Immortal Moon

Chapter 16

"Who the hell are you?"

The silver-haired inquired with her usual smug grin.

"Let's just say that I'm a friend of Yoshiteru. They immortal that you're group had arrested."

The cloaked-male replied running towards her holding steel pipe in one hand.

'Really? A steel pipe? Like that's gonna do anything... I swear... Some of these immortals are so stupid...'

Yui quickly jumps upwards to dodge the attacker and quickly casts a binding spell which immobilised the said man.

"You need to try harder than that to defeat me."

With a snap of a finger the man was teleported to the interogation room of E.I.M.D where Hideo was waiting.

With a sigh her dark split personality fades off and she's her normal self once again.

'They almost got me there... I was lucky that the guy couldn't use magic...''

Kuro who had been watching the whole event unfold from above a building jumps down and lands beside Yui who was now about to walk out of the alley.

"Did you find anymore of them?"

"No, Looks like he was by himself." Kuro Shook her head in reply.

'Whats with the sudden reports of immortals suddenly causing trouble after a while of not being quite?

A sudden flood of reports of immortals causing trouble out in the streets arrived at E.I.M.D, this ofcourse was pretty suspicious since it became pretty quite again after the arrest of the elf that had attacked Miku at the school a few months ago.

Now with Yui and the others being given orders to stop doing patrols at the school and start doing patrols out in the streets of Tokyo; they've been so busy that Yui, Kuro and Shumizu couldn't get any free time to train their juniors.

Well, this isn't really a surprise considering how big Tokyo is and when came to taking into account the number of the team members of E.I.M.D.

Hideo had ofcourse tried getting into contact with the tengu but was refused when he asked for help.

He then tried to get into contact with some actual human shrine maidens and not like Miku's family where the women are oni shrine maidens but was refused as well.

In desperation he tried to do summons to try and get more members like what he did to get Kanade...

This ofcourse worked but he only managed to summon a villager from another world, which he can't just order to apprehend any immortals because of how dangerous it is. And so he ended up sending that villager back to her own world with a spell.

Yui and the others are now forced to make to for now while Hideo tries to ask his superiors for more people to help out on the patrols all around the capital city.

- - -

The other oni families that also served shrines/temples actually tried to get into contact with Hideo after a few weeks of him going around shrines/temples all over the country to ask for cooperation.

They told him that they were willing to cooperate but there were conditions that Hideo couldn't agree to so he had to decline their offers.


Miku remembered suddenly remembers that her younger sister could also use magic and told Hideo but he said no, since Tohka was still far too young to fight.

"Yeah I get that she's still young but..."

Miku muttered as he got out of his office with a frown on her face.

Yui and Akagi who were passing by Hideo's office at the time notices Miku standing by it's door and they approached her seeing that it looks like he declined her offer.

"Don't take it the wrong way, Miku. He can't just have little kid be put in a dangerous position."

Yui placed a hand on Miku's shoulder to try and make her understand why Hideo had said no to her offer.


After thinking for a moment, she stops herself from making up an excuse and just shuts her mouth.

Yui had ofcourse gone all around the shrines and temples within Tokyo and she was also declined by the shrine maidens of those places.

They are now desperate for more people to help with dealing with immortals.

- - -

"I've come to cooperate with you."

A woman in her mid twenties had arrived at the E.I.M.D's lobby.

Wearing a business suit with long black hair with black eyes, she parallel to Hideo.

Hideo was surprised by this statement of hers but was a little suspicious at how she suddenly just came out of nowhere.

"Cooperate? You mean you'll join E.I.M.D--"

The suit-wearing woman interupts him and corrects his misunderstanding by saying:

"No, It's not me that will be joining your... Ranks."

"What do you mean? Why did you come here then?"

The woman takes a folder out of the suitcase that she brought with her and places on the coffee table.

"What's this?"

He inquired seeing the folder that the woman had just taken out.

"It's a list of people- or should I say a list of non-humans that are willing to help you."

Hideo picks it up and opens it, his jaw drops in shock of how many names and addresses were written on the sheets of paper that were inside of the folder.

"You, H-Have the higher ups sent you here?"

The woman just shakes her head denying that she was a employee that the higher ups had ordered.

"T-Then, Why are you helping us then?"

Now with a serious stern look on his face he asked the formally dressed woman seated across from him.

The woman just sighs at his question. "I work for no one, I just heard about you looking for more people."

'At last! A saint has come to help!' was the thought in his head as he heard her answer with a grin on his face.

"I-I can't possibly accept this though..."

The woman just laughs at his second misunderstanding and just shrugs.

"I'm not exactly giving it for free anyways."

Hearing this Hideo closes the folder and puts it back on the coffee table.

"Then what do you want in return?"

He crossed his arms with his back leaning on the sofa.

The woman gets up when he asked this question and states:

"I just want to talk to the Tamamo no Mae descendant, that's all"

The whole lobby became quite as she said so, with Hideo just staring at her.

'Talk? What could she want to talk to Yui for?'

"Talk?" Hideo's brow furrowed.

"Yes, I'm just curious about her since I'm into legends." She smiles at the middle-aged head priest.

'If that's all she wants then I guess it's fine...'

Hideo still couldn't let his guard down since immortals have tried to infiltrate E.I.M.D and failed in the past.

He gives her a nod but he stated that he needs to be in the same room as them if she wanted to do so.

A sharp grin emerged on the woman's face as she was told that she could talk to her.

"Thank you, That's all I want ."

She then proceeded to bow and started walking to the entrance of the building leaving the folder behind.

'I might have to set countermeasures to just to be safe...' He thought looking at the woman who was now outside.

Yui who was coincidentally walking by the lobby about to head out was called by Hideo and told that a woman wanted to talk with her.

"A woman? Who? Why would she want to talk with me?"

Yui not knowing who that woman that he's describing just tilts her head.

"How should I say this... She gave us a whole list of possible new members then she asked me if she could talk to you."

"She what?!"

Yui grabbed the folder that Hideo had in he hand.

"T-This is way too suspicious..."

"Yeah, that's what the problem is."

Hideo just crosses his arms once again and nods in agreement.


The time of the said "talk" that the suit-wearing woman has come, Yui and Hideo were seated across the said woman inside of one of the interogation rooms of the E.I.M.D building.

Hideo had ofcourse prepared some traps and countermeasures in case the woman tries something.

"So... You're Tamamo no Mae's descendant?" The woman asked with a grin plastered all over her face.

"Yes, And can I what it is that you wanted to talk about?"

'Going straight to the point now,are we?' The face of the woman suddenly softens as she hears Yui speak to her.

"Well, I just wanted to interview you, that's all."

"Interview? For what?"

"I run a blog that centers around japanese legends, and I want to interview for that blog since you're the descendant of Tamamo no Mae."

The woman takes out a micro recorder from her hand bag and places it on the table in front of them.

'So she just wants to monopolize that fact, huh?'

Hearing the woman's explaination, Yui's eyes looked at her like she was a piece of trash.

[End of Chapter 14]

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