Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4871: Almost scared to pee

Someone touched Gu Fei's retreat, and Gu Fei didn't notice it at all. This made him almost fainted with fright. Before the retreat, he had laid a lot of formations in the retreat!

This woman could walk through the formation she had laid silently, and then came behind her. When her little hand touched the back of her neck, she knew her existence.

"You...who are you..."

Gu Fei only felt that his throat was dry, his body was stiff, and his whole body was not well.

"Who am I? Haha..."

The mysterious woman's little hand clasped Gu Fei's throat, and Gu Fei's neck could be squeezed by her force.

"What do you want to do?"

Gu Fei calmed down. After all, he was a person accustomed to seeing wind and waves, all the way from the realm of the world, killing out, stepping on the heavens and the world, invincible.

Finally entered the eternal world.

His Dao heart is extremely firm.

Since the opponent didn't take the initiative to kill himself in the first time, he must have a plan, because it seems that it is not difficult to kill himself with the opponent's cultivation base.

"I didn't want to do anything. I just saw you being bored in retreat and came to accompany you. Don't think too much."

The woman's voice was very charming, and the magic contained in the voice was very strong, as if every utterance could take away the human soul.

This is definitely a person in the magic way, and his cultivation is terrifying to the extreme.

"Let's open the skylight and talk brightly."

Gu Fei said calmly.

"Hey, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

The hand of the woman behind Gu Fei clasped his throat tightly, his apple was almost squeezed, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

"I'm afraid, I'm scared to death."

"I don't think you look scared, otherwise I'll kill you. Well, there are many people who died in your hands by my Eternal Demon Sect!"


Gu Fei was shocked when he heard this, what did he mean?

After I came to the Eternal World, I haven't killed many people from the Eternal Demon Sect.

"Your name is Gu Fei, from the lower realm, isn't it?"


At this moment, Gu Fei was really scared and almost jumped from the ground, almost urinating.

How could it be, how could she know her origin? Impossible!

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

The mysterious witch leaned against him behind Gu Fei and said that he could even sense the warmth of the other person.

However, Gu Fei was in no mood to enjoy the feeling of this warm fragrant nephrite, he was shocked in a cold sweat.

"Well, I won't tease you anymore."

The mysterious witch released her hand on Gu Fei's throat, and then stood up.

At this time, Gu Fei's body became loose and his tight nerves relaxed. Only then did he really make sure that the other party had no intention of killing him.

"What do you want to do?"

Gu Fei said while looking at the woman who turned from behind him to the other side.

I saw this woman in a black dress with white flowers, a graceful figure, covered her face, but her eyes seemed to be fascinating. Gu Fei just glanced at it and felt that his mind was almost sucked in.


Gu Fei was secretly surprised.

"Well, it's really boring these days. The guy Wu Jitian can't get out of the mountain gate. I can't find him if I want to fight. Let's do it, how about we jointly kill the little guy outside the Wu Ji Xianzong?"

The masked witch touched her chin and said in a deep thought.

"You...what did you say..."

Gu Fei just got up from the ground, and when he heard the words of the masked witch, he was stunned, Wu Jitian, that little guy outside?

The masked witch's tone is too big to imagine, Wu Jitian, that is the Sect Master of Wu Ji Xianzong, one of the most powerful beings in the eternal world.

Moreover, Wu Jixianzong is also one of the most powerful and oldest sects in the eternal world.

And the little guy outside that the masked witch said was one of the three great ancestors of Wu Ji Xianzong, a ruthless role under one person and over hundreds of millions.

Perhaps that Wang Hongmeng was not as good as the super old antique that Gu Fei encountered outside Fulong Mountain, and Wu Tianheng was so perverted, but he was probably not much worse.

And such a powerful character has become the little guy in the mouth of the masked witch?

Is she the master of the Eternal Demon Sect? However, even the Sect Master of the Eternal Demon Sect would never be so arrogant to call Wang Hongmeng a little guy!

She will not be like Wu Tianheng, a super old antique who has been enlightened in ancient times!

Gu Fei was uncertain.

"What are you thinking, how, what about my proposal?"

Said the masked witch.

"Kill the guy outside? What good do I have?"

Gu Fei looked up.

"Good? Well, what good do you want." The masked witch frowned.

"Let me take a look at your true colors."

Gu Fei suddenly smiled.

"Hey, kid, are you sure you want to look at me?"

The masked witch also smiled.

Seeing the masked witch looking at herself maliciously, Gu Fei couldn't help feeling hairy.

"No way?"

Gu Fei said subconsciously.

"Well, it's not impossible, but there is a small problem."

The masked witch looked at Gu Fei with cunning eyes.

"what is the problem?"

"Yes, that's... the faces of people can only be seen by their husbands."


Gu Fei was confused again.

"Why, do you want to watch it!?"

"This one……"

Gu Fei hesitated.

"What this and that, you are not curious about what I look like? Is it beautiful?"

"Curious, terribly curious, but...Is it looking at your face to marry you?"

"It depends on my mood. In a good mood, it's not bad to marry you."

"What if you are in a bad mood?"

Gu Fei asked in a low voice.

"Then kill you!"

The masked witch said nonchalantly.

"Then I won't watch."

Gu Fei said decisively.

"Cut, the timid little guy, persuaded?"

The masked witch despised Gu Fei.

"Yes, please forgive me for persuading me."

Gu Fei said very seriously.

"How about I help you get rid of the prohibition on your body?"

The masked witch suddenly said to Gu Fei.

"Uh, do you know that I was banned?"

Gu Fei stared at the masked witch with wide eyes.

"Cut, what is there, I can tell at a glance."

The masked witch said disapprovingly.


No one knows better than Gu Fei how powerful and terrifying the mysterious woman of Fulong Mountain is. The forbidden method she planted can be seen by this mysterious witch at a glance?

Is this witch's cultivation level higher than that of the mysterious woman in Fulong Mountain?

What state is that? Beyond the eternal existence? What is the state beyond eternity?

"Why, I don't want to, then forget it."

"Don't, yes, yes, too willing, come on, let's do it, if you can help me get rid of the forbidden law, let alone let me kill the arrogant guy outside, just let me marry you."

"You want to be beautiful."

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