Immortal Moon

Chapter 11

The day of team two's arrival has now arrived and the hyped-looking, loli-looking in appearance Kanade excitedly skips ahead of Yui and the other three fox girls on their way back to their dormitory.

"I wonder what the juniors are gonna be like~?" She turned her eyes towards Yui who was silently walking behind her not saying a word.

Surprised by the sudden question the thought: 'W-Why is she asking me?' popped into her head and she quickly averts her eyes from the middle schooler-looking girl as if she doesn't wanna answer her.

Seeing her reaction to the sudden question, Kanade can't help but run over to Yui who was inches away from her; with upturned eyes she asked: "Why are you suddenly looking away? It's not like I'll use magic on you..."

This just makes Yui walk ahead of the group in a fast pace with a rose red face. 'Leave me be... And I don't care what they're gonna be like as long as they don't disobey orders.'

With a giggle Kanade smiles at the three who are now staring at her with cold eyes as if they found her a obnoxious person all of a sudden.

"What's with you, girls? Why are staring at me like that?"

- - -

At the same time Yui who was now a corner away from the E.I.M.D building now started to walk on her own pace.

With her now turning to the corner of the street that the E.I.M.D's building is on she spots a girl wearing a shrine maiden attire and horns on her forhead like that of a japanese oni just staring at the front of the said building with a look of confusion like she's lost whilst holding the handle of a decently-sized wheeled luggage with both of her hands as to stop it from rolling away.

'Is she a oni?' Yui thought upon the sight of the girl.

Yui quickly walks up to the said horned-girl who has now noticed her and turned to face her. "Are you perhaps lost, by any chance?" She asked the girl that has long dark blue hair with a her bangs covering her left eye with the end of her hair tied with a white ribbon.

Could she be another descendant? or Is she just a mere oni?

The dark blue-haired girl then answered in a youthful-sounding voice: "Yes, Is this by any chance the Earth's Immortal Management Division?" she then pointed at the building that she was previously staring at.

'Is she a member of team two?' Yui asked herself once again, but now with a look of bewilderment.

At the same time the horned-girl sensing immense power from Yui's body thought: 'This power... Could she be a descendant of Tamamo no Mae?'

"Yeah, It is. Do you have any business with us?"

'Wait, This girl works for the E.I.M.D?'

"Yes, I was assigned a position by a shinto priest named Hideo on the 2nd team of the E.I.M.D."

They both heard sound of automatic sliding doors open, and they turned both of their heads to the source of the sound.

It was the sound of the sliding doors of the entrance of the E.I.M.D building with Hideo coming out of the building. "Looks like you already met." Hideo now with a grin on his face spotting the horned-girl and Yui together at the entrance of the said building.

"Who is this girl, Hideo? She said she was a member of team two..." Yui inquired.

With the two girls shouting: "Wait, What?!" their voices echoed through out the street that they were currently on for a few seconds before slowly fading away.

"Did I not tell you about it?" Hideo tilts her head in confusion thinking that he had told her.

As Yui was about to talk back to Hideo...

The dark blue-haired oni suddenly bowed in front of Yui as if she was a deity or something. "My name is Miku. I'll be in your care, mentor." with a serious look on her face she said a sentence.

Hideo claps his hands to get both of our attention, which causes the female oni- Miku to raise her head. "Thus! You two will share a dorm room together."

'I-I have to share a room with a oni...? Are cereal....?' Yui's expression now changed from someone being caught off guard to a dead look on her face with the edge of her mouth twitching subconciously, she has probably lost conciousness in the process.

The scared of the oni, Yui now has to share a single room with a oni... And a female one at that and the said oni is also her student. How will she handle this whole situation?

"Are you all right, Mentor?" The dark blue-haired Miku waved her hand in front of Yui to make her snap out of her staring at nothing.

'Is she by any chance scared of oni?' Hideo realized with a 'pon' sound that her two hands made as he smacks his hand with another with one of them being in a clenched position seeing as how Yui had freezed up when he announced that she'll be sharing one room with the aforementioned female japanese demon.

Since the hand waving didn't Miku tried to shake her shoulders gentle as to not give the silver-haired fox a concusion. "What happened, Mentor?"

- - -

The now calm and concious Yui is now inside the dorm's living room drinking some freshly brewed red tea by her student, the female oni named Miku. "I'm so sorry about earlier. Hideo doesn't know that I was afraid of oni... And he didn't say that my student is gonna be a oni..." She explained with her fox-like characteristics now visible to Miku who was currently staring at Yui's five tails.

'Five-Tailed immortal fox?' She thought eyes still glued to Yui's tails.

Yui who just finished apologising for the trouble Hideo caused to her student and takes another sip of her tea which has now cooled down quite a bit. 'When are Kuro and the others gonna get here...? I only walked ahead because of Kanade's jokes... They should be here by now...'


At the same time as Yui and Miku talking inside the dorm area of the E.I.M.D building, the four fox humanoids have just arrived at the lobby...

Kanade who is still in a carefree mood just continues to skip towards the entrance of the dorms causing her school bag to bounce up and down with the handle still in her hand.

"I wonder if the 2nd team is here~ yet~"

"Stop skipping, you're gonna bother the other employees." Akagi who was walking behind her now with her fox-like characteristics now visible from the spell now being worn out scolded the carefree girl.

With the sound of creaking on the dorm's entrance, Yui who was still drinking her tea suddenly turned her head towards the door leading to the hallway. "Looks like they're finally back."

Kanade now inside the living room opened the door leading to the said room and spots the oni immediatly. "Oh my, Who is this girl?" She inquired with curious eyes.

Miku puts her teacup down and bows infront of her. "You must be my mentor's team mates. I'll be in your care, My name is Miku."

"Mentor~? Only a member of team two has arrived?" The now exhausted Yui from a whole day of school slowly walks in now with her pigtails now undone, and with the snap of her fingers her tail and ears are now visible.

'I-It's another fox... Are they an all fox spirit team...?'

Thw shy and timid girl named Shumizu has now just entered the room, but has now changed into her loungewear which is compromised of a pink-colored hoodie with the hood already covering her head and a long skirt reaching down to her knees. "W-What? A member is already here? I-I'm pretty sure Hideo told us that they weren't here yet..."

With Hideo telling that only one member has showed up so far for team two, could the others just be running late? or Did they get lost in the way to the E.I.M.D?

Kanade still staring at the oni girl diverts her eyes to Shumizu and says in a surprised tone: "You sure change clothes fast, Shumizu... It's kinda creepy..."

Upon hearing Kanade's comment, Shumizu hungs her head down with the thought: 'S-She called me creepy...' on her mind.

Meanwhile Akagi who was closing the entrance door of the dorms hearing the commotion about a member already being there, she quickly makes her to the living room making her footsteps sound loud on the wooden flooring of the dorms' hallway.

And with a finger to her mouth like a curious child she tilts her head in envy. "You're so lucky, Yui... You're student already arrived..."

With the arrival of Miku, a dark blue-haired oni and with the other members of team two not arriving yet.

"Where are the other members?"

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