Now that Yui has now recovered from her Mana defficiency, Hideo has now given them the order to arrest the suspicous group of immortals on the account of them attempting to kill innocent peole. Her personailty has now changed as she now started to trust the people of Earth's Immortal Division.

"Hey girls, We need to head out now." Yui stated at the four girls who are still just lounging about inside the living room area of the dorms inside the E.I.D building with an expression of "Oh, Come on..." on her face.

"What~?" With a whiny voice the currently reading a magazine while lying down on one of the sofas still in her sleepware Kuro whined, her hair still not being styled into those two twintails of hers yet.

Shumizu who got up the moment she heard Yui is now staring at her sister who is now sitting in a cross-legged position still reading the magazine. "S-Stop being such a child, Sis. Do you want to get Hideo mad?" She uttered with her expression that of a mother scolding her child.

And with the now getting dragged by the collar Kuro she lets out a complaint. "Ouch, that hurts. Lemme go, Shumizu."

Kuro in turn turns her gaze from the magazine towards Shumizu. "What are you? My mom?" She replied with a smug expression.

Meanwhile Kanade who was also in the same room about to get up from her seat attempts to hold in her laughter towards Kuro's response to her younger sibling but fails and lets out a slight snicker.

Yui just face palms at the black-haired who's hair was now messy due to her lying down. 'Kuro is such a pain... Why do i have to deal with her everytime?' She then proceeded to sigh.

"D-Don't you have you're own pride as a fox spirit?" The now angry Shumizu now had enough of her older sister's nonsense and started dragging her sister by her shirt's collar to her bedroom room to get ready.

Kanade who is now ready head out enters the living room where the other four are in now wearing her school uniform. "Hey... uh Yui? I'm ready to head out now" She said closing the sliding door behind her with her school bag in her hand.

Yui turns to her with also already in her uniform. "Wait in the lobby, We'll be right with you." She ordered turning back to the 'not yet ready' three foxes, and now with only a few more minutes until they're marked as late by their homeroom teacher she is now annoyed of them. She pulls out a talisman from her skirt pocket. "Get ready or I'll hit you with some fox flames." She threatened the Black-haired.

Kuro turns her head to look at Yui who is now holding a talisman in her hand with a evil looking smile on her face. "O-Ok... I-I'll get ready now..." She said now actually getting up and imagining how much it would hurt to get hit by those flames making Shumizu let go of the said collar.

With another sigh Yui puts the talisman back in her pocket. 'She really won't move until you threaten her...'


The school day has now ended and the students are now leaving their respective classrooms to either head to their club or head home... Meanwhile then five fox girls are now grouped up in somewhere in the school.

"Have you found out where the suspects are yet?" Akagi asked trying to check if anyone is nearby that can hear their conversation.

The red-eyed Kuro shook her head to answer. "No, I think they're hiding somewhere inside the school."

Kanade who is currently checking her tracking spell has just found each and every one of them. "Found them!" With beeps that indicate how far away a selected target is she reports to Yui who was currently also checking around to make sure no one overhears them.

"W-What? Already?" Yui's eyes opened wide when she heard Kanade's report to her and not having a clue that she already set trackers on them.

Kanade with a smile continued: "I put some tracking spells on them beforehand, so that I know where they are when the time comes."

'I can't help but pet her on the head...

Yui can't help but pet the fourteen year old looking but is actually seventeen years old in fox years girl on the head.

"Wai- Sto- What are you doing?" in response to Yui's sudden head pats Kanade's face suddenly turns beet red seemingly embarassed.

Yui stops giving the head pats and tilts her head in confusion."What do you mean what? I'm rewarding you. Hideo said to reward my team mates if they do a great job. Is that wrong?"

Akagi who just witnessed Kanade being embarassed can't help but start laughing in a corner. "That's not how you reward peoplw, Yui." She stated still laughing like there's no tomorrow.

"Then how should I reward her then?" Yui again tilted her head but this time she now feels dumbfounded.

"Um... W-We still have a mission to do..." The shy Shumizu stated making the two stop their conversation.

"Y-Yeah, you're right. I got distracted for a second there..." Akagi who was laughing had now stopped as she heard Shumizu's remainder of them still in the middle of a mission.

With a "ahem" Yui the meeting continued. "Since we now know where the suspects are, I can just use the capture spell to quickly and silently arrest them." Yui as the division leader suggested.

Kuro who is doubtful Yui's plan would work said: "Atleast have use four to back you up."

'I'm more than enough do deal with them,but she wants to help then...' Yui thought

After a few moments Yui has finally made her decision. "Ok, but don't let your guards down..."

"That settles it then, let me just bind the targets to some talismans and we can finally start our mission." Kanade who is still listening to the beeps of the tracking spell announced taking out some talismans from her coat pocket and placing them on aagic circle that had appeared when she started chanting.

With a few seconds of her chanting the tracking spells are now binded to the talismans that she had taken out.


Yui and company are now in pursuit of one of the suspects- or rather targets. They got to the place where the said target currently is with just a quick teleportation spell.

They saw the target and it was a female Wearing gyaru fashion with artificial blonde hair, standing at the school gates.

As the team was about to use a capturing spell on her, a girl wearing a black cloak approached their target.

Seeing what had just happened Kanade started chanting up a evesdropping spell on the both of them which made magic circles appear in front of them relaying what they're conversation.

"Have you done what I asked of you?" the cloaked-girl with her face hidden under her cloak with only her azure-like long curly hair could be seen asked the gyaru.

The gyaru replied messing with her phone and not looking at the cloaked-girl. "N-No, We haven't... Like, We haven't even found them yet."

The cloaked-girl clicked her tongue before saying: "Better do it soon or I won't be rewarding you people" then she disappeared the same way she did when Kanade first saw her in the school courtyard.

As the girl disappeared, Kanade quickly dispels her evesdropping spell. "Looks like they haven't done anything yet..."

"Let's capture her before she actually does." Kuro stated in a whispering fashion now feeling impatient.

A moment passes by until Yui finally decides to try casting a capture spell once more.

And with a magic circle appearing above her target, the gyaru notices it and quickly dodges making the magic circle disappear.

"Who the hell just did that?" the gyaru quickly looks around and quickly spotting Yui's group and her body quickly transforms into a Yuki Onna (Snow Woman) and starts firing projectiles made of ice at them.

Yui and company quickly jumps out of the way starts and makes the projectiles impale the ground. They quickly their counter attack with Yui thinking: "Damn! Looks like we'll have to fight her to even apprehend her."

Yui's group lands infront of the Yuko Onna and quickly starts to cast a barier around themselves with the Yuko Onna right about to fire more projectiles at them.

The barrier was quickly erected and with the sound "chk" that the projectiles made after hiting the barrier, they are now protected from all sides.

"Y-Yui, start taking her out now. We'll hold up the barrier for you in the meantime." Kuro who is now holding up the barrier with the other three stated having magic circles appear infront of their hands.

"Got it." Yui noded taking out some talismans from her skirt pocket and her fox characteristics now visible. She starts throwing them at the Yuki Onna.

The Yuki Onna wasn't able to dodge her talismans and Yui started chanting for a spell as she saw that the talisans did indeed hit her target.

she started chanting and with the shout of: "Fox Flames!" the Yuki Onna is now being hit with blue-colored flames and is now starting to weaken.

'Ok, now i just need to use a capture spell.' Yui thought seeing that the Yuki Onna is now weakened by her attack.

"You're fox spirits?! Like, this totally sucks..." The Yuki Onna exclaimed now immobile due to Yui's recent counter attack.

Before Yui who is now in the middle of casting a capture spell manages to cast it, the cloaked-girl suddenly appeared in the middle of her and her target.

With her face now visible, Her glowing pink eyes are now visible for the five to see.

'Is she their master?' Kanade thought seeing that a cloaked-girl just appeared in front of them.

The cloaked girl started chanting making a magic circle appear above her hand, and with the shout of: "Stop interfering E.I.D!" she hit Yui's group's barrier making it disappear and knocking the four over.

"M-Mistress, I can handle this by myself." The now transformed Yuki Onna stated.

The cloak-wearing girl turns her head to her as she hears her servant announcing before put a hand underneath the Yuki Onna's chin. "I'll handle this, you just stand here."

"B-But Mi-" The cloak-wearing girl gets interupted by her mistress.

With a really pissed off look on her face the cloak-wearing girl said: "I can handle this."

Seeing her face the Yuki Onna just froze in place.

"Not bad... Looks like this fight will be fun" Yui who is now more powerful than before announced with a flame above her right hand along with a smug face as if to mock her enemy.

"W-Wait... You're Tamamo no Mae's descendant...?" The cloaked girl now surprised to see who her enemy is puts down the hood of her cloak exposing her whole head.

"Yes I am, And you know, I'd surender now if I were you..." Yui answered the flame on her hand getting stronger and her eyes now lit up with killing intent.

'Woah... I didn't know Yui could get this scary...' Now with a scared look on her face Kuro can't help to think this as she sees Yui's face and immense power.

The cloak-wearing girl just laughs mockingly hearing Yui'mocking statement.

'What's so funny?' Yui thought she casting barrier around her enemy.

Although with the sound of lightning the Barrier just gets deflected by her oponent.

"?!" The four team mates of Yui are all surprised to see the cloak-wearing being able to deflect the barrier.

"You need to try harder than that, Descendant of Tamamo no Mae." The cloak-wearing girl now starting to cast some magic...

"Oh? You think that'll work on me?" Yui mockingly stated seeing the Azur-like-haired girl casting a spell.

- - -

Hideo who is currently drinking tea inside the shrine office of the shrine that he works at suddenly senses something ominous and it makes him drop his tea cup causing it to break as it hit the floor and making a mess...

'What's with this presense... Is this Yui's newly born immense powers... no, it can't be...'


It is now night time and now that the moon is now visible in the night sky... The cloak-wearing girl still trying to defeat the group is now just standing still like she saw something scary, now out of mana...

Yui now powerful thanks to the moon being in the sky is now looking quite intimidating.

With her blue eyes glowing in the night along with her now five fox tails now glowing in the night... She announces:

"I was waiting for the moon to show up while we were fighting each other.... And now that the moon is out..."

She smiles ominously and continues: "You are now finished." she then proceeds to cast a capture spell...

"What..." The Yuki Onna completely forgeting that fox spirits who when the moon is in the sky- or rather during the night, their powers grow quite a bit compared to during the day...

And this time it actually works on the Cloak-wearing girl.

With a snap of Yui's fingers the cloak-wearing is now sealed on a talisman that has appeared after Yui's finger snapping.

The Yuki Onna who is still standing by the school gates now has a scared look on her face since just witnessed her mistress get sealed away by Yui's party.

With teary eyes she falls onto her knees. "I-I'll surrender! J-Just don't seal me away..."

With a short sigh Yui who has now calmed down approaches the immortal. "Good, That's good to hear." She smiles at her.


It's now the exam period of the school and Yui's group, they are now in the middle of their tests.

'I totally forgot to study for the exams... I was so focused on our mission...' The now regretting Yui thought noticing that it is indeed now the examination period of their school.

Meanwhile Akagi noticing Yui fretting about the tests couldn't help let out a snicker.

Kuro who didn't see Yui study at all approached her desk. "I told you to study." She scolded making Yui just look away from her feeling embarassed of her own misgivings.

Kuro seeing Yui look away from her lets out a sigh. "Don't look away from me, Yui! This is you're own fault, you know?"

With the defeat of the cloak-wearing girl who's name was revealed to be Yoshiteru who was a member of another group of immortals, The other immortals from the suspicious group slowly came out of hiding and surrendered them selves to the police...

With that said, A second team of the Earth's Immortal Devision was then formed to handle any other Immortal cases in the same school that Yui's team had just finished their mission at.

Meanwhile since Yui's team completed their mission without getting any humans hurt in the process, were now assigned to hunt down immortals that are marked dangerous out in the streets of Tokyo.

They are now a team of immortal hunters named "Immortal Moonlight."

[End of Chapter 7]

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