Now with the arrest of the group of immortals at their school

now over, Yui has decided to visit her foster family's home- The Takahashi's residence...

With the silver-haired protagonist opening the door and saying: "I'm Home." she has now returned from being away for a whole month.

"Y-Yui? Is that really you?" with her announcement that she had indeed returned home the really worried Takahashi Tada walked to the doorway entrance.

"Yes, Who else would it be, Dad."

Tada hearing Yui now speaking like a modern day person thought: 'Where'd her accent go?' will a bewildered but worried face.

And with a tight embrace from her foster parent, she was warmly welcomed back home. "It really is you, Yui... I was really worried. I thought something happened to you..."

With a awkward smile she thought: 'Something DID happen but I rather not tell you... Since it'll just trouble you...'

Hearing the commotion at the doorway of the house Yuko peeked her head out from the living room which was connected directly to the doorway. "You finally came back, Yui..." She said with a teary voice.

Yuko approached as well and also gave a warm embrace relieved that their adopted daughter has come back home safely."Thank goodness you're all right."

The married couple not having any idea of the real identity of their foster child, Yui finally revealed that she wasn't a human but a immortal fox spirit that is a descendant of tamamo no mae.

"I-I thought that tail- Wait, You have five of them now?! " With a surprised look on his face Tada still couldn't believe that Yui's fox-like characteristics were actually real and not just mere accessories.

"I can't believe that those ears are actually real... Not that I care ofcourse. You're still our daughter, after all." Yuko stated with the look of realisation in her eyes.

'Now it makes sense why they attacked her village... It's actually because of the fact that she wasn't even a human being... And not just arson...' Hideo thought with him now all calmed down with a hand under his chin.

'Why is dad all quite all of a sudden?'

"Uh... Mom? Dad? I have some people or should I say other fox spirits that came with me... They're waiting outside..." Yui said awkwardly.

Yui opens the door and the couple saw the four fox girls of her team at the Earth's Immortal Management Division, all four were wearing the same kimono that they wore from when they were first introduced to Yui.

Turning her head to the door, Yuko's face turned from relieved to astonished at the sight of the fox spirits in front of their house. "Oh my..."

Each bowed simultanously as they saw Yui's foster parents by the door and said: "Sorry for the sudden visit."

'I just hope they don't suddenly get frightened by them...' Yui thought still holding onto the door nob.

Tada who has now stopped thinking deeply had now also looked outside. "They're friendly, right?" Tada inquired slightly wary at the sight of the four fox girls standing at the front of their house.

Yui gives him a nod in response to his just asked question.

Tada sighs in relief to her answer. "That's good then... That actually scared me a little bit..."

Yuko then at that point of time invited the four inside their house...

Now with the whole group inside the living room of the house they are now drinking some refreshments that Tada had offered them...

Seated across the five fox girls was Tada's wife Yuko who has a friendly smile on her face. "Where have been, Yui? Me and your father thought you got into some big trouble."

Kuro who was about to answer Yui's foster mother was stopped by Yui who gave her a smile that said "Don't mention anything about Immortal Management Division, ok?" which makes Kuro just keep herself quite, feeling a little freaked out.

Having trouble coming up with a answer Yui just muttered:"W-Well... Let's just say these four let me stay at their place." While giving her foster parent a smile.

Meanwhile the other three that are beside Kuro are all just drinking their tea silently without saying anything.

With her foster mother still smiling at her Yui quickly diverts her eyes onto the coffee table in front of them instead. 'I really can't let them know about the Immortal Management Division...' her eyes now showing that she's nervous.

"Oh yeah, Do you four all live in a dormitory?" Yui's foster parent quickly changes the subject and averts her gaze from Yui to the other four girls with a smile still plastered on to her face.

Akagi upon hearing her question puts her tea cup on the parallel coffee table. "Yes, Though the food expeneses are already included in our rent. But the only problem with that is they don't let us pick whatever we want for our meals." she quickly came up with a lie noticing that Yui wants to hide the fact that she works for the Earth's Immortal Management Division now.

'That sounds like a pretty decent dorm...' Yuko thought at that moment hearing Akagi's explaination of their living situation.

'Oh good, Looks like Kanade got the message that I didn't want them to find out...'


Yui is now done with her visit home and it's already dark out when they got out of the house, with a wave goodbye to her parents who still have no idea what Yui is doing waving back at her only knowing that she's doing part-time jobs at the moment which was why she was gone for a whole month...

They are now walking back to the Earth's Immortal Management Division Building.

Shumizu who was now tired started yawning. "Y-Your parents sure are nice people..." she comented seeing how welcoming they were to the four of them.

With a thankful smile on her face Yui replied: "Yeah, They've been always like that."

"You're pretty lucky, Yui. We four didn't have foster parents when we were found by Hideo." Kuro added with a frown on her face not making eye contact with Yui.

Akagi at that time who has been just listening to their conversation had a look of curiousity in her eyes. "Hey, I wonder what our next mission is gonna be?" with a smile on her face she asked.

With the other four hearing her sudden-out-of-the-blue-question they all just tilt their head.

"I don't even wanna know... I'm too tired right now to even care~" Kuro answered yawning with a hand covering her mouth.

"Yeah, Yeah... We know... You're such a sloth, Kuro." Yui jested towards the black-haired that just let a yawn escape her mouth.

With the other three hearing her joke they all laughed, because Kuro gets lazy all the time.

Kuro now pouting because of Yui's joke said: "I-I'm a fox spirit, Idiot! I'm not a sloth!"

This statment of hers just makes Yui's joke from a moment ago sound even more funny and with a "hmmmph!" from Kuro she looks away from the other four that are walking beside her still with a pout.

'I can't believe Yui just called me a sloth... Yui you idiot...'

And so with Yui's visit to her foster parents to get them to stop worrying out of the way... They have now arrived back at their dorms with Hideo currently in the lobby of the building, with a "Oh, You're done with your visit to your family?" and a "Yes, I worried them too much. And now I feel better since now they know that I'm alright."

- - -

Hideo suddenly calls the five back out into the lobby for a announcement...

"A second team on the Immortal Management Division has just been formed, You all will be mentoring them on your days of to train them." Hideo announced.

"What?!" the five of them all shouted out with their voices echoing around the huge lobby.

Kanade with an excited look on her eyes hearing the news of a second team being formed then asked: "W-When can I meet them?"

Hideo then sighs at the now currently hyped up Kanade. "In a month or so..."

'Looks like Hideo is gonna be giving me more work to do, huh?' Yui thought with a cold sweat flowing down her forehead.

Aside from being the leader of the first team, Yui now has the job to manage the newly formed second team and probably more even more teams as the division manager.

Kuro who is now in her sleepwear just exclaimes: "Can I go now~? I'm sleepy~" Looking like she doesn't really care about the news just teleports out of the room as soon as Hideo said that she could.

With the look of "She wasted magic..." on the other four fox's faces they all thought in that moment: "Just just wasted magic to teleport to her dorm room..."

With that meeting- or rather announcement finished, the thought: 'Where is he finding all of these fox spirits?' ran through Yui's mind.

Yui's team now with juniors- or a team of rookies being announced by Hideo, they now have even more things to do than they had before.

[End of Chapter 7.1]

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