The currently still unconcious Yui who is in her room is having currently dreaming of that time when she first appeared into the world...

It in the middle of the night in a forest near Mount Fuji, there a humanoid looking girl who's body was glowing as if she was a goddess had her first thought that she said out loud...

"Where art I?"

She then had visions of Tamamo no Mae getting killed by an arrow going through her mind.

She started to look around her and she realizes that she's in the middle of a forest, and at that moment she started walking in a random direction albeit slowly...

She makes her way to a human settlement and with a village elder, that old man had taken her in. She was given food, shelter, and a clean change of clothing and he even treated her like his own grandchild.

A day after the was taken in by that elder, the village elders were now in the middle of a meeting...

"Let's put a seal on her!" An old man wearing old-fashioned clothing shouted.

Knowing the said girl wasn't a human but a immortal being- or rather a descendant of Tamamo no Mae, they were currently having a meeting on what to do to her.

Four other elderly people in the same room noded in agreement to that man's suggestion...

And so they placed a seal on this girl's back, and this girl who had no idea that her immense powers just got sealed away by the village elders with the help of a shinto priest just slept soundly in her bed not having any idea of what just occured...

The next morning she woke up still haven't realised nor noticed that she now has a seal on her body wakes up and jumps out of bed.

"Oh, You're awake now." The village elder that took her in said noticing the girl has now woken up.

"Thou have... prepared food?" She asked sleepily rubbing her right eye and her stomach grumbled.

"Yes, I just finished cooking." The elder smiled hearing her stomach making noises.

And so after eating her breakfast that the elder had made for her she went out and played with the children in the village that immediatly accepted her as if she was also a human like they are...

Several years have passed since she appeared and now the her village is now being attacked by a gang of guys that started shouting: "Kill that fox descendant!" after he threw a lit torch at one of the house's windows followed by three other guys throwing lit torches adding to the fire which immediatly made that whole house that they threw lit torches at catch on fire...

With the elder hearing that guy shouting outside he starts waking the girl up with a: "Wake up and get away from here"

The girl now at the age of fifteen i fox years opened her still tired-looking eyes and immediatly gets up and was told to get away from the village...

But with a "Nay, Thou needs to go with me!" as she cried when she was told to get away from the village by herself.

She had tears in eyes as she runs out of that elders house with the elder being trapped inside of it.

At that time she still didn't have the immense power of a immortal fox descendant of Tamamo no Mae since she wasn't at the age of sixteen yet, so she couldn't save the elder even she wanted to...

She ended up in the city somehow without herself knowing and is now roaming the streets in the deep into the night...

"Hey, What are you doing out in the streets at this time?" A concerned looking police officer had noticed her walking around the streets alone with her slightly tattered clothing and approached her.

"H-Help... Me..." She muttered after which she collapsed from exhaustion.

The officer who saw the girl collapse in front of him let out a "Hey! Are you ok?" before he caught her in his arms to stop her body from heading the pavement.

Two days after the incident at the village the girl woke up in a hospital room which the police officer took her when collapsed from exhaustion.

"Oh, You finally woke up!" A nurse that was in her room checking her i.v saw here get up.

'Where am I... What happened...' Those questions were on girl's mind when she woke up.

"What Happened to me..." The girl asked turning to the nurse in the room as she holds her head in pain from a headache that she now has.

The nurse holding a clipboard in one hand checking the I.V the girl's I.V turned to face her. "A police officer brought you here, he said he found you walking by yourself and apparently you fainted."

The sound of a door opening diverts her attention from the nurse, the person that opened the door of the hospital room was the police officer that found her out in the streets holding a basket of fruits in hand.

"You finally woke up, I got worried because you didn't wake up for two days." He then slowly approached the girl's bed.

'Who's this human?' The silver-haired girl asked herself seeing how worried the man looked.

The man then continued with a question: "Do you have any relatives?"


She then shook her head to answer, the man held one of the girl's hands and then said: "It that case I'll take you in. I can't let a girl wander the streets, after all." The man offered.

'Why is this human asking me to be part of his family...' The girl tilts her head in confusion.

"How about it?" The man added.

A moment of silence engulfs the room but then tears started to fall from her eyes because she suddenly remembers how she ended up walking the urban streets of Tokyo completely exhausted.

'Oh, that's right... The village that took me in got attacked by a gang and i was told by the village elder named Hide to run away...' she thought as she remembered the events prior to her ending up in a urban place.

"H-Hey, Is something wrong?" The officer then asked out of concern for her.

She wipes her tears of her cheeks. "M-My village was attacked by thy gang members..." She stated still sobing.

A surprised expression had showed up on the man's face as he hears what the girl had said. "There was a news report about a village near Mount Fuji being attacked by a gang but... I didn't expect to find someone that was from the village... Now wonder your clothes were a mess..." He then proceeded to hugging her in-attempt to calm her down.

After a moment the man lets her go while with the though: 'I wanna get her side of what happened at that village but right now probably isn't the right time for it'

The girl now wearing clothes that she doesn't recognize having decided to let the man take her in then said: "Ye, I'll let thou take me in..." She forced herself to smile in gratitude to the man but she had a hard time doing it since she was crying.

The officer still not knowing her name asked what it was.

The girl answered: "Yui, That is what thou villager that took me in named me."

- - -

Three months have now passed since the young girl got released from the hospital and let the officer take her in as his daughter...

In a two story house where the girl was still sleeping inside a spare bedroom, gentle knocking was heard on her bedroom door followed by: "Breakfast is ready, wake up before it gets cold." by that same police officer named Takahashi Tada.

With a "mnhh..." sound coming from Yui she got out of her bed rubbing her eyes and walking in a slow pace due to her not being fully awake yet, she makes her way to her bedroom door.

With a "ka-chak" sound the door opened...

She made it to the first floor of the house where the smell of freshly cooked rice omelets entered her noise as if to call her to the dining room. 'Omurice?' she asked herself having smelled the food in the hallway.

"Oh, good morning, Yui" Tada's wife greeted as she sees Yui make her way to the dining room.

With a "Umu, Good... Morning, Mom." she said as a yawn came out as she finished her sentence, just like a silver-haired, red-eyed female vampire from an anime that aired on 2018 in Japan.

She noticed blue doll-like eyes got watery as her yawn ended so she wiped them to get rid of the tears that came out from her yawning.

At the same time Tada's wife Yuuko thought: 'She finally called me mom... finally...' A happy smile showed on her face.

Yui takes a seat parallel to Yuko, with her eyes glued to the TV that was currently on with a rom-com J-Drama showing on it, with a thought 'I love this show... It's nice that they always air it in the morning.' as she slowly got used how her life is now.

"You're tutor will be here any minute now, better hurry and eat your food." Tada who was putting a pitcher of water back in the fridge announced.

Yui who almost forgot that she has home school today ate her breakfast as fast as she could almost choking in the process.

[End of Chapter 5.1]

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