Immortal Moon

Chapter 10

Inside the interogation room of the E.I.M.D building, A silver-haired fox with her team is currently trying to resolve a conflict between species...

With the uninvolved people now staring at them as they cause a scene out in the streets a female's voice could be heard loud and clear. "Like I said, Why do I give blood to you?" A woman in her early twenties asked with a angry look on her face.

"Because I need it to live, That's why." Another woman but this time a vampire answered back.

"C-Calm down the both of you..." Shumizu trying to lighten the tension of the area attempted to calm the two parties down.

This just caused the female vampire to get snappy at her. "Shut up!"

And as she got told off by the female vampire Shumizu just hung her head.

Meanwhile the silver-haired Yui just hold her head as if she has a headache. 'Why do we have to do this again...?'

Back at the lobby of the E.I.M.D building the sound of a middle-aged man's voice could be heard inside...

Yui who was currently at the lobby at the time drinking some tea while sitting on one of the long sofas quitely listens to the middle-aged Hideo who was seated parallel to her explaining a report that he got from the higher ups a little bit ago.

"Apparently the authorities spotted two young women out in the streets arguing about blood and now the authorities are now on their way her with the two. You girls will have to resolve their argument." He stated with a clear but stern voice.

- - -

A few minutes have now passed by since the two arguing parties have arrived and taken to the interogation room.

Their voices continued on echoing around the small cramped room and Kuro who is now annoyed at how stupid this situation has become desided to speak up.

"Can you just give her the blood already? You're here attendant, right?" She stated with a annoyed look as if a vein was about to burst on her teen age-looking face.

This just makes the human female even more agitated and glares at her. "Look, She's always asking me for blood whenever she sees me and I'm already feeling light headed from her drinking my blood all the time!" She answered with eyes that shows that she's already tired of this whole thing.

This in turn just makes Kuro feel more annoyed towards the female vampire in front of her. "Look, Why do you always ask her for blood?"

The female vampire just shrugs at her inquiry. "I can't help it if I'm hungry... And plus she's my attendant so she has to give me some."

Kuro hearing the statement of the said vampire just sighs. "You know that you can't ask her for blood for more than once a day, right?" She smiles at the vampire who was still shrugging.

This just makes the vampire even more upset than she already is. "It's like I can just bite anyone, You people will go after me if I did that." her eyes look straight into Kuro's this makes Kuro back away a little bit as she averts her eyes from the girl's due to the hypnosis ability that vampires have.

'She does have a point there... We WILL have to go after her if she were to do so...' Kuro thought still averting her eyes from the immortal blood sucker.

"See what I mean? Even this black-haired girl knows." The platinum blonde-haired girl stated as if to show her point in the matter.

Kuro hearing the vampire's comment can't help but be even more iritated by the platinum-haired vampire in front of her. "Yes you DO have a point, I'll admit that. But, you can get some blood bags from the blood bank."

"Yes, I could but it'just a pain since I have to fill in a form which takes time and plus my attendant's blood tastes much better than those of the blood bank." Now more annoyed than ever this vampire now has the most valid point possible.

Her attendant on the other hand suddenly feels flattered though not really happy. "Y-You said my blood didn't taste good at all, and you also said that you'll just make do with it."

- - -

After a few minutes of the two bickering over and over, they finally got tired of arguing and just started to glare at each other without saying a word...

Shumizu feels the awkwardness in the air because of this argument and started to avert her eyes to the buildings surrounding them.

Meanwhile Yui who finally started feeling bored of this whole thing started to speak. "Either we take your attendand away or You'll have to settle with only having to drink blood once a day... Which would you choose?"Yui asked with a intense glare targeting the vampire.

'I don't have any choice now, huh? I guess it's better than not being able to consume any blood...' The vampire at that time now has a blank look on her porcelain-colored face.

"Fine, I'll just settle with only being able to drink blood once. I don't want my attendant taken away, after all."

And with that issue resolved, Yui and company were finally able to leave and return to the Earth's Immortal Management Division.


"I'm so tired~ I just wanna take a bath and sleep~" The now exhausted Akagi and Kuro both at the same time stated collapsing onto the two long sofa's inside the living room of their dorms.

Kanade meanwhile can't help but laugh at the two who are now on the sofas not saying a word. "I can't believe Kuro infected you with her acting like a sloth..." She said as if to tease her a bit.

This statement of hers only created silence inside the room, since both Kuro and Akagi were already asleep the moment their faces landed on the sofa.

Meanwhile Yui and Shumizu are now both in their dorm rooms, leaving her the only awake person in the living room.

With a twitch at the side of her mouth, the red head now feels a sense of awkwardness dwelling inside her heart...

'Are they actually legit asleep right now?' She goes near the door who are still on the sofas laying face down and checks to make sure that they are indeed asleep, and not just laying down giving her the silent treatment.

She tries to attempts this by petting them on their heads as if they were pet dogs or cats, but all this does is just cause them to sleep talk...

Kuro sleeptalking by saying: "Stop~ That tickles, Shumizu..."

And meanwhile Akagi just merely sleeptalks by saying somthing along the lines of: "Stop that... You're making me feel wierd..."

Upon hearing Akagi's sleeptalk, Kanade just snickers at the thought that Akagi actually said "It's making me feel wierd..." making the two girls produce a "hmmmg...." sound with their mouth as if annoyed of the sound of her snicker.

'Better get out of the room before I wake them up, Akagi can really get scary if wake her up accidentally...' With a smug grin on her face trying to hold in her laughter from Akagi's sleeptalking, she slowly tip toes her way out of the room as to not wake them up.


The now awake Kuro slowly gets up from the sofa that she was previously sleeping on and rubs her eyes. 'Did I actually fall asleep on the sofa...? How long was I asleep....?'

She starts looking around the room trying to see if there's anyone else there, she immediatly spots Akagi who was still asleep. 'So Akagi fell asleep here as well, huh?'

She slowly stumbles as she started to walk towards the kitchen which was directly connected to the living room as if it was a studio type apartment and starts to untie her pigtails which she hasn't done yet.

Now will her pigtails now untied, her straight black long hair hair flowed flawlessly down to her hips making her appearance a bit mature.

'Water... I need water...' With her throat feeling dry she slowly opened the refrigerator door making the cold air inside escape, looking seemingly like it's fog on a foggy day in a city named Baguio.

With the cold feeling of the water she just gulped down, she is now fully away noticing that she's still in her school uniform.

"I need to change into my sleepwear..." She muttered under her breath slowly making her way back to her dorm room to change her clothes.


It is now a week before the arrival of the members of the 2nd team of the E.I.M.D, the still hyped Kanade is currently with Yui who are doing their rounds on the third floor of the school where the third year's classrooms are along with a couple of club rooms with people now in them doing their club activities.

Since the arrest of Yoshiteru the cloak-wearing girl, Yui and company are now looking out for any allies that she may have in the the school that could cause trouble.

"Tap." "Tap." "Tap." The silence outside in the hallway made their footsteps very audible as they walk around the 3rd floor making it look like there wasn't anyone that said floor.

Yui who has now stopped upon reaching the end of the hallway on the third floor turns her head towards Kanade. "This should be enough patroling on this floor."

Kanade gave her a nod in response then they both headed back down the stairs.

[End of Chapter 8]

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