A sudden ringing of a smartphone could be heard inside the library of the E.I.D building echoing through out the whole room...

Hideo quickly answers it without checking the name or number of the caller with a "Hello?"

"So about the pure maiden part of the information that you told me about. I found a shrine maiden that's willing to volunteer for the method. I'll send her over to your side in a few hours." The same deep voice that he heard from the call he made earlier could be heard from the other side of the call.

With Hideo hearing the man's statement he reached for the japanese legends book that he was previously look through, he grabs the paper slip that fell off of the book and with the thought: 'Will this actually work?' His head was filled with doubts from that moment on...


Currently Kuro has been seperated from Shumizu due to one of the immortals spotting them and now on the run....

'Damn it! I shouldn't have deactivated the cloaking spell!' Kuro regreting her decision of dispelling both of their cloaking spells she now hiding in one of the classrooms under the teacher's desk on the first floor of the school and really now worried about Shumizu.

A loud bang can be heard on rear doorway of the classroom, this makes Kuro hurrily cast a cloaking spell on herself...

And with a loud thud, the rear door of the classroom has now been kicked down...

A guy with short black hair wearing the school's uniform- It's the immortal that Kuro was currently being chased by.

He had a really pissed off look on his face, with his eyes full of anger. He started throwing the desks inside the said room one by one and each of them smashing into multiple parts as if the desks themselves were only made of plastic.

Kuro hearing what the immortal boy was doing was cowering in fear as she forced herself to stay quite as to not give out where she is.

"Where are you! You stupid girl!" The boy shouted still throwing the desks in the room.

He then proceeded to kick the cabinet where students would usually store the brooms for class duty.

'Just get out already!' Kuro shouted in her mind hoping that the boy would just leave the room.

After a few minutes of destroying the things inside the classroom the boy finally walked out of the room probably giving up on trying to find Kuro who is currently so scared that her hands are shaking in the room to try and look for her in the other classrooms...

With a short sigh of relief as she hears the boy's footsteps heading towards the hallway, Kuro slowly crawls from underneath the desk and slowly peaks her head from behind it as to check that the boy was really gone.

Once she didn't see the boy in the classroom she then got up and made a magic circle appear underneath, casting a teleportation spell to get out of the school safely...

With a loud 'Woosh' she was teleported to the E.I.D's lobby where Hideo was still in.

This obviously made Hideo jump a little bit. "K-Kuro?? Why did you teleport back? Did something happen at the school??"

With a serious face Kuro said: "We found a group of suspicious immortals on school grounds."

As Hideo heard what she just reported he got up from his seat. "Are the other three alright?"

Before Kuro could answer his question she heard the same 'Whoosh' sound from outside the building which makes her hidden by magic fox ears which are now visible since the spell is only temporary perk up.

She looks at the entrance of the building, she saw Shumizu which made her run out of the building because of how worried she was when they got seperated.

Tears started coming out of her eyes. "I thought you got caught by them!" She exclaimed making Shumizu to cry as well since she was worried about Kuro as well and she replied: "I thought they caught you sis."

- - -

Meanwhile still at the school, Kanade and Akagi are still on the second floor of the school still observing the group in the courtyard who were already walking into the school building.

"Should we follow them?" The redhead Akagi asked Kanade who's trying to listen in to see if they're gonna say anything else.

Kanade shook her head to tell Akagi to not follow, this made Akagi shut up. Kanade started casting another spell, the said spell that she was currently casting has the ability to tell the caster where the targets of it are at anytime.

And with the snap of her ringers, the spell has now been activated and also deactivating the evesdrop spell that was currently still active.

When Akagi saw what she did she thought: "So we're just gonna track them instead, huh?"

After Kanade made sure that the tracking spell was working she told Akagi that they'll be heading back, and so they both casted a teleportation spell with their school bags in their hands. And with a loud "Woosh" sound they were also teleported to E.I.D's lobby with Hideo already talking to the other two girls about the method that could get Yui to wake up.

With curious eyes Akagi who was now walking towards them asked: "What's this about a method to get Yui to wake up?" She put on a serious look on her face as she asked...

Now Akagi having everyone's attention Hideo explained the situation to the other two foxes which brightened up their moods as they heard the news.

"Uwa, I can't believe you actually found a way..." with a discusted look on Kanade said so to mess with Hideo.

"W-What's up with that face?" He asked seeing the look on Kanade's face.

Thos reaction of Hideo to Kanade's teasing made all four fox girls laugh.

"Seriously, What's up with that face?"

As the four kept on laughing a girl wearing a shrine maiden's attire entered the building, the girl had Orange blank-looking eyes and long purple hair styled into pigtails, and a blank expression as if she's a doll and not a human. She approaches Hideo and stated: "I'm the miko that the higher ups have sent for the method. My name's Sayuri."

A great ammount of silence had entered the room as the shrine maiden- or miko stated her identity.

'She's the 'pure maiden'?' Hideo placed a hand under his chin as if he was thinking of something.

With all four girls hearing her statement they all thought: "She's the girl that we the blood of to get Yui to wake up?"

Sayuri then bowed in front of them respectfully.

Hideo puts down his hand from his chin. "Please follow me." His face turned serious asking the purple-haired girl to follow him.

Hideo led the girl to one of the guest rooms of the dorm area of the E.I.D building, he offered matcha tea to her.

The four fox girls also followed them out of curiousity...

"Since it's only around 4PM, we have to wait until around midnight before we can perform the ritual" Hideo stated taking a sip of the same matcha tea that he gave the guest.

The girl who looks to be around the age of seventeen to twenty years old sat in front of him gave him a nod in response and proceeds to also take a sip of her tea.

'She looks like a doll...' Shumizu thought in the room with them along with the other three girls sitting beside her by the door with eyes of amazement.

At the same time Kuro who is now feeling tired from using magic and also because of how school tired her out earlier is currently yawning while covering her mouth with her hand beside shumizu.


It is now midnight and Hideo, the four fox girls, and Sayuri who are now in Yui's room preparing for the ritual.

'I hope this works...' Hideo praying at the corner of the room hoped.

The miko Sayuri slowly approached the unconcious Yui and slowly cut her right palm with a knife that she was holding after proceeding to make a few drops of her blood fall on Yui's pale-looking lips.

As the ritual was being performed the clouds in the night sky cleared out and the moon currently a full moon was now clearly visible up in the sky as Sayuri made drops of her blood drip down to Yui's mouth.

With a sudden strong gust of wind outside the building the lights begun to flicker inside the whole E.I.D building...

Yui now starting to show signs of her waking up from her slumber opens her eyes and gets up. Her only sole one fox tail now multiplied to five, now making her a five-tailed immortal fox.

"W-What happened to me..." Yui held her head in attempt to remember what had happened to herself.

Kuro who was previously getting sleepy now had her crimson red eyes wide open. "T-The ritual worked... I-It actually did..." She stuttered as she can't believe that the ritual actually made Yui wake up.

'She isn't speaking old japanese anymore, well that's no fun...' Akagi hearing that Yui who now isn't speaking old japanese thought with a face that says "It was nice when she still spoke old japanese".

Hideo who was praying as the ritual stopped heard Yui's voice got up from the tatami floor. "It actually worked... I can't believe it!" His said in awe to the ritual that actually worked.

[End of Chapter 6]

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