Earth's Immortal Management Division in tokyo...

Yui currently asleep with the lights turned off, here silver hair gave a metallic shine as the moonlight from the window of her room hit her.

She gets woken up by knocking on her bedroom's door. 'Is it that human hideo again?' She asked herself opening one of her eyes in response to the knocking.

She got up and opened the door... She saw Hideo at the other side of the door with four other people who look like fellow female humanoid foxes wearing japanese traditional clothes like what she has now changed back into since she just got back from her assignment at the school.

Yui who is confused as to why Hideo has those four girls with her just tilts her head out of curiousity before saying: "Hideo, who are thy foxes?"

"Well, since you finished you're first order so fast i decided to give you some helpers as a reward since future orders that you receive may not be as easy as that one as a reward."

Yui stares at the four girls with blank eyes for a moment then lets the five of them in her room.

A moment of silence englufed the room as the four foxes sat infront of her beside Hideo in a kneeling fashion meanwhile Hideo is sitting in a crossed leg position.

One of the foxes has long black hair tied into pigtails and red crimson-like eyes perfectly matching her blue kimono that has sakura prints on it.

The second has Violet hair at around shoulder length with yellow eyes perfectly matching her red kimono that has a dragon print on it.

Meanwhile the third fox has long blue hair tied into a side ponytail with yellow-colored eyes and a orange-colored kimono with rose prints on it perfectly complementing her blue hair.

And finally the forth fox, she has semi-long red hair reaching her back with a braid at the middle of the back of her head tied with a blue-colored ribbon and green eyes. And wearing a purple-colored kimono with no prints at all perfectly complimenting her red hair.

Are these four also descendants of Tamamo no Mae? Or are they spirits?

With a "ahem" from Hideo he starts his explanation as to what's going on: "Your job of being a Division Manager is actually not just office work but you also do field work with your helpers- or should i say employees. You don't have to sneak around the school grounds anymore every single time, although you have to help them if they ever get into any kind of trouble. But ofcourse your still gonna be observing the immortals."

Suddenly Hideo gets his explanation cut of by the four girls.

"My name's Kanade" the blue-haired fox spoke up.

"My name's Kuro" The black-haired fox said.

"M-My name's Shumizu" The blue haired fox stuttered avertung her eyes from Yui"s as she spoke.

"Akagi. That is my name." The redhead announced looking at Yui with friendly but intimidating eyes as if she was about to pounce on her.

'Are they spirits?' Yui looks at the four who just introduced themselves.

"Like i was saying, these four will be on your team, Yui." Hideo continued from him getting cut off.

The black-haired Kuro spoke up once again probably trying to change the subject. "So you're the rumored descendant of the famous Tamamo no Mae..." she looks at Yui from head to two with her mysterious gaze.

Meanwhile the other three females were also staring at her but with curious looks on their faces...

Yui although still confused about wether they're spirits or descendant decided to speak up. "Umu. Though i do not know how thy was born." She noded her head as she spoke.

'W-Why is she talking in old japanese...?' The timid Shimizu thought hearing the way that Yui talked having a cold sweat running down her face.

Hideo noticing that Shumizu looking confused at the way Yui spoke he lets out a short laugh.

'What's so funny, human' the five fox girls thought the same thing hearing Hideo laugh at the current situation inside the room with intimidating glares reaching him.


The following day at the school, after school. The four fox girls are now wondering around the campus searching for the possible immortals that may appear.

Meanwhile the blue-eyed Yui is now currently sneaking around the classrooms...

'No sign of any immortals so far...' Yui thought sneaking through the school hallways.

*Bam!* a sudden bang noise cut Yui's attention who was just about to enter one of the second year's classrooms.

'Is that an immortal trying to cause trouble?'

She thought quickly running to the direction

of the loud sound and when she got to the place....

The room the sound came from was inside of a empty classroom on the second floor of the abandoned school building just behind the current main school building, The wooden flooring of the room has already started to rot and so have the desks and chairs. There was also a lot of dust and cobwebs covering the corners of the mentioned room.

There stood a humanoid figure with demonic horns and wings on it's body, it's body has red skin which is being hit by the really low lighting in the room making it stand out... Along with a figure of a female humanoid figure wearing a black cloak.

'A demon? what's a demon doing in the school? i thought there were only humans and immortals in this school...' Yui thought seeing the demonic-looking figure in the falling apart abandoned school building.

She knows about the fact that demons aren't exactly immortal beings but despite what the information she was told by Hideo she still couldn't believe that she's seeing one in front of her...

All of a sudden she starts hearing several footsteps behind her making her ears perk up at the sound, she turns her head to see who or what's making the noise...

"-?!" she gets startled, but quickly stops herself from making any noise to avoid revealing that she was there to the figures...

It was the four fellow foxes that Hideo introduced the past day. Shimizu, Kuro, Akagi, and Kanade respectively wearing they're school uniforms.

"What are thou doing here?" Yui whispered to the four that look like they followed her into the place.

The red-haired then answered. "I could ask you the same thing, Yui. We saw you running outside towards this building and followed you."

Yui lets out a sigh due to how scared she got when she heard footsteps and points into the really old-looking classroom.

Kuro peeks into a small crack of the door of the classroom and she makes a really scared looking expression as she sees the demonic figure inside the room. "A-A demon?" She stuttered whispering.

Yui nods. "Umu, i heard a banging noise when i was sneaking around thy second floor of thy main school building and i followed thy sound."

The other three humanoids took cover by the wall that's seperating the aformentioned ro and the hallway that they're currently in, shortly after Kuro also followed suit.

"So, What do we do now?" Kuro inquired still shocked by the fact that there's a demon on the loose on school grounds.

"We need to report this to Hideo when we get back." Akagi replied in a whispering fashion.

Yui just continues to peek into the classroom as the other three fox girls come into an agreement.

"We need to get out of here, We can't handle that thing by ourselves." Kanade said back already starting to sneak out of the place.

The other three nod at the same time, Kuro taps Yui on the shoulder and she whispers: "Let's get out of here, We can't take that thing on."

But Yui who wants to excorcise the demon just runs into the room with a magic circle appearing on her right hand as if she's about to fight the two figures.

Kuro just face palms at Yui's action. "That idiot... You gotta be kidding me..." She murmured to herself still taking cover behind the wall.

Yui starts chanting a spell but suddenly the cloak-wearing girl interupts and hits Yui with a wind based spell knocking her over almost knocking her unconcious.

'damn, this looks like it's not gonna be easy...' she thought to herself getting up after being pushed.

Kuro who was still behind the wall casts a teleportation spell in attempt to get Yui out of the place...

After a few seconds of chanting she managed to teleport the both of them outside by the school's gates, and after a brief moment the other three fox girls also managed to teleport out of there.

"T-Thank god, you two are ok" Shumizu spoke up seeing that the two are infront of the school's gates.

"What were you thinking, Yui. They could've killed you!" Kuro scolded with eyes that look like they could shed tears at any moment.

Yui just averts her eyes from the four. 'I could've beaten them...' she said in her mind.

[End of Chapter 3]

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