A girl wearing a black cloak with azure-like hair with pink-glowing up eyes, with that school's uniform underneath her cloak arrives at the only recently battle scarred classroom that Yui and company just left behind after fighting the demonic creature. 'damn that E.I.D...' The girl kicked the broken shards of glass that was formerly the windows of the classroom making it go all over the place.

"I can't believe my servant just sealed away by those people!" she roared only to find herself cough to due her sudden shouting.

"I'll make them pay for this!" Her eyes lit up in rage to what had happened to her newly summoned servant as she teleported out of the place.


The five foxes have arrived back at the Earth's Immortal Division after a mana exhausting battle, with Akagi carrying the unconcious Yui into the building's lobby...

Hideo who was in the lobby seating on a sofa reading some important documents now has a shocked expression who was previously pretty relaxed when the five haven't gotten back yet. "What happened??" He gets up from his sit.

The four fox girls just turns their gazes away from Hideo's eyes...

The shy Shumizu meanwhile gets startled by Hideo's sudden reaction. "Y-Yui collapsed when we finished sealing away the d-demon..." She muttered with her eyes on the verge of tears.

Hideo drops the documents that he was currently holding and they slowly fell to the floor and still maintaining his shocked expression. "What?! What do you mean she collapsed?"

He approaches the four and continued: "Take her to her room for now and after that report to me as to what had happened." with now a stern look on his face...

- - -

Yui on a laid out futon still unconcious for six whole days now, is currently being watched over by the priest Hideo inside her dorm room.

'Just who is this girl?' Hideo looking at Yui's sleeping face with a confused expression thought knowing the fact that she fainted after the battle with the demon concluded.

'I thought she had immense powers... How did she faint with her just using only that much mana? Just what is happening?'

A a moment a sudden knock on the door was heard, with a "Come in." from hideo the person that knocked entered the room's premises...

A woman that looks like she in her 20s wearing a shrine maiden's attire stood in front of Hideo before proceeding to bow, her braided light purple hair that was on her shoulders sagged downwards as did so. "Aki, Division Manager of the Demonology Division reporting for duty!" She then proceeded to raise her head.

Now that the Demonology Division has arrived, the four fox girls can now go back to their usual immortal observations. Except there's still the problem of Yui still not waking up...

Will she even ever wake up?

'The examinations that the shrine maidens have done to Yui had revealed that she had a seal on her back that acts like a limiter to prevent her from using the full extent of her immense powers, and that was also the reason as to why she lost conciousness... Did those village elders put this seal on her?' Hideo put a finger under is chin as if in deep in thought.

"Uh... Sir?" Aki who was still in the room spoke up to break the sudden silence in the room.

"Oh, Sorry about that, I was deep in thought" He laughed awkwardly trying to get rid of the awkwardness.

He then continued: "Demonology Division, right?"

'Why is he so deep in thought? Is that girl Tamamo no Mae's descendant?' Aki asked herself.

"Let me show you and you're team to your rooms" Hideo got up and walked towards the room.

"uh, sir?"

Hideo turned his head to the Demonology Division leader. "Yes? What can i help you with?"

"Is this sleeping girl the rumored descedant of Tamamo no Mae?" She points to the still asleep Yui in her futon.

'Looks like the news spreaded faster than i thought...' Hideo told himself as he heard the girl's question.

With a friendly smile he replied: "Yes, though she's actually been unconcious for six days straight now due to a seal that our shrine maidens found on her back, we're still trying to find out how to get her to wake up."

The human of the Demonology Division was surprised of the answer that she got from her question, and she started to wonder what the seal was for and several other questions went through her mind...


It is now the following day and the seventh day of Yui being unconcious, now that the Demonology Division has arrived...

Kuro and the other three fox girls are currently in the middle of a meeting with Hideo in the lobby, with a "ahem" Hideo started. "Now that the Demonology Division is now here, You four will now be back to you're usual Immortal Observation mission. And since Yui still hasn't woken up, you four will just have to do it by yourselves in the meantime. That is all" he then proceeded to clap his hands twice to end the meeting.

The four fox girls still worried about Yui all got up and grabbed their bags and left for school.

- - -

Classes have now ended at the school and the four fox girls are now doing their usual campus patrols...

Kanade who is currently walking around the second floor of the school building notices a group of students all grouped up in the school courtyard 'What are they doing down their?'

She sees a person wearing a cloak approach the group of students as she stopped to observe them.

She casts a evesdropping spell as quick as she could and starts to listen in on their conversation and a magic circle appeared in front of hear currently invisible fox ears...

"What do you want?" A guy in the said group inquired seeing the cloaked person approach.

"I have a proposition for you..." the cloaked person said with a female voice that sounds like a voice that a girl in her teen years would have.

A girl with black hair with a apple cut spoke up in response. "What kind of proposition."

"I know that you're immortals. therefor I'll offer you a job, all you need to do is kill some people in this school that i specify and i'll reward you greatly."

The same guy from before then responded. "Sure, if it's a thing that i ask for..." he then smiles sinisterly.

"Good, we have a deal then?" the cloaked person reached out her hand.

The guy shook the hand of the cloak-wearing girl, then the girl disappeared as if she was a ghost but dropped several pictures that Kanade can't get a clear view of...

And with a "Looks like these are our targets" the dude that just shook the cloak -wearing girl stated with a laugh.

'This smells like trouble...' Kanade thought.

Meanwhile Kuro, Akagi, and Shumizu bump into each other in the other end of the hallway that Kanade is currently in. "Isn't that Kanade?" Kuro asked pointing to where Kanade is currently standing stare out the window.

"Yeah..." Akagi said as she realised that it is indeed Kanade.

Then they proceeded to approach her which made Kanade turn in their direction.

What are you doing just looking out the window?" Akagi inquired.

"Well, you see..." She then whispers them her findings then proceeded to point down at where the said group of immorals are.

"Ok, for now let's just observe them." Kuro stated now that she knows that they'll be killing people at this school.

They proceeded to split up into teams of two to better observe their behaviour...

The Kuro and Shumizu group went down to the first floor of the school taking cover by the door leading to the school yard with the use of a cloaking spell to keep a low profile.

And the Kanade and Akagi group just stayed at where Kanade had first seen the group and continued to watch them from the window with Kanade's evesdropping spell still active.

The group started to split up and started walking around the campus with ominous auras on each of them, one of those passed by in front of the Kuro and Shumizu team but thanks to the cloaking spell thats currently active the guy didn't notice them standing by the door...

With a whisper of "Let's tail him" from Kuro... Kuro quickly deactivates the cloaking spell that was active then the both of them started following the guy from afar.

Taking cover behind whatever big thing in the hallway which are in this case the vending machines placed all over the building.

'Where is he going?' Kuro asked to herself with the two of them currently hiding behind a nearby vending machine.

- - -

At the E.I.D building's library... The shinto priest named Hideo is now looking around for any hints on the book in the room. 'There has to be a way to get Yui to wake up within these books...'

He notices a book that has the title "Japanese Legends" written on it's spine, he then pulls it out of the bookshelf and starts to look through it with the thought "This book might give me some clues..." running through his mind...

He then got to the page that has Tamamo no Mae written on it and he starts reading through the text of the said page until the part where it said something about Tamamo no Mae's descendants, the thought "This could be it!" was now running through his head as he sees this part of the legend.

That part of the legend says as follows:

"Tamamo no Mae descendants that have a seal their body can't use that much magic but every spell that it casts are very powerful that it could easily weaken any demon.

If Tamano no Mae's descendants were to have a human put a seal on anywhere on their bodies, it'd limit their immense powers to only a mere one-tailed immortal fox. And if anyone would try and get the seal off of their bodies then that person would have to get shrine maidens to do 'The ritual of Awakening' which would get the seal off but the said maidens would instantly die after the ritual is done and the descendant who now has access to the true immense powers will then grow an additional of eight tails and be a fully pledged Immortal fox and loose it's memories before the ritual had occured.

But there's also a way to only weaken the seal, and that's to make the descendant drink the blood of a pure maiden and thay would in turn give the descendant an additional four fox-tails and up to fifty percent more immense powers than the descendant orignally had, this is also the method to awaken a Tamamo no Mae descendant who has been asleep for over five days straight from using too much magic.

These rituals have to be done at night, it won't do anything when performed when the sun is still up."

The thought "This is it! I finally found a way to get Yui to wake up!" was now in Hideo's mind as he finished reading that said part, and with a wry smile on his face she rushes to tell the higher ups about the method...

Hideo on the phone with his superiors speaks calmly on the line...

"I see, so you found a way to wake her..." A man with a really deep voice spoke as he heard Hideo's good news.

"Yes, Sir. That's right."

"Then i'll help you with that method that you found."

"Thank you, Sir." The man that he was speaking to then hanged up.

'I can't believe that the answer was in that book this whole time... Why didn't i look into that library to begin with?!' Was the thought he had as he puts his smartphone down on a table next to him...

And with a sigh of relief he takes a sit on a sofa in the lobby. 'Finally! We finally get her to wake up!' A smile middle-aged face.

[End of Chapter 5]

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