent

The eternal **** dynasty army pressed the realm, and the Western King Hengtian Dao directly confronted Xihaihou, the ancestor of Wujixianzong.

Wang Hongmeng relied on his own cultivation years to be longer than Xihaihou, with old qualifications and higher skills, relying on the old and selling old, and wanted Xihaihou to obediently surrender.

But who is Xihaihou, that is the pirate leader of Xihai, want him to surrender? Unless someone can completely overcome him.

Therefore, the battle is inevitable. Wang Hongmeng is a killer move. He wants to catch Xihaihou to death. Who wants Xihaihou's strongest way to be kendo.

Unexpectedly, a sword light shot up into the sky and directly penetrated Wang Hongmeng's big hand.


Wang Hongmeng was furious, and the next moment, he punched the Wuji Shenquan of the Wuji Fairy.


Seeing his fists together, the surrounding sky and the void suddenly shook, and a wave of eternal power that was extremely powerful erupted from his body.


Xihai Houren's swords were unified and turned into a peerless sword light, and they strangled directly towards Wang Hongmeng.

"One punch opens the world."

Wang Hongmeng roared, and directly fisted towards the strangulation, and the peerless sword light blasted away. His fist bursts, shaking the sky and the earth, and even the void of the incomparably stable eternal world rippled out one after another. The void ripples.

All those who were watching the game were stunned by Wang Hongmeng's punch.

With his punch, the universe seemed to be broken open.

I saw that the immortal eternal sword light that Xihaihou had turned into was blasted away by Wang Hongmeng with a punch.

"Huh! Unbearable."

Wang Hongmeng sneered and said, he would not let Xi Haihou have a chance to breathe, take one step directly, instantly catch up with the sword light that flew out, and then punch out another punch.

It is Wu Ji Shenquan again.

The power of Wuji Shenquan is extremely powerful. This is an eternal law, and the person who uses this eternal law is an eternally great existence.

Wang Hongmeng absolutely has the capital to be proud.

"too strong."

The sword light transformed by Xihaihou was blown away again. This time, Xihaihou could no longer maintain the realm of human and sword unity, and saw the sword light dissipate, and a figure appeared in the void.


In an instant, Wang Hongmeng hit Xi Haihou's chest with a punch. The speed of this punch was so fast that even an eternal person like Xi Haihou couldn't avoid it.

To be precise, there is no time to escape.

The sound of broken bones came from Xi Haihou's body, and Xi Haihou's chest was collapsed by the group of beatings, and his breastbone was broken.

The whole person flew out hundreds of thousands of miles, and fell directly into the endless sea.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. Wang Hongmeng's power exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Little guy, my ancestor tortured you to death."

Wang Hongmeng directly pursued and killed him.


Xi Haihou roared, the sea water in the sea area of ​​thousands of miles evaporated in an instant, and the endless sea clan creatures were immediately destroyed. The next moment, the aura of the heavens and the earth was drained instantly by him.

His shattered sternum was repaired quickly, but just between his fingers, he fully recovered, as if he had never been injured.

When the cultivation base reaches the realm of eternity, flesh and blood can be reborn, even if it is bombarded with only a drop of blood, it can be reborn against the sky and return to its peak.

"Come again!"

Xihaihou was irritated, what about Old Antique, came from Zhaogan.


A sword slammed into the sky, and the stars in the sky were shaking, as if they might fall from the stars at any time.

At this moment, everything around Xihaihou's body is erupting with eternal-level supreme kendo power. Every drop of water, every dust, and even every strand of air seems to have turned into a peerless heavenly sword, overwhelming the sky, in an instant Then Wang Hongmeng who rushed to the ground was overwhelmed.

"Sword field?"

Wang Hongmeng's voice came from the endless sword light.

"Wu, Ji, Shen, Fist..."

Wang Hongmeng's word for word, the monstrous fist burst out, Xihaihou's swordsmanship field, there appeared a group of bright fist gang, like a balloon, the fist gang quickly inflated.

I saw the endless sword light shattered where the fist gang passed, and an invincible fist intent burst out, shaking the sky and the earth.

In this world, it seems that nothing can stop the outbreak of this force.

Wuji Shenquan is the unique knowledge of Wuji Xianzong. It is known as one punch to destroy all magical powers. This Wuji Shenquan is definitely one of the most powerful and domineering methods in the eternal world.

As soon as the magic fist strikes, I will take care of your field and magical powers, and all are vulnerable.

There was no suspense, Xi Haihou's eternal kendo domain was burst by that group of fists, and Xi Haihou vomited blood again and flew back.

The endless sword light disappeared into the void, and a figure walked out in the boxing hole, extremely strong.

At this time, Xi Haihou was covered in blood, and many terrifying cracks broke out in many places on his body, and the whole person seemed to be broken at any time.

However, he directly took out a pill and ate it.

In the next moment, all the injuries on his body were quickly healed and disappeared, but within a few seconds, everything on his body was healed.

"Oh, I didn't think that you little fellow still has such things as the Heavenly Good Fortune Pill."

The ancestor of Wu Jixianzong, Wang Hongmeng, saw that after Wang Zhan Xihaihou took the pill, all his injuries healed. Only the supreme divine pill, such as Huitian Zaohua Pill, can have such a magical effect. .

"Hey, it seems that Xihai can finally be eliminated today."

He set up an eternal Taoist tool to protect himself and the army of 300,000 eternal gods behind him, the West Wang Hengtian Dao saw this scene, and couldn't help being surprised and happy.

The ancestor of Wu Jixianzong went on a horse, really invincible.

"Haha, I want to see how many celestial pill you have."

Wang Hongmeng laughed and killed him again.

"Afraid you won't make it?"

Xihaihou was fighting like a rainbow, knowing that he was invincible, but he still greeted him, and then naturally he was abused again.

At this time, countless Xihai experts who were watching the battle in the shield of Xiling Island felt that disaster was imminent. Xihaihou was not the opponent of the ancestor of Wu Ji Xianzong at all!

That Xi Haihou's father, Wang Xuan, was still in retreat and would not come out easily.

Gu Fei is also in retreat, and there seems to be no sign of taking action.

In fact, Gu Fei wanted to make a move, but now he is unable to protect himself. In his retreat, he suddenly felt a cold on the back of his neck, and a cold little hand touched the back of his neck without warning. , And then moved to his delay.

"Little brother, it's lonely to be alone in retreat, how about sister coming to accompany you?"

A magical and seductive voice entered Gu Fei's ears.

Gu Fei's surprise was truly extraordinary.

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