Immortal Moon

Chapter 15

With the elf now apprehended by the authorities and being interogated, Yui and the others will now have to make Miku who is still going out of control to snap out of it.

With magic circles appearing underneath Yui and the others, they got teleported by Kanade to the open area of a empty park as to not get any innocent bystanders hurt.

'Now... We can just get here to snap out of it...' The still badly hurt Yui thought staring at Miku.

Akagi started yelling out first to Miku who had erected a barrier around herself subconciously stopping the two from getting to her with it being around twenty feet away from her body...

"Snap out of it, Miku! Yui is fine! Calm Down!"

This doesn't really work and made Miku target them next...

With a magic circle appearing underneath them, they were now binding by strings made of light.

"D-Damn it!"

Kanade shouted infuriated at the out of control Miku who had just binded them together.

Next was Yui who also shouted...

"I'm fine, Miku! See?"

She showed that she was fine by twirling around but Miku didn't really calm down from that thing that she did.

'Looks like this will be harder than I thought... We might have to contact Hideo to get her to calm down...'

Yui shouted to the twins that they needed to call Hideo for help, and the twins immediatly teleported away to the E.I.M.D building to call Hideo for help.


The door to Hideo's office was suddenly opened by the twins in a hurry...

"H-Hideo! We need help! Miku is-"

The both said simultanously but Hideo interupted by asking:

"Wait, calm down first. What's this about Miku? Did something happen?"

"She's about to go berserk!"

Rika blurted out making Hideo get up from his desk after shouting "What?!" and making both of the twins teleport him to where Yui and the others are...

- - -

They arrived at the location in a blink of an eye, strong gusts of wind filled the whole park as if there was a typhoon in the area.

"Quickly! Place talismans around her! Before she goes berserk!"

Hideo shouted making the girls except for Yui who still couldn't walk straight due to the injury on her back run and place talismans around Miku.

"Ok! Now stand back! All of you!"

Hideo shouted again with the girls backing away a little bit as to not get hit by the spell that Hideo was about to cast.

He quickly chants with a single talisman in his hand...

He used a binding spell on the Oni, and it worked! She is now unable to move and cause harm.

Hideo then proceeded to shout further instructions to the girls and telling them that his gonna use a spell that'll seal some of Miku's power away to get her to calm down and snap out of it.

And with magic circles now surrounding the said oni, a seal appears on her back with inscriptions written in a old language.

This pretty much stopped the string gusts of wind and dispells the binding spell that was preventing Akagi and Kanade from moving, causing them to fall to the ground on their knees.

"D-Did it work...?"

Akagi wondered turning her head back to where the oni named Miku was...

Her eyes have now reverted back to her purple-colored eyes, she then fainted with her body hitting the ground.

Dust was all over the air making it look like a sand storm had just pass by the park that they were in caused by the strong gusts of wind that Miku produced then when she hadn't gotten some of her magic sealed.

'Oh thank god... I thought I was gonna get killed by a oni...'

Yui too collapses onto the ground but is still concious, unlike that time when the seal on her back hadn't been weakened.

"T-That was terrifying..." The twins said seeing that had Hideo succeeded.

"It's finally over..." Kuro who was sweating due to running around to place the talismans with the others fell to her knees.

Hideo who had just finished sealing away some of Miku's magic also collapses on to the ground with sweating dripping down his face.

"Teleport me back, Rika... I still have some paperwork to do..."

He instructed Rika who immediately teleported Hideo back to his office.


A day after the mess with the elf and Miku has passed, Yui and company are now back in the dorm's living room sitting down drinking some tea...

Miku had also already woken up after the seal on her body was reinforced by some shrine maidens that Hideo called over.

"W-What happened to me...?"

Miku who had no recollection of what had just happened to her a day ago attempted to get answers from the other girls in the room with her.

Yui hearing this question, places her cup on the coffee table, and a smile immerged on her face. "Well... You just scared the hell out of all of us by almost going berserk... That's what."

This makes Miku who was still confused bowed down with her head touching the floor in apology for all the trouble that she had caused.

"I-I am so sorry, Mentor... All I remember was seeing you getting badly hurt and my mind just went completely blank..."

'That really got me scared though... This is why I think that oni are scary...' Yui thought looking at Miku who was still in the bowing position.

Yui then just shakes her head. "It's fine, It's not like anyone got hurt."

The seven other girls noded in agreement with Yui's answer.

Miku hearing that she was forgiven so easily lifted her head to look at Yui.

"I-I don't understand... You almost got hurt because of me and yet-"

"There's no point anyways... I mean it's not like you could help it. And besides Hideo already put a seal on you to prevent you from going into that state again." She gave Miku who was still on the wooden floor of the room a bitter smile.

Miku now realises why she felt a little weak when she regained her conciousness this morning, it's because of the seal that she wasn't aware of...

"S-So that's why I felt a little weak earlier... Hahaha..." She laughed nervously.

"Wait, Didn't the shrine maidens that were looking after you say anything about you now having a seal on your body?"

Kuro suddenly got up from her seat, surprised that Miku had no idea that Hideo had placed one on her body.

"No... They didn't..."

'Did they not told because it might get her upset...?'

- - -

They were told that there aren't anymore new members on team two, because it was unnessesary for that time to have more than three unless they needed more members because of a mission.

Kanade and Akagi ofcourse protested that they didn't have any juniors that they can mentor.

Hideo just ignores the two protestors and just went back to his office on the third floor of the E.I.M.D building.

"Damn... I thought we'd get juniors to look after too..." Kanade with a pout on her face just walks back to the dorms with her arms rested at the back of her head.

Meanwhile Akagi just walked quitely beside Kanade seemingly just messing with her finger nails.

At the exact same time, Kuro is now in the middle of giving training to Rika who has been doing great so far in following Kuro's strict instructions.

With a magical circle appearing in front of her, Rika seeing this quickly but skillfully dodges the offensive spell that Kuro had just casted.

She quickly hides somewhere in the training room of the E.I.M.D building.


Steam quickly covered the whole room from the smoke screen spell that Kuro had just activated.

With a strong sense of hearing she listens for Rika's hearbeat and slowly follows it...

Eventually she found Rika but got away by casting a deffensive spell which stopped Kuro from chasing after her via a binding spell.

But Kuro quickly gets rid of the said binds with a loud crashing sound like what one would hear if they were to drop a plate.

'Good, Her reflexes are getting better now...'

Kuro had a satisfied smile on her face seeing the good results of her mentorship, she continued listening for her junior's heart beat and following it until-


A sound of a trap-like spell being triggered was heard through out the training room.

Now binded once again, Kuro breaks free from it yet again.

'And... That's another improvement, her trap setting skills have improved as well.'

Now satisfied with the results, Kuro calls out Rika who was still hiding somewhere inside the room.

"Ok! That's enough for now!"

Hearing this Rika peeks from her current hiding point.

'It's not a trap, is it?'

Learning from her mistake of believing that the first time, she asked herself just to be safe.

Kuro started to walk towards the door of the training room.

Rika seeing that Kuro was serious when she had said that it was enough for now, she comes out of hiding and runs to catch with her mentor who was now outside of the room in the hallway.


A unexpected trap-like spell was placed by Kuro secretly in front of the exit of the room and Rika had just stepped on it and caused it to go off.

Kuro turns around after hearing the loud bang from her trap that was by the door that had intentionally placed and crossed her arms.

'Let's see if you could get out of those binds...'


Rika's face turns pale because of the unexpected trap but quickly recovers her complexion and started to think of a way to get out of the binds.

She closes her eyes...

And after a minute, she managed to get out of the binds by using a trick that she had learned from all the trap-like spells that Kuro had used on her on their previous training sessions in the past.

This ofcourse impressed Kuro even more, that it made her clap her hands.

"Good, Looks like you finally managed to get out of one of my traps."

Rika bows thankfully and says: "Thanks to you my mentor."

[End of Chapter 13]

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