Earth's Immortal Management Devision Building, Inside Yui's Dorm Room.

"Hideo, Why have thou have come here?" Yui still trying to find out as to why Hideo is in the room that she was told stay in.

"I have a assignment for you."

Finally! Hideo finally revealed the reason as to why he visited Yui.

Yui tilts her head in confusion as she heard Hideo's reply. "Assignment? Has thou given me an order?" Yui's fox-like ears perk up and she wags her tail unintentionally.

'Is she happy?' Hideo thought as he notices Yui waging her fox-like tail also having a cold sweat run down his back.

Is she actually happy? Or is it something else? Animals are known to wag their tails whenever their mad or happy. Could it be that in this case? Yes, this is probably that.

"Y-Yes, It's a order."

Another guy entered Yui's room holding a school's uniform and places it in front of Yui.

Yui's expression changed from a look of a little kid being curious to someone that looks like someone who is really interested.

"Are thou gonna make me attend what thou humans call a school?" Yui picked up the said Uniform that was placed infront of her.

"Yes, But it's to observe possible immortals that we did background checks on."

Yes, It's as he said. It's part of the job of the employees of the Earth's Immortal Division to observe possible immortals that the police department has started to suspect to be immortal and to stop them from causing trouble.

'Observe some possible immortals?'

How will she do this? Will she able to complete the assignment sucessfully?

Yui's face turns serious yet again but this time her eyes don't look like she's about to use magic on him. "Is that all?"

Hideo got up from where he was previously sitting and opens the door leading back to the hallway and says: "Yes, Finish this and we'll reward you."


The next day, at a school in somewhere in tokyo, a Silver-haired fox is now a student of that school.

'I can't believe the human hideo just ordered me to go undercover at something human's called a 'school' " Yui lets out a sigh walking towards the school's gates with her fox ears and fox-like tail hidden using a spell that she casted before coming to the campus that the village elders taught her when she needs to hide them.

She heads to the Faculty Room of the school as Hideo told her to do once she got to the school.

She opens the sliding door to the said room...

A teacher sitting in the room notices her going in the room and asks: "Are you the new transfer student Yui Kaguya?"

'Yui Kaguya? Kaguya? Is this the fake name that Hideo gave me?'


'Did the spell i used earlier work? I hope she can't see my fox ears and tail...'

The teacher gets up from her seat. "We'll be heading to your classroom now, class is about start." The teacher beckons her to follow her as she opened the door. Yui follows the teacher as she went out of the room.

'Why is she asking me to follow her? Why can't i just go to the "Classroom" by myself?'

They finally got to the door of the classroom that was their destination. "Wait here, I'll call you once i quite down the class." The teacher told Yui was holding her School Bag in one hand.

'Why is she asking me to wait out here?' Yui pondered as the teacher opens the door and goes in.

"Ok, take you're seats.." the teacher walking into the room said.

"Ok, class we have a new transfer student joining us today." the teacher stated turning to Yui was still standing in the hallway and beckoned her to come in.

The classroom looked like any other that you see at japanese highschools, complete with desks and chairs, along with a blackboard at the front of the class.

As you got in the students in the room started whispering. One of them whispered "She so hot!" and the other "She has nice hair"

"Write you're name on the board, and say you're name in front of the class." the teacher whispered to Yui who was still worried about the spell not working and everyone finding out that she isn't human but an immortal fox.

'Write my name? Why do i have to write it when i can just state it?' Yui thought getting annoyed as to why she has to do so...

A few seconds past and Yui started writing her name on the blackboard, writing it the way that Hideo had taught her the previous night when he came back to check on her.

And she said: "My name's Yui Kaguya. It's a pleasure to meet you all." She smiled in a business like way.

'Is this enough to please you, human?' She asked in her mind. A few seconds of silence engulfed the entire room and suddenly-

"Woohoo! She's a total hotie!" A random guy in class suddenly shouted out.

Yui's smiles started to twitch when she heard the guy suddenly shout as if she got annoyed of him. 'Shut up, Human!' Yui shouted inside her mind with her smile still continuing to twitch in annoyance.

The teacher told her to sit at an empty chair in the smack middle of the room. "Hey, Which school did you come from?" A female student sitting beside her desk whispered to her as she was about to take a seat.

"A school in a country side" Yui decided to just give a random reply to make the girl beside her desk leave her be.


It's now Lunchtime and the silver-haired protagonist decides to see if she can find the immortals that she was ordered to observe but-

Everyone has pretty much surrounded Yui after the school bell rang probably from just mere curiousity since she's a new classmate and all. A girl with long hair tied into a ponytail decides to speak up first. "What hobbies do have."

Yui who is completly clueless as to why her classmates surrounded just looks down at her desk. 'Why are these humans surrounding me... I need to locate the targets...' She tried saying that in her mind to distract herself until her classmates left her be.

Another student in the same class as her also decided to speak putting a hand in her shoulder "Why are you so quite? We don't bite."

'Leave me alone, Humans!' Yui shouted in her mind in annoyance to her classmates.

After a little bit she decides to Yolo it and just gets up from her chair and looks around the room for the target that she was assigned to observe. 'Now where is that human....'

She spots a girl with long lilac-colored hair tied into a braid with grey eyes... That was her target... The suspected immortal.

'She doesn't look like a immortal' Yui thought staring at the girl who was about to leave the room...

She waited a few seconds after the girl went out of the room and she soon followed her.

The girl walked into the gym storage room, Yui by the door of that said place attempted to peek into the room.

It was a room that had things that was used or PE class and the room also had some other random junk.

Yui saw the suspect who was standing inside taking a knife from her skirt pocket, she looks at the blade for a moment and then suddenly-

She slits her wrist but.. It didn't seem do anything to her, what was she trying to do?

At that moment Yui had a face that looked like she just saw some stuff and thought. 'Looks they the human Hideo was rifht when the said that they suspected her...' She takes out a mobile phone that Hideo gave her before she was allowed to leave the premises of the E.I.M.D this morning and does what hideo showed her what do to and that is to send a text message to the only number on it's contacts list.

She sent the message containing "The target is now a confirmed immortal."

She then quickly leaves that area of the school using teleportation magic... A magic circle appeared underneath her and with just some chanting... With a soft "whoosh" sound she was teleported to one of the toilets in the girl's bathroom. 'I managed to finish the order i was given pretty quickly... I wonder what the reward Hideo told me about is...' She thought leaving the bathroom stall and heading back to class like nothing happened.

Every student in the room were either standing and talking to other students or just sitting at their desks minding their own business when Yui got back. She heads back to her desk and as she sat down the sounds of people in the hallway caught her attention.

'What's that commotion?' she asked herself looking at the opened door of the classroom, a student probably left it open because it was a pain to close it.

"Hey, there are police officers that arrived on the school grounds." A male student in the hallway said to another.

'Police?' Her fox ears perked up but no one sees them since the spell of hiding them is still active.

Students begun to run across the hallway in front of the classroom that she is currently in, probably because they're curiousity got the better or them.

Yui not wanting to get involved just takes out one of the books that was in her bag and just decided to read it to pass the time.

After a few minutes of reading her eyes got tired and she fell past asleep at her desk.

"Hey, wake up class is about to start."

She felt someone tapping her on the shoulder, She opens her eyes and she looked around the room...

She notices girl from this morning that was asking about her previous school was holding her shoulder. 'Why is she touching me?'

The same girl then said to her: "Class is about to start, you know?"

'Oh yeah... I'm at a school right now...' She said in her head realizing where she was with a sleepy look on her face.

She notices the book that she was reading before she fell asleep was now closed on her desk.

The hallways are now quite and the commotion from before Yui fell asleep has finally stopped.

[End of Chapter 2]

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