Immortal Moon

Chapter 23

Still inside the dorm room that Yui and Miku shared, Yui had left the dorm area to ask Hideo what to do about the mana-related problem that the purple-haired girl is currently suffering from and from her absence Miku is currently alone in their room just sitting in a corner feeling exhausted despite her already being well rested.

I can't believe i just used up most of my mana to just buy time... What was i thinking...

She held her head as if she had just gotten a headache.

The sliding door slowly opened as she did so with Kuro's sister Shumizu standing at the front of it.

"Are you all right? I heard that you saw Rika last night."

"I'm fine... Just a slight head ache..."

Shumizu had the look that gave off the idea that she had just gotten out of bed, with her hair still a mess she rubbed her eyes.

"It's really scary how Rika was suddenly acting that way..."

Shumizu put a hand under her chin as if thinking about something

"She caught me by surprise honestly... I didn't expect her to just show like nothing had happened..."

Before she collapsed she heard Yui talking to Rika who wasn't acting like herself before losing conciousness...

That memory started to bothered her as she remembered everything that had happened the previous night.

From Rika suddenly popping out of nowhere to the part where she had to buy time until Yui got to her location.


Back at the old-looking japanese mansion the same black-haired nekomata is currently putting on a black hood over her head to disquise herself...

I need to personally observe that fox...

With that thought she prepared herself for a trip to Tokyo to observe Yui and the others as she continued her plans of revenge...

"Are you sure you don't need any back up, master?"

The currently under her control Aoi inquired standing in front of the gates of the aforementioned mansion wanting to accompany her.

"No, I can go by myself."

She declined making Aoi go back in through the property's gates.

It looks like I still can't move my body the way that I wanted... Damn, her control is still so strong...

Aoi's still active conciousnesness had been trying to gain control of her own body once again from the control of Ten's mind control from the moment she casted magic for it to take effect until now.

But she had no luck on succeeding at this...

Meanwhile Rika's was also still active and was also trying to regain control of her own body and is also currently failing to do so.

Both have tried various spells including a spell that could make a soul or entity possessing your body leave it, but these also had no effect.

It was like this said spell had no way of deactivating without the caster's permission.

There's gotta be away!

Both exclaimed internally as they desperately thought of other means of dispelling it from themselves and escaping.

They both thought hard until...

Using every bit of knowledge when it came to spells and magic Rika remembered that a kind of magic that can hijack someone's body but this would only last for a few days before her conciousness would go back to her own body was possible to cast in case something like this would happen, but the only problem with this kind of magic is she needs a vessel- a human or a humanoid's body to do it and call or help from the guys from E.I.M.D.

And this produces YET another problem, her body which is still being controlled by Ten is currently inside the mansion guarding the inner sanctum like a guard dog watching someone's house.

Since this spell was currently not possible to use she opted to think of another way...

Meanwhile while all this thinking was happening Aoi had already also thought of an idea...
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Her idea was the same as her twin's idea except she could literally do it since her body is currently on the roof of the huge mansion on the look out for anyone would trespass into the property without permission.

Now all she had to do was wait for someone to pass by in front of the gate and activate the spell before the said person could get out of the range of it.

With every once of hope that she had she started waiting persistently for a single human or humanoid to pass by for her to hijack their body.

Minutes... Hours... have already passed and her body had still hasn't moved from it's position on the roof where it had been this whole time as she waited for the opportunity, the only opportunity to finally call for help and finally end this whole mind control business once and for all.

This continued on until...

A elf who looked like an editor of publishing company had walked by, with her short pointy ears, her long black-colored hair stood out along with her blue eyes which looked like jewels.

Aoi quickly started chanting the words to make the spell to temporarily transfer her own conciousness activate, fast enough that she manages to succeed at doing it.

With a "Shigure here, What seems to be the problem?" sounding like she was in the middle of a call as she slowly walked away not realising that there was something fishy going on inside of the old mansion she had now gotten someone's conciousness temporarily inside of her mind like it was a kind of mind control.

Waiting for her call to end as to not make the person on the other end suspicious of anything Aoi quickly started hijacking the elven woman's body by knocking the conciousness of that woman's out.

Now with that out of the way she had now temporarily gained control of her body like it was hers all along.

Looks like I succeeded...

This same spell could also let her use any kind of magic as long as the said body wasn't too tired.

She started controlling making her way to a alley where no one could see her using teleportation or any kind of magic for that matter.

With a magic circle appearing underneath the body it was not teleported along with her temp conciousnesness to the front of the Earth's Immortal Management Division's building.

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