At the Earth's Immortal Division Building's Lobby a man with a surprised look on his face is currently shouting due to a unexpected turn of events. "There are demons in the school?! Are you for certain?" The man named Hideyoshi raised his voice as Yui and company report their findings at the school.

He quickly turns his gaze to Yui who was still feeling frustrated that she didn't get to finish off the demon. "You shouldn't have ran into that room like that, even with you posses Tamamo no Mae's immense power and abbilities. That demon could still kill you if you provoke it."

'Why is this human scolding me? I can kill that demon with my bare hands of i wanted to!' Yui blurted in her thoughts.

Hideoyoshi lets out a sigh as he continued: "I'll contact the higher ups later to tell them about this discovery, you five in the meanwhile can continue you're observations on the suspected immortals." He then proceeds to leave them in the lobby still feeling quite upset at Yui's actions.

After a short moment of silence Yui gets up from the sofa that she's sitting on and starts to walk to her dorm room.

Kanade seeing Yui walking away calls out to her. "Where are you going?"

Yui turns her with a tired expression. "I'm going to bed."

"What about dinner? Atleast eat first."

Yui shakes her head and resumes to head to her room.

'Is she that upset?' Kuro thought seeing Yui's answer to dinner.

Yui still upset opens the door of her bedroom... She lays down on the tatami floor not even bothering to change her clothes quickly nods off.

After a three hours of being asleep she senses someone's presense entering her room. She opens her eyes and gets up to see who entered her bedroom...

"Shumizu?" Yui muttered under her breath seeing who it was.

"S-Sorry, Did i wake you?" It was the shy-looking Shumizu sitting near the door leading to the zen garden sitting in a kneeling position with her hair shining from the moonlight from the window behind her.

'What's she doing in my room?'

It was currently midnight when Yui woke up and everyone had already gone to be except Shumizu who decided to go to Yui's room for some reason and reading a book.

'I'm starting to feel a little awkward here, maybe i shouldn't have stayed in her room...' Shumizu trying to keep her composure in check diverts her eyes from Yui's by reading the book in her hand.

Yui started staring at her with suspicous eyes since she doesn't know what Shumizu is doing in her room and she doesn't wanna ask due to the awkward atmosphere. 'I can't go back to sleep with her in my room... come on, leave already...'

- - -

"S-Sorry about my sister... She isn't really someone who'd interfere on someone's fights but she just doesn't want her allies to get hurt." Shumizu started talking due to her not being able to take the awkwardness in the room any longer and bows apologeticly after placing the book that she wss currently holding beside her.

Yui gets taken a back by Shumizu's actions and feels a bit more awkward. Her clear blue eyes widened in surpise to Shumizu's apology. "Thee black-haired fox is thou's sister?"

Shumizu startled by Yui she suddenly got to reply looking up to the blue-eyed fox. "Y-Yes??" She said with a strange-sounding voice.

Yui puts her index finger under her chin deep in thought. 'They're actually sisters, huh? though they don't really resemble like each other nor do i care...'

Yui starts rubbing her eyes then stretches her body to wake herself up after proceeding to yawn. "I don not really care about thy issue any longer, though it is a shame that I did not get to seal off thy demon."


~The following day...

The E.I.D building lobby, somewhere in Tokyo. The five Foxes are about to leave it's premises to head to school.

A man wearing a shinto priest's attire calls out to the five young fox girls and the said five turn to his direction. "Hold on, The higher ups have told me that you five are to kill or capture the demon depending on how the fight turns out. And to also continue the observations of immortals and to look out for other demons that may have also entered the school until the Demonology Division transfers to the school." He announced still panting and a little bit sweaty from running through the building's long hallways just to inform them.

With a A "I'll do my best" from The red-eyed Kuro like the way a certain character from a

certain idol video game franchise would say all the time, a "Roger" from the other three of the employee fox girls, and a "Umu" from Yui they left for school- or should i say they left for their newly issued orders.

- - -

At the school where classes have officially ended for the day, there stood still in her classroom because of class duty was Yui sweeping the floor of the room with a broom. And the other four girls now doing patrols around the first floor of the school for any trouble making demons or immortals.

'I haven't seen any signs of the demon that i saw yesterday so far...' She puts the broom back inside the janitor's cabinet at the back of the classroom as she finished sweeping the floor.

'Don't tell me it just vanished after i was teleported away by Kuro?' She thought erasing the writings on the blackboard in-front of the Class.

"Hey Yui, Can I talk to you for a sec?" The blonde-haired class representative of her class who was also assigned to be on class duty with Yui called out currently holding a wet rag that he was about to clean the windows inside the room with.

'Is he going nag me about me not fitting in?'

She turns around to face him but-

She sees that his body has shape shifted into the demon that she found the past day. 'No way... The class representative is the demon?! Looks like i'm gonna have to fight him by myself.' She exclaimed in her head.

She quickly makes a magic circle appear in the middle of herself and the shape shifting class rep, she quickly attempts to cast a capturing spell on her target and at the same time her fox characteristics turned from invisible to visible as she casted the spell...

Now that those are now visible her spell chanting became faster.

"I heard about some E.I.D people have ilfiltrated this school but i didn't expect one of those people to be you of people!" The now demonic-looking press roared loudly now also casting a spell in attempt to try and interupt Yui's spell casting...

With a loud "Boom" an explosion went of due to the spell the demon used blowing the desks away along with shattering the windows of the classroom...

Luckily this time she managed to cast a barrier around herself when the demon had finished casting it's spell, unlike the last time when she got hit by the cloaked-female figure.

"Not this time!" Yui shouted starting to cast another spell to try and weaken the demon in preperation of the sealing spell.

The four other foxes hear this explosion which made them run to the place the sound originated from...

All four arrived at the classroom that Yui is in currently in the middle of combat in, the four started chanting offensive spells to help Yui weaken the creature...

'I rather kill this guy but, it doesn't look like i have a choice but to seal away this guy, this situation is just too dangerous to let this battle carry on any longer.' Yui still chanting her spell at incredible speeds thought in her head.

And with a loud shout of "God's Strike Lightning spell!" from Yui the creature has recieved quite a bit of damage and is now chanting for another explosion spell trying to hit Yui with it in his frustration of not hitting her directly the first time...

"Yui!" Kuro with the other three fox girls called out to Yui who hasen't noticed them yet.

'Oh, looks like reinforcements have arrived...' With a smug smile on Yui's face she jumps out of the way of the spell that the demon was about to finish casting and starts chanting up another spell.

With a few seconds of chanting and with another loud shout Yui, She has now dealt even more damage to the demon than before...

'Looks like Yui has managed to weaken it, now all we have to do is finish the sealing spell...' Akagi thought as they were about to finish their casting...

And with a loud "Amaterasu Sealing Spell!" from the four humanoids the demon now has a red-colored magic circle above it and a few moments...

The demon has begun not being able to resist it's sealing, and is now just standing still underneath the circle.

"You won't be able to seal me, you foolish foxes!" The creature roared but with Yui noticing the spell about to be countered she also started chanting another sealing spell to stop it from breaking free of the spell...

With a loud shout of "Moon sealing Spell!" from Yui who has just finished chanting up the said spell...

Another magic circle appeared as she shouted, but this time it's underneath the demon. With a loud "My master will get you for this!" from the demon that was about to be sealed away the spell takes effect...

And with that said, their battle with the donic creature has concluded... The demon was now sealed away and a talisman-looking folded up piece of paper has appeared in the middle of the room as the demon was sealed.

The demon was inside that said piece of paper sealed of with spells written on the outside of it.

'Another order finished...' Yui let out a small sigh has she falls to her knees in exhaustion, the four other fox girls run up to her seeing that she has indeed fallen down.

"Are you ok, Yui?" Kuro who was still really sweaty from running to her aid with the other three asked with her eyes showing how concerned she was.

A sleepy look on Yui's face was clearly seen by the four who now has worried looks on their faces. 'I just too much mana... I can't even keep myself standing...' Yui thought losing conciousness...

'Is this girl really the descendant of Tamamo no Mae?' Kanade thought seeing Yui losing conciousness.

The girl who was known as the descendant of Tamamo no Mae has lost concious with using only that much magic...

What does this mean? If she is INDEED her descendant then this shouldn't have happened...

Just what is going on with her?

[End of chapter 4]

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